View Full Version : SNP's summer initiative

rob murray
29-Aug-16, 13:02
So the long awaited SNP summer "engagement" with no voters kicks off this week, ie the first stage in gathering people's independence views, what works for them and what doesn't, the benefits and perceived difficulties ? Interesting time ahead then !

rob murray
02-Sep-16, 15:56
The engagement apparently is based on the premise that Scotland’s people are invited to take part in a survey giving their views on independence. All 120,000 SNP members are charged with speaking to 5 people a month for the next 3 months. This is not a government initiative. It’s an SNP one. People should be very clear what they are doing when they respond to the survey.
Although it’s introduced as a National Survey, without any SNP branding on it, it is simply a massive data collection exercise for the SNP. People could answer this thing without realising that. For example you are invited to give them your personal information and your views on a number of issues. You are asked to rate from 1 to 10 what would influence your vote on independence. It asks you how British or Scottish you feel

Every question is compulsory. Including your email, full name and postcode, whether you have children or grandchildren. You just tick boxes. There is no space for putting in any of your own more nuanced views. Sturgeon calls this a national listening exercise. They’ll listen all right as you give them all they need to build up a "relationship" with you based on your individual preferences ( tailored personal communications I think they call this ). They’ll tailor their communications with you to try and persuade you to back independence. Smart eh …..but dumb cos who would give this / them the time of day ??

03-Sep-16, 08:18
Smart eh …..but dumb cos who would give this / them the time of day ??
I suspect that a lot of people will!

03-Sep-16, 14:39
This is IT: http://www.survey2016.scot/take_the_survey little red * (Must do) give my name? email address? they're having a laugh, it's for the bin.. result; ONLY those who are SNP would do this, so it's "look everyone who responded are for independence" how skewed, how pathetically amateur, childish, unfortunately the SNP seem unaware of how much a joke Sturgeon is looked upon in rest of UK - you know, the ones who will pay off her Deficit . Total waste of time (Get Scotland sorted first Nicola!)

03-Sep-16, 15:34
This is IT: http://www.survey2016.scot/take_the_survey little red * (Must do) give my name? email address? they're having a laugh, it's for the bin.. result; ONLY those who are SNP would do this, so it's "look everyone who responded are for independence" how skewed, how pathetically amateur, childish, unfortunately the SNP seem unaware of how much a joke Sturgeon is looked upon in rest of UK - you know, the ones who will pay off her Deficit . Total waste of time (Get Scotland sorted first Nicola!)
Cannot agree with you more Bekisman , she needs to get Scotland sorted, sic the NHS, the Education, the Police, all are broken, and are her responsibility, as for the amount of money spent on the now suspended until they fix that Named person scheme, Just fix Scotland ms Sturgeon 😡😡😡