View Full Version : Moving to the highlands

14-Aug-17, 18:24
Hi everyone

Me and Lynn are looking up to the area in the near future, trying to do our home work about the realities of highland life

Would love to hear from you all what do you love about living in Caithness and what challenges do you and by return are we likely to face


14-Aug-17, 19:51
Hi Jim/Lynn.

The most important thing.......You have to go to Inverness for a McDonalds! you soon get used to the idea of 'popping' down to Inverness for certain things, even though it is a five hour round trip. Time and distance are somehow different up here.

Don't expect anything to get done today, the Caithness way is a lot slower, that can take a bit of getting used to. It should say 'Manyana' on the flag!

Almost everyone is friendly and will talk to you, don't be suspicious, we are just nice people.

You can't have any secrets up here, everyone knows everything that happens.

It's a great place to live if you can cope with being so far from anywhere. We wouldn't swap it for anywhere else.

Hope you find your perfect place in Caithness.

14-Aug-17, 21:17
If people don't know anything about you they will make it up. I am talking from experience too. If you're looking for employment when you arrive here be prepared for "It's not what you know, It's who you know". Everything is expensive up here and according to couriers we are an Island. If you have to rely on public transport be prepared for the trains to be cancelled at very short notice as the driver or guard may have phoned in sick. If you like takeaways there's loads, you'll be spoilt for choice as to which Chinese or kebab shop to use. On the upside there is a Lidl.

14-Aug-17, 21:54
On the plus side....

No speed limits, though traffic calming measures in the form of potsinkholes litter the roads.

14-Aug-17, 21:58
Thanks for the great advice ! The slower pace of life sounds perfect ! Well at the min anyway and we're both northeners so chatty is what we do

14-Aug-17, 21:59
Lol so my secret second head isn't going to be missed dam :-)

The Horseman
14-Aug-17, 22:00
And many days it is wind and rain, or Horizontal rain and wind.
It is a lovely place on the good days. One gets fed up with the weather.

14-Aug-17, 22:11
Thanks for that horse man though our main Weather question ( we're expecting the rain and wind ) is does it snow proper?

14-Aug-17, 22:26
Thanks for that horse man though our main Weather question ( we're expecting the rain and wind ) is does it snow proper?

Last winter we only had one day of 'proper' snow, even then it only lasted one day. We do however get the northern lights regularly which does make up for the odd day of snow 32662

14-Aug-17, 23:05
I have sent you a message...click on your name and go to messages...

Good luck...


Kevin Milkins
14-Aug-17, 23:23
The place grows on you. Most folk leave your stuff alone and if you don't make the effort to get on , all the better.

You will find after living here for a while you will acclimatise to weather and pace of life and going South is like facing the bogey man head on.

15-Aug-17, 00:25
No speed limits!! - I think you'll find the road safety unit cars from Dingwall have other ideas. More than 10mph over the limit £200 and 4 points at least

15-Aug-17, 08:16
In my experience, Caithness is different to the rest of the Highlands and has a unique character of it's own. If you love it and go with the flow and above all, don't complain if it's not like down south, then you'll do well!

15-Aug-17, 08:48
The ultra slow pace of life and nothing to do is mind numbing unless your the outdoors type. Every thing is South which can be a fortune to get to and takes a day to get there . Not for all but a small few that can cope ,if your into family and their in England not so good and it's more expensive to get south than you think. Most who move up and have sold property south won't be able to go back ,my friend is in that boat . His wife could not cope and went back to England and family and he's still here in a house he can't sell ,he dropped the price to £40,000 less than he paid 8years ago and he says the prices down south now makes it a NO buy zone for him . He's one of a few that it not worked out for which is a shame . Best of luck .

15-Aug-17, 09:30
I saw this on a web site the other day maybe a bit of a geek as was amazed you got it so low

15-Aug-17, 09:32
Thanks dozy something we hadn't considered were aiming for long term but who knows what the future holds, we're outdoor types guess that's the appeal to us

15-Aug-17, 12:50
Wind and midges. Personaly I dont mind either but some cant hack them....

