View Full Version : thurso high school sports hall & parkour

29-May-07, 23:19
ok ive been thinkin...basically the plan of action is to hire the thurso high school sports hall along with some crashmats and gymnastic kit so i can practise parkour. at the mo there is only a couple of us to do it so if anybody else wants to join us gimme a shout on [email protected] . also if anybody knows who to contact regarding the sports hall please contact me aswell.


29-May-07, 23:21
ok ive been thinkin...basically the plan of action is to hire the thurso high school sports hall along with some crashmats and gymnastic kit so i can practise parkour. at the mo there is only a couple of us to do it so if anybody else wants to join us gimme a shout on [email protected] . also if anybody knows who to contact regarding the sports hall please contact me aswell.


Sorry, can't help but..
I would expect you should contact the school and ask to be put through to the PE department.

30-May-07, 00:01
aye would probably be a good starting point. also anybody who wants to join us is free to come....pretty much any age can come but i would advise being at least 12+ and less than 40.

30-May-07, 00:05
aye would probably be a good starting point. also anybody who wants to join us is free to come....pretty much any age can come but i would advise being at least 12+ and less than 40.

Thats another one off the chrissy card list:lol:

But he way what is parkour?, in my day it was a type of coat.

30-May-07, 00:08
(park-or) an urban activity where a traceur completes a 'run', overcoming obstacles on the route with a variety of gymnastic and acrobatic moves including elements such as jumps, vaults, and wall runs.

For a more compete definition click here.
Resource: www.parkour.x2hosting.co.uk/parkour/parkour_glossary.html (http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=X&start=0&oi=define&q=http://www.parkour.x2hosting.co.uk/parkour/parkour_glossary.html&usg=AFrqEzcekSe1Jhf8fCkcqClm15RryyGAeA)

30-May-07, 00:15
my mate tom ("cat") from down home doing his stuff..thats basically wat i do..and its not that over 40's cant do it lol...just like under 12s can also do it but at those ages you stamina,strength balance and agility arent wat they could be as well as your general fitness. also people over 40 normally dont want to do it lol

30-May-07, 00:27
Having read about it, I take your point, so you are back on the card list :lol:

30-May-07, 00:28
(park-or) an urban activity where a traceur completes a 'run', overcoming obstacles on the route with a variety of gymnastic and acrobatic moves including elements such as jumps, vaults, and wall runs.

So a bit like a stagger home on a saturday night clutching a kebab like your life depended on it ! :lol:

30-May-07, 00:30
exactly like that solus...sept i havent found a kebab shop yet wen im leavin skins....just a bunch of police tellin us to get back off the road

30-May-07, 00:50
great description solus:lol:

30-May-07, 01:45
my mate tom ("cat") from down home doing his stuff..thats basically wat i do..and its not that over 40's cant do it lol...just like under 12s can also do it but at those ages you stamina,strength balance and agility arent wat they could be as well as your general fitness. also people over 40 normally dont want to do it lol

Excellent video, here is one of some Thurso loons, its a great mix, I know they are maybe not pros but its a good video, find out who they are and drag them along


I think you could ask Zebedy on the org.

30-May-07, 07:55
Your first move is to get in touch with the school and ask for a Let Form. It may be a good idea to find out at that time what is available on the nights you want the hall. Fill in the form and return it TO THE SCHOOL so they can check details and make sure their is a janitor available to service the let. All being well, they will forward the form to Wick and they will issue a detailed form with the let number and the cost to you. It can be expensive to hire a hall just for one or two people unless it is a youth group.
Hope this helps.

30-May-07, 18:04
thanks guys....yeah i know its quite expensive..down home we rented our hall for £20 an hour...quite expensive if ur there all day lol

30-May-07, 18:22
If you have your own crash mats and other equipment, could you not use the Drill Hall in Castletown??, would think it might be a bitty cheaper, but could be wrong.

30-May-07, 18:34
aye problem is i dont have my own kit!! does the drill hall not have any?

30-May-07, 18:42
:) i;m in for tryin this, gotta get masel a baby sitter first. Aslong as ur under 40 well i fit that, Im sure i can jump, run, and fall like the rest [lol]

30-May-07, 18:43
:) i;m in for tryin this, gotta get masel a baby sitter first. Aslong as ur under 40 well i fit that, Im sure i can jump, run, and fall like the rest [lol]
feel free to come along the more people the better

30-May-07, 18:50
ok both my sons are intrested, one is 11 and the other 13 they real good, and did this last year.

