View Full Version : What will Breakaway Labour's New Name be?

18-Jul-16, 16:02
As we get closer to choosing between Eagle and Smith to challenge Corbyn, and then Smith (or Eagle) standing against Jeremy, outcome? pretty certain to be Corbyn.. Already Labour MP's have said they will not serve under Corbyn and have indeed (it seems) been in contact with Senior LibDems.. so what's it going to be? 'Libour' 'Alternative Labour'? 'Real Labour'?
Has anyone else (of advancing years) noticed the similarities to the 1983 'Longest Suicide note in History' with Corbyn? with his re-nationalisation of the Rail service, Unilateral disarmament, seems the only think he's not advocating is to 'withdraw from the EU (Common Market)!
Interesting times!

rob murray
19-Jul-16, 11:30
As we get closer to choosing between Eagle and Smith to challenge Corbyn, and then Smith (or Eagle) standing against Jeremy, outcome? pretty certain to be Corbyn.. Already Labour MP's have said they will not serve under Corbyn and have indeed (it seems) been in contact with Senior LibDems.. so what's it going to be? 'Libour' 'Alternative Labour'? 'Real Labour'?
Has anyone else (of advancing years) noticed the similarities to the 1983 'Longest Suicide note in History' with Corbyn? with his re-nationalisation of the Rail service, Unilateral disarmament, seems the only think he's not advocating is to 'withdraw from the EU (Common Market)!
Interesting times!

Yep history repeats itself, SDP is as good a name as anything or Let the tories rule in perpetuity ( LTTRP ) another brick in the rUK wall, I can hear it now, we voted for EU, voted against Trident and now face tory rule for a very long time due to labour splits, lets get outta here. Maybe they've, the pro indy's, have got a point !

22-Jul-16, 16:29
Oh well the Eagle has flown, and Smith will be disposed off PDQ, what is it, 183,000 'new' Labour voters? Personally really think it will be a re-run of the '83 GE, OK Labour (IF the 172 MP's have NOT done a runner) under Corbyn will get a certain amount of support, but this country (UK) is and never really has been left-leaning, and, bearing in mind that UKIP received c4,000,000 votes at Last GE (and THEY had no chance of forming the Government) Corbyn's Labour may well end up behind SNP in members, ex-(real) Labour voters will either vote UKIP or even Tory - Oh God Bob, Tories again!!..
Unless those 170+ MP's get their act together and start their own party - I see that a lot of interest is going on as to who actually owns the 'Labour' Brand, the offices et, is it the Leader or what. again interesting times:eek:

22-Jul-16, 17:40
under corbyn labour will not win a election, does not matter how many join the party, because if you go to far right or left it does not win elections, you havet to capture the vote of the middle ground that's how elections are .

22-Jul-16, 18:31
under corbyn labour will not win a election, does not matter how many join the party, because if you go to far right or left it does not win elections, you havet to capture the vote of the middle ground that's how elections are .
You're right there dc1, looks like a LOT of people may well have wasted their £25's!

30-Jul-16, 14:32
Oh Dear; "Senior Labour rebels are so convinced that Jeremy Corbyn will win the leadership contest that they are planning to elect their own leader and launch a legal challenge for the party's name.Leading moderates have told The Telegraph they are looking at plans to set up their own “alternative Labour” in a “semi-split” of the party if Mr Corbyn remains in post.
The move would see them create their own shadow cabinet and even elect a leader within Parliament to rival Mr Corbyn’s "