Midges- my mother forever complains about them; to be honest the summer winds (5-20mph depending on your location) keep the midges at bay for most of the summer. When you do get big swarms they only last a day or two and tend to stick close to buildings, trees and standing water If you have to go out and their is no way around the swarm, a deet based perfume and keep your mouth closed. But hey this is scotland! I can think of a thousand and one places where the midges are monsterously worse (west coast anyone.)

Wind, the winter winds hang around the 80mph range and we have had a couple of 100+ storms since we moved up. I love listening to the storms but some don't... a number of places I know have been snapped up in the summer only to be on sale again after the first winter storm. If you are prepared for them they are pretty harmless. Our house is ridiculously exposed but we have never lost a tile. When a storm comes we weigh down our wheely bins and fasten them closed with a bungey to avoid rubbish flying out. The worst we had was when I didn't get home in time to bring the plant pots in and I found them going for a walk down the drive.... that's another point the wind is cold enough to burn delicate plants so if you aren't blessed with a good fence then you will need a space indoors/pollytunel to winter the less hardy verities.

My advice have a holiday up here in the winter don't just fall in love with caithness in the summer. On the upside as soon as word got out that we had survived our first winter we were told " your local then now." This place is ever so friendly and has a hell of a lot more ups than downs.

15-Aug-17, 14:45
Thanks bower some great advice ! Is there a particular brand you have found works for the midges ?

15-Aug-17, 16:28
This stuff helps apparently :- https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwj26aGHxtnVAhVNOhsKHScyCpoYABAAGgJ3bA&num=1&sig=AOD64_30qkxnFX13h0MV2aMdRH72vknWmg&adurl=&q=&nb=0&rurl=https%3A%2F%2F9254454c42a8d9a2c92ea5a52a9831b a2076246c2ee41a31ebe0a7aac9d7a9f9%2F335d5557572fc9 3705cbf76b53ca2843540914f58bf6ec65e71f7ec562cc7783&nm=3&nx=146&ny=11&is=926x234&clkt=397&bg=!1dal1s5E2BnuwKWkIHYCAAAAnFIAAAAimQFpLoNKJsVz5g j-V36DDN8ExKrcKGjsK5J_E2jxUocXvG5DpbB8rv-7jnmXKE0-6Njr-q3TyguYBk1_uTpwQl7ZnnRAaFATKF_StXh6l8aegaZMqvIHEiy MGXFb6Gsf_10C6CW2fDLCVT2w0Z2w29o_4EF6JeMTIkk78F2CG jU6ZLBF229eJi1Q7vh5DfnI9KP1QGEBtTXS6uFkkAWOYgAxmJy 2hVldLFr8R3Oh_AVqSvCGyI4DCydjVFIOWoOHNa80yInIO_kKh XaDwoYLlq-h9yd0UsUvHL8BDv1xdAEskU0sPs-ibgjwEvo0TCzPIixoNerHnEob0nxEOZgjOsf1Yv4o6DTwkzjv2 CA18DI1_GBVjXtmStrsczAb_gsER4t-ksGw0DPtlS27aCBDfa3J21RKLOKWCylsPQhCNXCs-zSGluDjpGn5Fb15-uoeFBed2vjgaS-ES3RCSnEBD_e73du2dCliy9zZcQ :D

15-Aug-17, 16:32
Hello Jim, You still have time to change your Mind , If you do not mind having to travel to Inverness to buy something that would cost you half the price as Caithness, or if you are fortunate enough not to become ill, and your only hope of survival is in Raigmore Invernes instead of Wick, then you should be fine, Or if you dont mind moast areas being dead at weekends, when everywhere else is open, again you should be fine, and not to mention , if you dont mind the local council still being stuck in the 1960"s, and charging for most things, but giving very little back in return, you should be fine...Great place if you are only passing thru it.

