View Full Version : The Old John O'Groats Mill

John O'Groats Mill Trust
13-Jan-18, 13:08
Hello all!

The John O'Groats Mill Trust is a community lead project aiming to breathe new life into the old Mill in John O'Groats. We hope to acquire the necessary funding in order to bring it into community ownership. The plan thereafter is to restore it into a hub for the local communities and further afield.

We are drawing close to applying for our Stage 1 funding and in order to be successful we need as much support from the public as possible. We held an Open Weekend at the Mill towards the end of last year where we saw hundreds of people cross the door and register as members of the Mill Trust - all keen to see the project come to fruition. We have constantly been asking our members and people in the community the burning question - 'What do you want to see the Mill become?'. The responses have been wonderful and very varied but we are now at the stage of narrowing this down and have compiled a survey to help with this.

We would really appreciate you taking the time to fill it in. It will really help us understand what the community wants from the Mill building. It only takes a couple of minutes and your input will make a difference. Just click on the link below.

ONLINE SURVEY: http://bit.ly/millsurvey

This will be a huge help! And please feel free to pass the survey onto anyone willing to complete it. The more support, the stronger our case.

If you would like to become a member go to our Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/johnogroatsmill/) or email us on [email protected]

Again, thanks for your support in advance. This is an exciting prospect and we hope to see it become a reality.

The John O'Groats Mill Trust

30-Jan-18, 18:21
I'll go out and see the mill some time. I must have passed it however many times without a glance. If something is going to be done with it, the John O' Groats Mill is in just the right place to draw in visitors, and to feed and water them and perhaps more.

Have these people got it right? - https://wikishire.co.uk/wiki/John_o%27_Groats_Mill

Bill Fernie
30-Jan-18, 18:29
The potential to make an excellent visitor attraction is within reach as the mill has not been out of work for all that long a period.

In addition the Caithness Broch project has identified land beside the mill to build a replica broch - http://www.thebrochproject.co.uk/projects

The two projects would together make an excellent set of facilities for visitors and locals alike. If you have ever visited the replica at Skara Brae in Orkney you will get the idea.