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Yok Finney
19-May-07, 22:32
The 1707 Treaty had corruption designed into it. This lamentable feature engineers call "planned obselescence". Corruption is now so endemic within the Scottish Establishment that our vehicle called UK is a no-goer. I'd give them 4 out of 10 for running the recent election where they did stutter and clatter along from start of finish but 2 out of 10 is nearer their ordinary modus operandi and status quo. So what current model are we buying? New World Order Inc.'s brochure offered to make a "new Singapore" from the Central Belt where us post industrials would make chips and built them into computers as a way of passing the time, but the SE has lost the plot on this one, as you'd expect, and we've now only the Falkirk Wheel going round to show for it.

Since we became so notoriously unhealthy bio-medical research on us is a happening thing. This political vacuum also attracts neo-feudalists and the eco-facists of Scottish National Heritage. Looking more at Spain, I favour the only political model that really does work. It's called autonomous socialism. Viva la banda rossa ... !

20-May-07, 00:07
Thats one hell of a thread paddy...

21-May-07, 16:32
The 1707 Treaty had corruption designed into it. This lamentable feature engineers call "planned obselescence". Corruption is now so endemic within the Scottish Establishment that our vehicle called UK is a no-goer. I'd give them 4 out of 10 for running the recent election where they did stutter and clatter along from start of finish but 2 out of 10 is nearer their ordinary modus operandi and status quo. So what current model are we buying? New World Order Inc.'s brochure offered to make a "new Singapore" from the Central Belt where us post industrials would make chips and built them into computers as a way of passing the time, but the SE has lost the plot on this one, as you'd expect, and we've now only the Falkirk Wheel going round to show for it.

Since we became so notoriously unhealthy bio-medical research on us is a happening thing. This political vacuum also attracts neo-feudalists and the eco-facists of Scottish National Heritage. Looking more at Spain, I favour the only political model that really does work. It's called autonomous socialism. Viva la banda rossa ... !

I am totally lost or is it this fellow who has lost it. What in the heck is he/she on about. My two year old grandchild strings together a more coherent argument!

21-May-07, 18:58
Try this link; it should clarify things.....


21-May-07, 19:03
If that is clarification I would hate to see obfuscation......

21-May-07, 21:55
You just have......;)

Yok Finney
24-May-07, 15:39
My great-grandmother is a fearsome Murphy matriarch fae County Cork. She wouldn't stand no nonsense.