15-Aug-17, 16:58
Most people up hear swear by smidge but your just paying a lot of money for a fancy smell. Anything that is 30% deet minimum will work... the trick is to find one that you don't mind the smell of because if you don't apply it EVERYWHERE they will find that one spot and swarm to it. I'm talking eyelids, top lip, ears, any exposed skin surface and anywhere that could be exposed when you bend over... just above your sock for example. I personaly use the 50% jungle formula sold by boots (marked as suitable for yellow fever zones! Its water resistant so I don't have to keep reappling every time i break into a sweat - yes it does get that hot up here...occasionaly) they do it as a spray and as a roll on for the face. You have to buy the stuff in batches cos its only sold up here around the summer holidays.

Then again I live out in the sticks you might get away with a milder formula out in the towns. Anyone else care to comment.....

JANJO is a little pesamistic but she is right about taking your time you can't appreciate the isolation up here with just a few short visits and as dozy said once you have moved up it's hard to move back out. If you have the finances / flexibility renting for a while would give you a good idea whether you can hack the weather, popping down to Invernes ectra whilst leaving you free to relocate if needed. (I hope you wont it is great up here :-D.)

15-Aug-17, 18:33
In the summer it doesn't get dark....in the winter it doesn't get light

15-Aug-17, 18:56
But that's not true, is it? In the winter, it does get light, maybe not for long but it does happen!

15-Aug-17, 19:46
caithness is full of people who dont want to live here, but here they live for what ever reason, i was born here live here and will die here, i have traveled all over the world and find that all points on the compass point to home with no wish to live anywhere else, its a great place to live just say hi to the neighbours and help out if they need it and the favour will be returned when you need it, thats the way we live up here, live like that and you will soon become a local, learn the language lek ats hid ower er an iss is hid ower here, and your home and dry

15-Aug-17, 20:24
No speed limits!! - I think you'll find the road safety unit cars from Dingwall have other ideas. More than 10mph over the limit £200 and 4 points at least

I have sent you a message...click on your name and go to messages...

Good luck...


caithness is full of people who dont want to live here, but here they live for what ever reason, i was born here live here and will die here, i have traveled all over the world and find that all points on the compass point to home with no wish to live anywhere else, its a great place to live just say hi to the neighbours and help out if they need it and the favour will be returned when you need it, thats the way we live up here, live like that and you will soon become a local, learn the language lek ats hid ower er an iss is hid ower here, and your home and dry

Thanks Big Mac it's a big draw for us we live In a soul less community where no one speaks to each other and everything is just a little bit dour and disposable !

15-Aug-17, 20:25
[QUOTE=dragonfly;1169533]In the summer it doesn't get dark....in the winter it doesn't get light[/QU

Is that a good thing or a bad thing ??

15-Aug-17, 20:30
[QUOTE=B0wer;1169526]Most people up hear swear by smidge but your just paying a lot of money for a fancy smell. Anything that is 30% deet minimum will work... the trick is to find one that you don't mind the smell of because if you don't apply it EVERYWHERE they will find that one spot and swarm to it. I'm talking eyelids, top lip, ears, any exposed skin surface and anywhere that could be exposed when you bend over... just above your sock for example. I personaly use the 50% jungle formula sold by boots (marked as suitable for yellow fever zones! Its water resistant so I don't have to keep reappling every time i break into a sweat - yes it does get that hot up here...occasionaly) they do it as a spray and as a roll on for the face. You have to buy the stuff in batches cos its only sold up here around the summer holidays.

Thanks bower everyone keeps mentioning some stuff from Avon works a treat will bring some of stuff you suggested up as they love me !

15-Aug-17, 20:32
Hello Jim, You still have time to change your Mind , If you do not mind having to travel to Inverness to buy something that would cost you half the price as Caithness, or if you are fortunate enough not to become ill, and your only hope of survival is in Raigmore Invernes instead of Wick, then you should be fine, Or if you dont mind moast areas being dead at weekends, when everywhere else is open, again you should be fine, and not to mention , if you dont mind the local council still being stuck in the 1960"s, and charging for most things, but giving very little back in return, you should be fine...Great place if you are only passing thru it.

