View Full Version : UDi

rob murray
14-Oct-16, 10:52
The naïveté of those supporters of a Unilateral Declaration of Independence brings their vision into question. Suppose, Holyrood did issue such a declaration. Who would enforce it? Assuming that the people of Scotland are not prepared to mount a revolutionary war such as the American colonies and the Irish did, what recourse would Holyrood have in enforcing its declaration?

Beyond that, how could such a declaration prevail internationally? The response from Westminster would be predictable. Given the 2014 referendum results, there is no indication that such a declaration would represent the will of the people of Scotland. The UK would argue to its international partners that such a declaration should not be recognized. Internationally, most countries would probably accept that reasoning and fail to recognize Scotland as an independent country. Holyrood would have no effective counterargument to this position. It could not argue that its actions represent the will of the people of Scotland because the evidence that currently exists is contrary to that contention ie they would need 100% support or they could not be speaking for the Scottish population who would have UDI /enforced indy, forced on them against their wishes
If the results of the next referendum are the same as the last one, a Unilateral Declaration of Independence would be senseless. Should the people speak twice and the vote in both cases be negative, where would the argument be that could justify a unilateral declaration source : http://scotland-us.com/fantasy-udi/