View Full Version : Xmas Day Meals

Highland RS
27-Nov-17, 23:19
Does anyone know of anywhere in Wick which is doing meals on xmas day and still has spaces?

We normally have it as a family affair at home but due to circumstances this year it would be a lot easier to eat out.

29-Nov-17, 19:41
Not Wick but try Ulbster Arms Hotel in Halkirk they MIGHT and I say Might have some room left. This is where we have gone for Christmas for the past 7 years now and it always has bee really good and very reasonable in price.


Bill Fernie
30-Nov-17, 08:13
Try the Norseman - they have done it in the past and was very good.

01-Dec-17, 16:49
Halladale Inn Melvich are doing Christmas day meals 01641 531282

Highland RS
02-Dec-17, 05:50
Hi All

Thank you for your messages. We tried the Norseman but unfortunately Andrew has no room left there and is running a wait list. He said he would get Castletown to get in touch but have heard nothing from them.

Thank you for the other ideas, unfortunately due to the age of those coming, and what may be a risky weather Christmas, it would have really needed to have been something in Wick itself.

Thank you to everyone anyway, it is much appreciated and you replies may also help others who are looking.

13-Dec-17, 21:48

We know it wouldn't have helped in this instance and not what everyone is maybe looking for when they consider going out for a Christmas Day meal but also know that a number of people do this due to maybe not feeling fit enough to cook a large meal on Christmas Day so there is this an option. Donations for the event are welcome if people who are coming along wish to contribute but no one is obligated.

Pay it Forward Thurso are organising a community Christmas Celebration on Christmas Day at Caithness Rugby Clubhouse, Millbank, Thurso. Anyone in Caithness is welcome to come along, if you don't have transport please let us know and we will arrange something for you. The Community Christmas meal is open to anyone who would like to come along from individuals to families from those not expecting visitors this year to anyone who may be struggling with Christmas due to ill health, financial strain or bereavement - please take the strain off and come celebrate Christmas with us in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere with lots of Christmas cheer. For those who wish to contribute towards their meal we will accept donations on the day which will be used for further community meals and go toward next Christmas but no one is under any obligation to do so.

The Community Christmas is for anyone to enjoy, take the hassle out of preparing a large meal and take the opportunity to come and join us, meet new friends and socialise this Christmas Day at a Community Celebration. Booking is preferred so we know how many we are cooking for please contact us on 01847 890211 or call or text 07980958183 or email to [email protected]. You can also contact us via Facebook at www.facebook.com/pifthurso (http://www.facebook.com/pifthurso)

We still have some places available.

13-Dec-17, 22:19
What a fantastic idea for Thurso - hope you get a good turn out and all the food gets eaten. Best wishes for the day

Where I live the chef volunteered his skills and managed to get food from his suppliers, we had about 30 people who were on their own otherwise, we bought tablecloths, serviettes, juices and wines, crackers and various sauces too - it was a long hard working day but it was great, entertainment was provided by friends of the chef who were entertainers and gave their services free too.