Am I detecting a hint of pessimism janjo ? 😀 Any highlights as well ?

15-Aug-17, 20:40
[QUOTE=Aaldtimer;1169520]This stuff helps apparently :- [URL]https://www.google

This is the stuff everyone says to try habe you given it a whirl ??

Got to ask are you in the m h field with the r d Laing quote ( it's the field I'm in )

15-Aug-17, 20:52
Keep to the road.

Stay off the moors.

15-Aug-17, 21:21
Keep to the road.

Stay off the moors.

Werewolves ???

15-Aug-17, 21:48
[QUOTE=Aaldtimer;1169520]This stuff helps apparently :- [URL]https://www.google

This is the stuff everyone says to try habe you given it a whirl ??

A. Have never had the need for it...immunised by 2+ years of Singapore Mozzies!:eek: Hearsay recommendations only.

Got to ask are you in the m h field with the r d Laing quote ( it's the field I'm in )

A. Not in the Mental Health field, no. (Well past retirement for any field);)

Only thing to look out for on the moors is the adders taking the rays!:)

Enjoy your stay and ignore the naysayers...I came up here in '79, just to see if I would like it...say no more!

16-Aug-17, 00:41
Werewolves ???

& don't forget the Vampires in Portgower

16-Aug-17, 08:08
One thing, if you are a lover of the outdoors so possibly you like walking and maybe have a dog(?), there are a lot of ticks in the summer and a risk of Lyme's disease so best to be aware of that when out and about and to take precautions.

16-Aug-17, 10:34
Having moved up to Lybster from Devon in March 16 Ive got to say there is some fantastic advice in this post and its covered nearly everything we have encountered. I would just add that why not come try it out before selling your soul into the move, we looked at a few different houses before committing and then came up over Christmas 2015 for a week in a holiday cottage. Or you could even rent for a few months before making the final purchase and commitment.

The time of the year you move will also dictate employment prospects so if your needing to work to cover expenses then March - September is the best time for job prospects, during the winter I found not a lot was advertised except for care and NHS positions so you need to ensure you have this covered or it could be 6-12 months of no earnings before you find anything possibly a lot longer.

When we came up on holiday we had a lot of expectations and a huge amount of doubts, within a couple days most of the doubts had gone and we had also realised a lot of what has been mentioned already. Even better for us is the fact we loved our holiday cottage so much that on the last day we found out it was for sale, quick call to the owner and local estate agent saw our house go up for sale 2nd Jan and we sold and moved in on 1st March and we can honestly say never once looked back.

Rules for Caithness

Tell people your business or they will make it up
Talk to locals they don't bite (most of the year)
Offer your support to the community offer ideas but don't try and change things.
If your coming to visit first, do it during the middle of winter, if you love that then summer will be a easy.

Any questions about moving please feel free to ask will try and help with anything we encountered.

16-Aug-17, 14:08
One word: naked sabbats! And if you're swingers, Halkirk's the place for you.

The Horseman
16-Aug-17, 15:05
You will find that there are mmmmany homes for sale there... I don't know how they can ask the prices they do.
Knock at least 25% off their asking price. The problem is that if you buy and want to sell, you will lose big time. Best to rent and when you set you eye on a place go LOW.
I do follow the Real Estate market and there is a large house that has been for sale for years....this is an example......it started out at £475,000and went down to 285,000. It keeps coming back......don't know where its is now but for years this has been going on.
Yes Halkirk takes the prize for criss/crossing! Won't take you long........Trust the Royal Mail!
Mind you, Lybster is an active little Village.....of course it depends what you want.

16-Aug-17, 16:30
But that's not true, is it? In the winter, it does get light, maybe not for long but it does happen!

