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View Full Version : what are groat e buckies!!!!

01-Jun-05, 15:08
well this mor i went a walk to brims ness for about two and half hours it was windy but it was lovely i sent these few hours walking along the shoe. Then people used to say that it was very rare to find groat e buckies(caithness shell)in caithness and you used to have to go all the way to john o groats to find them, well that no true i found about 2 dozen of them it was a lovely few hour my family and i sent there.
We also introduced our new neighbrours that moved up in oct from Derby to Brims Ness and she was also overwhellmed by the lovely views and the freedom that we had to walk along the shore at brims and no one to bother you and even she found some GROAT E BUCKIES.

01-Jun-05, 16:01
Haven't been able to find one of these for years! As children it was great fun to go to groats and find the buckies!

01-Jun-05, 16:24
only cound 2 when i went looking at Sanwick last week, and that took some doing!! I remember as a child that they were quite easy to find!! or was it just cause i was closer to the ground back then ?

01-Jun-05, 16:40
It is a Caithness tradition to keep them on your window sill for good luck.

01-Jun-05, 17:40
Is it a tradition to take them to the top of hills? Found a whole pile o the things at the top of Maiden Pap. :)

01-Jun-05, 19:13
was not expecting to get so many replys back. thought that people would not know what they were

01-Jun-05, 19:52
Think everyone in Caithness will know what they are - for thos thjat don't they are a very small cowrie shell.

01-Jun-05, 22:55
Try the little beach on the left before you go up the hill to the lighthouse at duncansby head just after a heavy sea, they usually can be found if you spend some time at the hide tide mark, we managed to find loads of them a couple of years ago in late spring.

02-Jun-05, 00:23
My granny's got heaps o them in a jar in a cupboard from when we were little - forgot all about them til i read this thread! :D

Surprised there isna some stupid law about taking shells home, after all yer no allowed to nick sand from e beach.

02-Jun-05, 07:53
A little bit of sand may be ok to take as long as you are not taking it by the buckie full...ouch sorry

02-Jun-05, 09:33
My granny and my mum always kept them in their purse for good luck and now I do the same.

lynne duncan
02-Jun-05, 14:04
we took the bairns to the ness (beach at groats) last summer and had no difficulty finding about 200 try looking along the seaweed line or as one of the previous replies said after a heavy storm, my mum and her family used to make jewellery out of them when they were little

02-Jun-05, 16:34
I found 500 of them once

02-Jun-05, 22:23
plan to take another time some day when the weather get better to Brims Ness, keep you up dated

04-Jun-05, 16:13
Hey Ironic!

Last time I met you, you were still pretty close to the ground!!! :lol:

Give my regards to Colin, and give me a shout next time you're up my neck of the woods.


07-Jun-05, 21:54
what all of the above about invader do you live in the area of brims

10-Jun-05, 22:26
well people i have returned to lovely place of brims ness today found some more groat e buckies also saw a nest with eggs which we think the belonged to ostercatchers in was just set in shell sand and strange ducks white and black ones no to sure what kind there are? also got weather betten myself face is still burning.