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16-May-07, 18:43
Have You Seen This Family Near You?

There they are at the traffic lights in their flash "pimped" BMW, music blaring out; he sits as proud as punch in the driving seat, no seat belt on, smoking and on his hand held mobile phone!

She, her ladyship, also no seat belt on, lights up her ciggy, opens the car window and throws out the empty packet, just missing a child in a buggy. I've never seen the point of smoking and chewing gum at the same time....she must do!

Their lovely son of about 4 years old is stood, bouncing up and down in the gap between the two front seats, his baseball cap on backwards, routinely slapping the back of his dad's head, who retaliates with a friendly elbow to the lad's nose, which knocks him over.

Thank goodness they've only got the one child I think to myself. Oh but no, another head appears and stands up on the back seat looking out of the back window. The blond haired girl of about 6, with the face of an angel, smiles and gives me numerous, very courteous V signs, which I try to ignore. She then proceeds to try and pull the ears off a poor mutt which has just jumped up and put its head out the window, probably to get away from the cigarette smoke which fills the car.

The lights turn green, we set off, he turns right, should have known that because he wasn't indicating. The girl in the back seat falls over from the force and speed of his Formula 1 start. I turn right also, but he has disappeared into the middle distance, thank goodness.

About a mile on, I pull in for petrol, and oh no, there is the BMW topping up at the pump in front of me.
Her ladyship is still smoking and on her mobile phone slurping a soft drink.
Their two lovely children are playing tig, running round the car and all over the forecourt; that's when the lad is not kicking the dad's calf muscles.

Her ladyship has finished her gum and her bottled drink, both of which are surreptitiously dropped out of the car window, less than 2 metres from a bin. I can't describe the coloured language he used at his partner to get his wallet from the car and getting the angels back into the car. The dog doesn't want to get in, but a well aimed kick changes its mind.

He goes and pays for his fuel, then drives off........going out the "Entrance Only" bit of the garage.

Please tell me you have seen this family, or similar, and they do exist elsewhere and not just near where I live.

Penelope Pitstop
16-May-07, 18:47
Made me smile I must admit.

Are you sure this isn't a scene from Catherine Tait sketch!!! [lol] ......are you bovvered!! lol

16-May-07, 18:48
I'm surrounded by them each and eveyday....sad isn't it..:~(

16-May-07, 19:06
Is I bovvered, does this face look bovvered??
I am actually, 'cos they are real, they exist, they breath and are continuing to breed. Thank goodness they are not just plaguing me.

16-May-07, 19:13
Amazing, they're here as well! :roll:

They sure do get around....[evil]

percy toboggan
16-May-07, 19:19
Yes, I know the type well. Thankfully there is only one of this ilk near me. He seems to sling stuff out of his car (which I sometimes pick up later) when there is a bin within feet !
The chap drives a pee and wind machine of a car with a large exhaust and boy racer wheels. Sadly , he has friends who visit sometimes & I have no wish to bring trouble to my door, nor to my windows.

I fully expect to get even one day. Hopefully though he will wrap his car around a lamp-post sometime soon and rupture his spleen, or something more vital. I just hope it's not one of our local lamp posts.

16-May-07, 20:04
Hopefully though he will wrap his car around a lamp-post sometime soon and rupture his spleen, or something more vital.


I hope you say that in jest, thats not really a nice thing to say.

George Brims
16-May-07, 22:30
Hopefully though he will wrap his car around a lamp-post sometime soon and rupture his spleen, or something more vital.

The spleen is not vital. As long as you don't bleed to death from rupturing it, you can live just fine without one.

percy toboggan
16-May-07, 22:32

I hope you say that in jest, thats not really a nice thing to say.

When it comes to speaking of littering chav louts who drive their cars too fast on residential streets, I'm not a very nice person.

16-May-07, 22:48
Better hope i dont come to live on your street then, i got a lovely exhaust that will amuse you !

Percy, what i do down here and know of a few others that do it to, is call the police with time and place of alleged Anti social driving, they may not be able to charge without out witnesses, but a knock at the door and a little chat from the boys in blue is usually enough to let them know folk are not going to stand for it. I have had the police call me back and tell me they have had a chat and any further problems just call them.

17-May-07, 09:25
But I don't drive a BMW!

17-May-07, 09:28
I have never understood why people buy cars for megabucks which appear to have no working indicators!

When I learned to drive (not a horse and cart I might add) we were taught to indicate whether there was anyone about or not, that way you do it automatically and don`t get caught out.

It can lead to a senior moment in later life when you find yourself indicating to go into a space in an empty car park!

George Brims
17-May-07, 18:10
It can lead to a senior moment in later life when you find yourself indicating to go into a space in an empty car park!

It's not just me then - I caught myself doing that yesterday!

17-May-07, 18:24
Stop picking on me and my family!

17-May-07, 19:35
If only there were sounds on the forum as I could post their noise whilst they wait in the traffic outside the house as we speak.

percy toboggan
17-May-07, 22:18
[quote=Solus;224258]Better hope i dont come to live on your street then, i got a lovely exhaust that will amuse you !.....

I'm one who considers exhaust sound/note (not noise, you'll notice) to be the heart and soul of a motorcycle. Providing said motorcycle has two cylinders, and was preferably manufactured west of the Catskill Mountains. Others can still hearten at times providing they have similarly substantial power plants (engines)

Loud pipes save lives. Yes, I've been there and done that, with a few t.shirts - some of which I now use to polish mi auld Audi.

What offends me most locally is litter and the careless disposal of it without any regard for the environment, and neighbours.

Hope you dunna mind the heading - but your somewhat censorious, worried reactions suddenly brought it to me and I had to get it off my chest.:Razz

18-May-07, 01:23
I have never understood why people buy cars for megabucks which appear to have no working indicators!

When I learned to drive (not a horse and cart I might add) we were taught to indicate whether there was anyone about or not, that way you do it automatically and don`t get caught out.

It can lead to a senior moment in later life when you find yourself indicating to go into a space in an empty car park!

I always say they're 'too posh to point' (think back a few years when all the celebs were too posh to push, and having c sections), because they have loads of money, own the road, and shouldn't have to indicate because nobody should be in their way, should they?

18-May-07, 07:15
Just seen the offending BMW again, got a big dent in the driver's door. (Solus must have been sticking pins in a BMW doll, no sign of any spleen though)

I would like to stick up for my BMW ASBO man, he must indicate sometimes; when I saw him yesterday he was indicating right. The fact he went straight on is totally, totally irrelevant.

18-May-07, 15:49
Just seen the offending BMW again, got a big dent in the driver's door. (Solus must have been sticking pins in a BMW doll, no sign of any spleen though)

I would like to stick up for my BMW ASBO man, he must indicate sometimes; when I saw him yesterday he was indicating right. The fact he went straight on is totally, totally irrelevant.


18-May-07, 16:27
I'm fairly certain that said BMW driver is simply driving as he has been taught to. There would certainly appear to be a driving school churning out that style of driver from the numbers I've seen on the roads.

18-May-07, 16:37
i was behind a little old lady who couldnt make up her mind which lane to go in at the traffic lights by the old post office she finally settled on a lane then when the lights changed she went the wrong way for the lane in to the oncoming traffic waving cheerily at the other drivers

18-May-07, 19:58
I'm fairly certain that said BMW driver is simply driving as he has been taught to. There would certainly appear to be a driving school churning out that style of driver from the numbers I've seen on the roads.

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