30-May-07, 18:53
good stuff...good to see it is know getting some interest....im sure they can show me a few things as i have been out of practise for 2 years now

30-May-07, 18:57
where u guna b @? when? ma boys really interested. Is there a fee? Hey an btw ty 4 gee-in kids sumthing ta do. good stuffs

30-May-07, 19:03
ok at the moment i am not sure where i am gonna be at..generally parkour is done on the street but i like to do some training indoors as it is a far safer environment to practise as it can be dangerous at times....there is no fee as far as im concerened but it would be nice if they could chip towards the fee of any room i hire out..and as far as the last point is concerned its all good....keep em fit too...better than watchin tv all day

30-May-07, 19:26
Good to hear of someone trying something new in the area.
It may be an Idea to contact Caithness Sports Council as they may assist and offer some advice. Just a thought and good luck.:)


30-May-07, 19:46
Excellent video, here is one of some Thurso loons, its a great mix, I know they are maybe not pros but its a good video, find out who they are and drag them along


I think you could ask Zebedy on the org.That was brilliant, I wouldn't mind a try myself.

30-May-07, 23:04
ok i now have an extra person...my cousin will also be coming along...that puts the total amount of ppl up to about 5 hopefully..... as i said before the more the better..(obviously not 2 many of course otherwise there will not be enuf room) ill let everyone know a date and time and place....probably over the weekend or next week now.

31-May-07, 15:52
ok ok good stuffs, seems for one oh ma son waitin ta the weekend is to long lol. He already jumpin around the walls etc etc, i gave up tellin em ta stop.

31-May-07, 18:58
ok ok good stuffs, seems for one oh ma son waitin ta the weekend is to long lol. He already jumpin around the walls etc etc, i gave up tellin em ta stop.

lol thats enthusiasm for ya....where bouts are u....thurso?? dont av a sports hall yet but if weather is good on sunday mite be able to see what they can do

31-May-07, 21:58
Excellent video, here is one of some Thurso loons, its a great mix, I know they are maybe not pros but its a good video, find out who they are and drag them along


I think you could ask Zebedy on the org.

Fantastic video.........Enjoyed watching that.

31-May-07, 22:42
looks like loads off fun hope u get somewhere to practice the only thing wi usin crash mats and gym equipment they might not be too happy about usin footwear an u would prob have to use ur bare feet or summit

31-May-07, 23:11
yeah generally sports centers say bare feet...or indoor shoes(trainers/pumps).......its normally not too bad in bare feet...till u slip up and catch a toe which ive done a few times lol

31-May-07, 23:15
yeah generally sports centers say bare feet...or indoor shoes(trainers/pumps).......its normally not too bad in bare feet...till u slip up and catch a toe which ive done a few times lol
dont be a wossy lol its only a bit o pain[lol]

01-Jun-07, 08:21
we are in castletown, and on sunday they will be there lol. I'm sure u'll have heaps of kids etc coming along, cause omg is this just not what were needing lol. Ma 4 year old does forward fl;ips an all sorts and he frightens me:eek:

01-Jun-07, 17:58
lol fair one...i am also in castletown as u can see on ma profile lol....just round on calder sqaure....been to thurso high school today to see if i can get hold of the hall....they are "looking into it" for me...

02-Jun-07, 18:31
Good luck with the hall, my experience teaching full contact martial arts has been that sports hall, leisure centres etc want to make sure you have professional indemnity insurance, and dependent on activity group insurance.

Not sure how that will go with Parkour, its also worth noting that in the UK waiver forms dont hold up legally, they do in most places in Europe but not in the UK.

I hope you get it off the ground, a few of my students, now in Aberdeen studying did a lot of Parkour in Thurso, did a few vids and stuff also.

03-Jun-07, 13:29
hey there, ur on calder square? ermmmm ok then, lads waitin lol they keen ta show of. I was in never saw no1

03-Jun-07, 17:09
Problem with the high school is that both gyms and games hall are booked p solid most evenings

03-Jun-07, 17:58
Hey am one of the people in the video who moved to aberdeen, but am back in thurso now for the summer so if you get any word back from the high school give me a shout cheers.

I have a very short video of me in the gym we managed to hire out in aberdeen. Link bellow


Some of you may also be intersted in this video, it shows the work of some tracuers in london teaching in association with Westminster Council’s Positive Futures Team.


03-Jun-07, 18:17
on the first vidio clip, ma son who is 11 has done some of this already, swingin on the high bar and flippin round and round, infact they tellin me ma 4 year old also did it wea them at the time. OK then ermmm ma boys are quiet boys guess i have no clue what they been up to after all cause i prolly woulda said stop [lol]

03-Jun-07, 21:21
yeah ill definatly give you a shout when you come back up....those double kongs in the first vid are sweet btw....still gym searching at the mo....some of you guys are gonna laugh at me a bit as ive been out of practise for 2 years now lol....