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View Full Version : Balloon Release

Kevin Milkins
26-Sep-17, 09:58
I have just been feasting on my weekly diet of the John O Groat Journal and was a little perturbed by the story about hundreds of balloons are going to be released to highlight the fears of hospital bed cuts.
I fully support the group with its intentions, but a little bit surprised that they plan to litter the environment with balloons that are now well documented to cause a great deal of harm to animals and the environment, I find it even more ironic that the same paper on page 7, (couldn’t find a link) headlines with “Report Highlights Dangers of Plastic Pollution.” Perhaps I’m just getting grumpy in my old age!
I hope the action group every success in their aim to keep all the great facilities that are here in Caithness, but would urge them to reconsider releasing balloons.


26-Sep-17, 11:12
If you check the CHAT Facebook page, it would seem they have cancelled the balloon release due to the impact on wildlife and the environment (post from the morning of the 23rd). I hope this puts you mind at ease!

Kevin Milkins
26-Sep-17, 11:48
If you check the CHAT Facebook page, it would seem they have cancelled the balloon release due to the impact on wildlife and the environment (post from the morning of the 23rd). I hope this puts you mind at ease!

Thank you Floki.
I had not seen the CHAT Facebook page so I should perhaps, "keep up with play". It does put my mind at rest that others had also given a second consideration to the proposed plan. Good luck to all of them though with the campaign.