To us locals it gets "light" but to those from further south it doesn't lol. I love the winter so not a problem but a lot of people up here are affected by SAD due to the lack of light especially if working normal daytime hours...you go to work in the dark and come home in it too

16-Aug-17, 16:37
[QUOTE=dragonfly;1169533]In the summer it doesn't get dark....in the winter it doesn't get light[/QU

Is that a good thing or a bad thing ??

Depends on if you like short days and long nights.. as I've said in reply to Fulmar, a lot of people get SAD and have to use UV lights to lift their mood due to the shortage of natural daylight during the midst of Winter. if you do come north in the winter you'll realise quite quickly the reason why Scots are so vocal about keeping the extra hour of daylight from the clock changes.

16-Aug-17, 17:11
Lybster is an active little Village.....of course it depends what you want. and the worst village in the county for incomers.

16-Aug-17, 17:48
and the worst village in the county for incomers.
I'm guessing that KJsigns will not agree with you!

16-Aug-17, 18:51
One word: naked sabbats! And if you're swingers, Halkirk's the place for you.

Think we can safely say we won't be going there then 😀

16-Aug-17, 18:56
Having moved up to Lybster from Devon in March 16 Ive got to say there is some fantastic advice in this post and its covered nearly everything we have encountered. I would just add that why not come try it out before selling your soul into the move, we looked at a few different houses before committing and then came up over Christmas 2015 for a week in a holiday cottage. Or you could even rent for a few months before making the final purchase and commitment.

The time of the year you move will also dictate employment prospects so if your needing to work to cover expenses then March - September is the best time for job prospects, during the winter I found not a lot was advertised except for care and NHS positions so you need to ensure you have this covered or it could be 6-12 months of no earnings before you find anything possibly a lot longer.

When we came up on holiday we had a lot of expectations and a huge amount of doubts, within a couple days most of the doubts had gone and we had also realised a lot of what has been mentioned already. Even better for us is the fact we loved our holiday cottage so much that on the last day we found out it was for sale, quick call to the owner and local estate agent saw our house go up for sale 2nd Jan and we sold and moved in on 1st March and we can honestly say never once looked back.

Rules for Caithness

Tell people your business or they will make it up
Talk to locals they don't bite (most of the year)
Offer your support to the community offer ideas but don't try and change things.
If your coming to visit first, do it during the middle of winter, if you love that then summer will be a easy.

Any questions about moving please feel free to ask will try and help with anything we encountered.

Thanks for that great advice we have done the last years holidays up and around the area sounds very similar and strangely I work in health so that sounds good.

We will defo be in touch with more questions

16-Aug-17, 19:00
You will find that there are mmmmany homes for sale there... I don't know how they can ask the prices they do.
Knock at least 25% off their asking price. The problem is that if you buy and want to sell, you will lose big time. Best to rent and when you set you eye on a place go LOW.
I do follow the Real Estate market and there is a large house that has been for sale for years....this is an example......it started out at £475,000and went down to 285,000. It keeps coming back......don't know where its is now but for years this has been going on.
Yes Halkirk takes the prize for criss/crossing! Won't take you long........Trust the Royal Mail!
Mind you, Lybster is an active little Village.....of course it depends what you want.

Not sure it's wise to ask but what's cross crossing ?

16-Aug-17, 19:08
Think we can safely say we won't be going there then 

Take note of the pampas grass and avoid the places marked with that too ;):lol:


So, to be serious I've always enjoyed my times in Caithness and once thought about living there full time, but distance from family and health issues counted against that. I agree with the people who said renting first is best. Very good advice, take heed of that. I would have been in a very bad position now if I'd gone with my heart not my head and overcommitted myself to a dwelling a few years back.

My tips would be waterproof clothing for there is no such thing as bad weather- just bad clothing, a love of outdoor life, a capacity for self reliance, enjoyment of your own company or the easy going nature to find friendship where it shows itself. There is no room for pretenders or 'the snowflakes' or drama queens in Caithness. Your neighbours will know your secrets and you'll know their secrets. Good fences make good neighbours. Be a good neighbour.

