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View Full Version : john o groats phone signal

04-Jul-17, 23:56
hi i am wondering what is the best phone signal in john o groats as my mums vodafone one is terrible and i tried my 02 and it was poor as well is ee or 3 any better as i plan to get my mum a data sim so she can get online.any advice would be great.

The Horseman
05-Jul-17, 13:02
I was in Caithness as a visitor, and found the reception awful.
I ended up at the top of Rumster hill, and Newton hill in Wick to get a voice signal. Tried all the same Companies.

05-Jul-17, 16:11
Tesco is ok

The Horseman
05-Jul-17, 17:03
For a voice signal? Inside or where?

05-Jul-17, 18:20
Canisbay wick Thurso groats no problem

The Horseman
06-Jul-17, 01:56
Please explain. When I was in the North I tried Vodafone, EE, 3, 02 and none worked well. Hardly worked.
Does Tesco have a Network?

06-Jul-17, 07:16
Tesco use O2
EE /BT seem pretty good 4G most of the time

06-Jul-17, 09:21
EE is quite good in most areas and as davem has said, 4G too..
Watten tends to be the area which loses signal for most networks tho.

O2 is ok on 2G most areas.

The Horseman - Maybe its your phone thats the problem if you say all networks were the same.

The Horseman
06-Jul-17, 14:40
Had a newer Samsung from North America, and when I came back I had it checked and it seemed OK.
Just bought a new iPhone.....quality of voice etc., is much better.
Funny, to make a call I went up to the top of the hill at Rumster forest. I think Jesus did that to see his 'flock'....not at Rumster of course.
Fond memories of the 'Mast' and a few feeble attempts I made to climb it. Only one person I knew did it, and she was a quiet Caithness Lass! Memories last!

The Horseman
07-Jul-17, 13:57

07-Jul-17, 18:42
i got my mum a HUAWEI mobile wifi e5330 on ee network which uses 3g and i could not get it to work in john o groats even though it picked up the router and i could get a middle to weak signal so it said.does john o groats have 4g and why the hell does groats area not get a better phone mast the amount of tourists that visit the place and they will struggle to get data and even make a call in 2017 is a joke imo.

The Horseman
07-Jul-17, 19:17
Excellent point....or a tower to climb up!

11-Jul-17, 14:22
well turned out i got it working i took it home had to sign up then took it back to groats she now has wifi using this mifi 3g device with a ok speed.