View Full Version : Fundraising for my dog

01-Dec-16, 16:00
Hello Everyone!

I've been inspired by my local community and a few kind people posting here and decided to set up a fundraising page for my dog Ronja to be able to get her through all the surgeries and hospitalization that she needs.

I would be extremely grateful if you helped to share my page!


I've also managed to find some additional translating jobs, so it's great!

Thank you to everyone who visited my previous thread and showed their support - it is greatly appreciated!

Kevin Milkins
01-Dec-16, 16:10
Done and good luck.

01-Dec-16, 16:16
Thank you! I am extremely grateful for the donation and for the encouragement! If you walk your dog in Sinclair's Bay near Wick, maybe we will meet one day and I will be able to shake your hand and thank you in person.

01-Dec-16, 17:03
All the best Irmina - have shared the link on twitter and will promote it on other social media platforms.

01-Dec-16, 17:07
Thank you! I also wrote you a PM :)

01-Dec-16, 18:31
Donation Made Irmina, best of luck with everything.


01-Dec-16, 18:45
Thank you!!! I think I just wrote you an e-mail :) I was trying to see who you were to say 'thank you' and I think I found you, so there's an e-mail for you from me :)

01-Dec-16, 19:37
Done. Every little helps! Best wishes.

01-Dec-16, 19:42
Thank you! I've sent you a PM :)

01-Dec-16, 20:07
donated and the best of luck.
Don't worry about the negative comments. You will always find a few nasty people out there but there are loads more nice people in Caithness who are generous in spirit and willing to help. Thankfully there are more of them than there are nasty trolls.

01-Dec-16, 20:16
Done, hope you get a little help from the crowd funding, it's a great way of raising funds for good causes

01-Dec-16, 20:30
Thank you from the bottom of my heart GSP and dragonfly and Everyone who donated or supported us with ideas or a kind word - it means a lot to us!

Alice in Blunderland
02-Dec-16, 00:22
Shared and donated. Good Luck in reaching your target.

02-Dec-16, 00:58
Thank you and warm wishes!

02-Dec-16, 11:11
Thank you so much to all the People who are supporting us! I would like to thank everyone personally, with personal messages, but I don't know who you are :) and you appear on my fundraising page as 'Anonymous'. Please accept my sincere gratitude.

02-Dec-16, 12:02
Donation paid

Let's get this link out there and share in Facebook, MFR etc...

02-Dec-16, 12:21
Thank you! and thank you for being one of the first people who helped me with job ideas, the fundraising page and inspired me with kind words!

02-Dec-16, 19:28
You're more than welcome! I'll continue to help and will push it on Facebook etc...

02-Dec-16, 19:39
:)! Thank you!

Alice in Blunderland
03-Dec-16, 00:13
I am glad to see the donations are starting to come in. Here's hoping you surpass the total.

03-Dec-16, 11:05
I am delighted with all the help and support we're receiving. Thank you!

03-Dec-16, 14:14
As a fellow dog lover I hope you succeed in raising the total amount and your dog is better soon.

03-Dec-16, 15:19
Thank you! All the best to you rubber_duck :)

05-Dec-16, 21:18
Donation made and page shared on Facebook. Good luck!

05-Dec-16, 21:54
Thank you for the support and the good wishes! All the best to you crashbandicoot1979!

09-Dec-16, 01:18
Ok - the time has come to refresh.

Does anyone have any useful contacts in the Groat or Caithness FM that could help us along a bit!?

09-Dec-16, 10:32
[email protected]

09-Dec-16, 12:19
I feel everyone here has already done so much, it's more than enough really - your commitment and support are fantastic :) I'm trying to keep my justgiving page updated, but there is not much news about Ronja at the moment. She is in the hospital and will still stay there for a week or two. Her wounds are healing, but it's a very slow process and they need to be properly healed before she can return home. She is cheerful and full of life, though :)

19-Dec-16, 20:17
lovely to see so many people donated when times are tight and we are close to Christmas. Glad to see there are some kind people still out there.

21-Dec-16, 10:39
I agree! :) Ronja has just come home yesterday evening and will now be taken care of by our local vets in Wick. She is well and happy, although there is still a long way ahead of her. Two more months of no walks, then the - hopefully - last surgery of removing the metal plate from her leg and, if everything goes according to plan, she should be running and jumping when spring comes :)

I would like to thank all the kind people for their help and wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas time.

25-Dec-16, 15:14
Getting there - eeeeking closer!

Donation paid

25-Dec-16, 21:55
It was nice to see a new photo of your collie on your funding page https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/justronja?utm_id=107&utm_term=z3W9zVN9D


27-Dec-16, 12:58
Yes, RUNT, I can't believe it! :) It's going to be a huge help! And THANK YOU.

Thank you, Richard. If you click 'show more' on the site, you will be able to see all the updates :)

01-Jan-17, 18:59
The fundraising page is now closed and I would like to say a huge thank you to all my wonderful Supporters! It's been the best Christmas present that our small family could get :) We would like to wish Everyone a beautiful New Year 2017! Lots of love, Irmina, Chris and Ronja

01-Jan-17, 19:01
Hey, has the page closed!? My friend just tried to donate - but he couldn't :-(

01-Jan-17, 19:40
Yes, it closed yesterday RUNT. It is active for a month and then it closes automatically. I think you can prolong the fundraising for another month or so (while the page is still active), but I thought it didn't make sense, as most people have already seen it and we've received so much help that it will already be a huge support for us. I'm sorry, perhaps I should've informed you about it, it was written on the page, I mean how long is left till the end of the fundraising. We are incredibly grateful for the support, we've never imagined that we would receive such amount of help :)