Keep complaining about broadband speeds till someone does something to improve it.

Good luck.

16-Aug-17, 19:13
Never got your message angel wasn't being rude

16-Aug-17, 19:17
Take note of the pampas grass and avoid the places marked with that too ;):lol:

As if that's actually a thing I'm now wracking my brain if I know any one with it in there garden 😩😩😩

So, to be serious I've always enjoyed my times in Caithness and once thought about living there full time, but distance from family and health issues counted against that. I agree with the people who said renting first is best. Very good advice, take heed of that. I would have been in a very bad position now if I'd gone with my heart not my head and overcommitted myself to a dwelling a few years back.

My tips would be waterproof clothing for there is no such thing as bad weather- just bad clothing, a love of outdoor life, a capacity for self reliance, enjoyment of your own company or the easy going nature to find friendship where it shows itself. There is no room for pretenders or 'the snowflakes' or drama queens in Caithness. Your neighbours will know your secrets and you'll know their secrets. Good fences make good neighbours. Be a good neighbour.

Was worried it sounded a bit cheesy but we're so looking forward to community self reliance real people

Keep complaining about broadband speeds till someone does something to improve it.

Good luck.

Thanks for the advice

18-Aug-17, 16:30
and the worst village in the county for incomers.

Required reading for future incomers perhaps?


wavy davy
18-Aug-17, 21:57
Required reading for future incomers perhaps?


Interesting. Thanks for that.

19-Aug-17, 12:13
Caithness may not have fast food outlets expensive places to shop

what caithness is rich in is the community te sense of well being

and somewhere do you want to live

i know where i wan to live its caithness

i wish you success in moving

20-Aug-17, 09:14
Get one of these, they're perfect for man (woman) or beast! http://www.tickcard.co.uk/

And maybe one of these (if you're out in the wilds like we are) http://www.midgie.net/

We've just moved up from NE Wales, it's bliss but not without some effort (which we don't have a problem with).

Everyone has been very helpful and friendly and we are completely taken with the place.

Thoroughly agree with the idea of rental recce if you've nowhere in mind, we airbnb'd to recce our place over 6mths or so prior to moving (we've just arrived).

We wish you much luck and best wishes.

20-Aug-17, 16:34
Get one of these, they're perfect for man (woman) or beast! http://www.tickcard.co.uk/

And maybe one of these (if you're out in the wilds like we are) http://www.midgie.net/

We've just moved up from NE Wales, it's bliss but not without some effort (which we don't have a problem with).

Everyone has been very helpful and friendly and we are completely taken with the place.

Thoroughly agree with the idea of rental recce if you've nowhere in mind, we airbnb'd to recce our place over 6mths or so prior to moving (we've just arrived).

We wish you much luck and best wishes.

Thanks Steve cheers for the advice where did you settle in the end ?

20-Aug-17, 16:38
Just playing through now interesting read thank you

21-Aug-17, 09:41
In Broubster, Shebster. Let me know how you get on.

I have to say that I am surprised at the number of incomers I'm meeting (many from Cheshire /Liverpool which was more my neck of the woods). I wonder how much it riles the natives, all these foreigners, I hope we don't. I think there was a response further up the thread about learning the language which we might go for, we learned a lot of North Walian over the 15 or so years we were there and can hold a basic conversation.

That said and I'll repeat, everyone I've met so far has been more than helpful. It's been a wonderful experience and I'm looking forward to seeing /experiencing the seasons.


The Horseman
21-Aug-17, 23:11
[QUOTE=SteveMarquis;1169773]In Broubster, Shebster. Let me know how you get on.

I have to say that I am surprised at the number of incomers I'm meeting (many from Cheshire /Liverpool which was more my neck of the woods). I wonder how much it riles the natives, all these foreigners, I hope we don't. I think there was a response further up the thread about learning the language which we might go for, we learned a lot of North Walian over the 15 or so years we were there and can hold a basic conversation.

