View Full Version : Student looking for help with community partnerships, planning, and offshore wind.

David Hancock
27-Jun-16, 22:27

I'm writing to ask if any members here would be interested in participating in a postgraduate research dissertation surrounding the topic of planning, community partnerships and offshore wind-farms.

I'm studying for my MSc Spatial Planning with a specialism in Marine Spatial Planning, at the University of Dundee. I would love to have a short chat with people in the Caithness community about offshore wind farms - simple as that.

If anybody is interested, the easiest way for me to collect some data is through a one-to-one Skype call where I would ask a few questions which should not take longer than 45 minutes maximum - including introductions. The questions I'd like to ask are not difficult, and I would be happy to forward them to helpful participants prior to our chat. There's no wrong answers, indeed conflicting perspectives would surely help me write a more interesting piece! Of course, it will all be anonymous - but I will need to record the conversation until I've done my analysis.

If you are interested please drop an email to my university email address (below), and if you know of anybody who could be willing to help who doesn't visit this forum, please don't hesitate to introduce us.


David Hancock

p.s. Normally I would have a cupcake or something to act as a bribe, but since I'd like to have a conversation through Skype, the only thing I can offer is a heart warming message of thanks in my acknowledgements.

[email protected]
m. 07528 528 960