View Full Version : James Munro visits Thurso July/Aug 1892

20-May-07, 08:51
Hi everyone
My great great Uncle James Munro returned to Scotland in July/Aug 1892 as the Agent General (Ambassador) for the Colony of Victoria on a Holiday with his family. He had just finished being the Premier of the Colony and due to certain events had to resign his commission and the position of Agent General was the 1890 equivalent of the golden handshake.

He was no doubt visiting his old home which was Armadale Sutherland and Thurso was I believe the end of the railway line.

As the position of Agent General was of some importance and that James was the classic case of local lad making good in the colonies I assume that his visit would have been recorded in the local newspapers.

Who can i get in contact with in Caithness who could help me in seeing if my assumption about James' visit being reported in the local press.


Brunswick Victoria

20-May-07, 15:20
Try the local paper, the john o Groat journal or the Caithness Courier, union Street, wick, Caithness or their web site on here.

20-May-07, 16:20
I think you should try the Archives at Wick Library.... If you can give them as much info as possible - dates especially - that would be a help. There will be a small charge.

[email protected]

phone 01955 606 432
FAX 603000

North Highalnd Archive
Wick Library
Sinclair Terrace

Good Luck

21-May-07, 22:38
Hello Bill

Am Baile has online summaries of articles in old local newspapers - just type in name and year your'e interested in. If there is an article you can ask for copies from various libraries.

www.ambaile.org.uk/newspapers/index (http://www.ambaile.org.uk/newspapers/index)