That said and I'll repeat, everyone I've met so far has been more than helpful. It's been a wonderful experience and I'm looking forward to seeing /experiencing the seasons.

Methinks the names 'Natives and Foreigners' be forgotten! Arn't we all the same!
We go from Emigrant to Immigrant........

22-Aug-17, 11:28
Well said The Horseman

22-Aug-17, 12:43
[QUOTE=SteveMarquis;1169773]In Broubster, Shebster. Let me know how you get on.

I have to say that I am surprised at the number of incomers I'm meeting (many from Cheshire /Liverpool which was more my neck of the woods). I wonder how much it riles the natives, all these foreigners, I hope we don't. I think there was a response further up the thread about learning the language which we might go for, we learned a lot of North Walian over the 15 or so years we were there and can hold a basic conversation.

That said and I'll repeat, everyone I've met so far has been more than helpful. It's been a wonderful experience and I'm looking forward to seeing /experiencing the seasons.

Methinks the names 'Natives and Foreigners' be forgotten! Arn't we all the same!
We go from Emigrant to Immigrant........

Yes, we are ALL incomers.

Treud na Mara
23-Aug-17, 23:18
Before we moved, nearly 4 years ago, a neighbour, in Inverness, who had lived and worked in Wick for many years, warned us that 'Cattachs don't stab you in the back but march straight up to you and knife you in the chest'. Hasn't happened to either of us yet, so I guess we can't have given anyone any cause yet. Oh, I nearly forgot, someone on here took umbrage about a request for help with a deer problem, but anyone can pick up the wrong end of any stick!
I can't imagine living anywhere else now. It also means that family and friends have to really want to see you to make the effort to travel. I subsidised my children and grandchildren for the first three years' travel, until they were earning enough to afford their own rail tickets to Inverness. I tend to collect them from Inverness as the train times to Wick are ridiculous and the bus connection isn't always possible. My youngest granddaughter,8, would move here in a trice if I got the broadband sorted out!
Yes, I miss my favourite Costa coffee, but there are passable alternatives here and I bought myself a milk frother to make my own with. And when my favourite bread stopped being available I got a bread maker and now I make my own. I always try to insist that anything I buy online is delivered by Royal Mail or Parcelforce to keep the charges reasonable ie not punitive, and also to ensure it will be safely delivered to the correct address - see other strands on here for tales of woe about the various courier companies.
You find your priorities become reordered and I would say for the better. I wish, in some ways that we had moved here 15 years ago, but then I wouldn't be in the place I am now and that place is home.

24-Aug-17, 08:01
So whats a Cattach ?

31-Aug-17, 21:20
This is a bit tongue in cheek. It's funny but true. If you are not used to people randomly talking to you, it can seem a bit strange, but you soon get used to it, then when you head south be prepared for odd looks when you say 'hello' to strangers on the street.


01-Sep-17, 08:14
True enough. A friend of mine was in Thurso a few years ago to give a talk to (I think) the Field Club. She's Canadian, but had lived in Edinburgh for a few years by that time. She loved the scenery on the train up, the views and the architecture, and said the people were really friendly. The next morning she went for an early walk and was unsettled by complete strangers saying hello and talking about the weather. Her husband's from a farming family on the Isle of Man, and it took us both a long time to persuade her that this is what normal folk do outside the cities. To this day I don't think she's convinced.

03-Sep-17, 21:39

03-Sep-17, 21:41

03-Sep-17, 21:43
So whats a Cattach ?


05-Nov-17, 11:44
Hi Jim.

How are your plans going so far?

I’m also looking into moving to the Highlands before, or just after xmas, depending on the job market.
I shall be visiting at the end of November, staying in Thurso and Wick for a week to try and get a feel for the place.

I’m a Yorkshireman currently living and working in Ayr (11 years). Health and Social Care Manager. I know there is plenty of work in this field throughout the Highlands, but as someone else has stated on here ‘it’s not what you know, but who you know,’ which concerns me, but quite understandable.

I will be coming as a single man with no baggage and looking for a fresh start.

I read through the Thesis someone posted on here about life/history in Caithness, which I thoroughly enjoyed (thanks poster) and the swinging going down in Halkirk, which made me laugh (is this real going on?) �� Not that I’m interested of course.

so, it would be great if the good folk on here would give a bit of information regarding the social side of things such as...

The weekend pub social scene. I’m no big drinker, but do enjoy meeting people the traditional way, as I am single and very sociable. Do the pubs get busy of a weekend? Where are the best places to frequent in Thurso and Wick? Which is the busiest Thurso or Wick? Where not to go and will I stick out like a sore thumb.



05-Nov-17, 14:19
Hi Jim.

How are your plans going so far?

I’m also looking into moving to the Highlands before, or just after xmas, depending on the job market.
I shall be visiting at the end of November, staying in Thurso and Wick for a week to try and get a feel for the place.

I’m a Yorkshireman currently living and working in Ayr (11 years). Health and Social Care Manager. I know there is plenty of work in this field throughout the Highlands, but as someone else has stated on here ‘it’s not what you know, but who you know,’ which concerns me, but quite understandable.

I would be coming as a single man with no baggage and looking for a fresh start.

I read through the Thesis someone posted on here about life/history in Caithness, which I thoroughly enjoyed (thanks poster) and the swinging going down in Halkirk, which made me laugh (is this real going on?) �� Not that I’m interested of course.

so, it would be great if the good folk on here would give a bit of information regarding the social side of things such as...

The weekend pub social scene. I’m no big drinker, but do enjoy meeting people the traditional way, as I am single and very sociable. Do the pubs get busy of a weekend? Where are the best places to frequent in Thurso and Wick? Which is the busiest Thurso or Wick? Where not to go and will I stick out like a sore thumb.



Hi Shane

Things are moving along nicely and we all being well will be landing two weeks from now really excited but with a stack of renovation to do before starting work in January so dropped on lucky ! I’m also a Yorkshire lad originally Sheffield but living on the dark side before the big move north.


05-Nov-17, 15:42
Hi and a little laugh to myself when you mentioned Sheffield (small world a tell thi).

Sheffield born n bred and in my late 40s now.

Born in Lowedges, moved to Foxhill and then Waterthorpe. 2 sisters and 4 brothers-1 brother Clinton went on to win all major boxing titles-including world champion. I don’t think mum n dad had a TV back in the early days. Haha!

Which area of Sheff you from, if you don’t mind me asking

Your plan sounds good to me.


05-Nov-17, 21:28
Clint woods by any chance ?? That’s awesome does that make you a red as well ??

Spent my early years in crooks then we moved away to donny long story

Drop me a message if your heading up

Are you an nhs manager ? Medical background ??

05-Nov-17, 22:45
Aye, our young-un-Clinton. Retired (lucky beggar) well, actually runs a successful boxing gym in Sheffield now. I’m assuming your reference to ‘red’ is football? Die hard Wednesday fan, like myself. Although he does go to watch Liverpool a few times over the season with his son.

My son lives in Doncaster with his wife, and my daughter is at Uni.

Not NHS-Charity sector. I manage 6/24/7 supported living services on a daily basis, which increases to 12/24/7 services + 45 outreach services every 4 weeks when i’m on-call...a lot of work. �� adults with complex needs. Looking for the same, or a move into children’s service/elderly/homeless etc. I think i’ve Just managed to sell myself if anyone is looking for staff it’s:

[email protected]

All social service positions will be gratefully received.

My plan is Caithness and then a week in Inverness if no luck, but Caithness is my first choice and I can hang around for as long as I need to for interviews.

Cheers Jim, and will certainly get in touch when I get here.

Apologies in advance Mods, for going off tangent, and/or breaking forum rules.


Better Out Than In
22-Nov-17, 17:04
And Caithness has a rich history. Apparently the Vikings dropped off all the pear shaped women here on the way home from raiding South.