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26-May-05, 21:02
During the past few days I've had at least 20 calls (with 1471 number withheld), which I've answered about 5 times to simply a silence on the other end, followed by a click a few seconds later. That no.of calls is unusual as we don't get many these days on the home BT phone, mostly use the mobile. Anyone else experienced this, and did you ever find out what was going on? I'm a bit concerned that this is some kind of scam - what else could it be? I've no enemies that I know of. :D

If it continues tomorrow I'll phone BT on their Malicious Calls line, wonder if they can trace 141 callers?

Any advice gratefully accepted.

26-May-05, 21:15
It sounds as if you are getting calls from a marketing company when there is no salesman to speak to you. Contact BT and they will advise you on what to do.
Yes they can trace 141 callers, I have done it but you have got to make a good case that the calls are really malicious or a nuisance. Only after you have set your phone up to trace 141 callers can you do it but with BT say so only. It was only after that i set up my phone that i stopped getting odd 141 calls. It happened to be the ex-wife's boyfriend phoning up.

26-May-05, 21:20
thanks Rheghead. Not aware of any 'ex's' or their boyfriends likely to ring me years later but you never know, people are strange! I do get the merketing calls too fairly regularly but they usually start with "Hi I'm Stacie......", or as I get more used to them, just "Hi......." as I cut them off more quickly! [mad] [mad] . This is def an unusual occurrence I'm getting though, weird.

26-May-05, 21:21
I have been getting these calls as well and also from an unavailable number not just withheld i think it is some kind of computer system that calls but if there are no reps to to take the call it is just silence. When there is someone there it is to sell you a 'free' kitchen or windows or such like very annoying [evil] I dont answer these calls any more cause they just infuriate me. Not sure how to stop them or if bt can help in this but i would be interested to no if they can.

26-May-05, 21:22
go here, register it works


Bill Fernie
26-May-05, 21:24
There are a few possibilities. Having been the subject of similar problems last year I made some enquires.

1. Call centres trying to make sales use computers to dial the phone numbers and some dial more than one number at once so that the operator always has someone picking up thephone thereofr maximising the time on the phone to make sales. But this can mean that some calls are not answered when you pick up the phone.

2. Malicious Caller

3. Mistaken calls.

4. Someone trying to find out when you are likely to be out to break in to the house. Last year we had calls but put them down to the first idea listed but they stopped after we had a break in at the house. Sorry if that is a frightening prospect and it may not be the case at all.

BT will only try to trace calls in very serious cases.

Keep a record of all the calls and the times yu get them so that you have something to present to the police.

Check your house security. Get window locks. Ensure your doors have proper mortice locks. Think about a burglar alarm system. You can get wireless systems and they can be linked to the phone system to alert you or any other person that something is happening at your home. B & Q now sell very well priced systems and they are designed for DIY installation. Although we have taken several precautionary measures now I wish I had done it earlier.

Other possibilities are changing you phone number - a hassle but might be worth it if you can stand informing everyone of your new number. Make it ex- directory if you think it is someone checking up on your movements.

Make sure your household contents insurance is up to date.

Tell neighbours when you will be out all day or away for any length of time.

Ask at the police station for the crime prevention officer to call and check your house over for security and follwo the recommendations that he or she will make. They wil make calls to check over for anyone worried about their security.

At the end of the day the calls might be nothing at all to worrry about even if they are annoying. Complain to BT anyway. These calls are on the increase and BT may eventually take more action if enough people report problems.

26-May-05, 21:33
i have been getting them to house and mobile. number mostly witheld but sometimes the same mobile number that also texts! sad people around!

26-May-05, 22:51
OK thanks Bill, everyone, plenty to think about there. The sales calls seem most likely explanation to me, thief option not likely as I have answered the phone a couple of times so they would know soemones in. If it persists I'll get on to BT. :D

26-May-05, 22:54
You can also contact the Telephone Preference people, they will filter out the sales type calls, though it can take a week or two to kick in. We have done this and it works. I don't remember the number offhand, but it should be in the phonebook, near the beginning.

27-May-05, 00:49
Just as a thought?

Could it be Special Branch? I know as a fact they often withhold their caller ID numbers.

27-May-05, 00:54
There are a few possibilities....


Make sure your household contents insurance is up to date.

Tell neighbours when you will be out all day or away for any length of time.

Ask at the police station for the crime prevention officer to call and check your house over for security and follwo the recommendations that he or she will make. They wil make calls to check over for anyone worried about their security.

At the end of the day the calls might be nothing at all to worrry about ...[snip].

Errrrm... Any chance of my Passport back to Pimlico, plz?

27-May-05, 00:57
BTW David

Did you resolve your home-networking issues?

27-May-05, 01:28
I've been getting the same thing - sometimes several in a day. Just a few seconds of silence than disconnected.

I'm registered with the TPS - but this sounds like some kind of automated call.

27-May-05, 03:38
go here, register it works


i used to get about 6 sales calls a day, some of them automated and some not. Since registering on the website above it's decreased dramatically, now only get a couple a week - if that even

27-May-05, 22:05
BTW David

Did you resolve your home-networking issues?nay, it's took a back seat for now! Not enough hours in a day, must get back and sort this. The original plan (sveral weeks ago) was to move any essential files onto the new machine and reformat the old one and then use as a 2nd HD. It will happen soon I hope!

27-May-05, 22:08
go here, register it works


i used to get about 6 sales calls a day, some of them automated and some not. Since registering on the website above it's decreased dramatically, now only get a couple a week - if that evenI tried this link and registered, to be told I already am! Must have been some time back and I'd forgot. So if these are sales calls I'm getting they shouldn't be getting through! :confused

27-May-05, 22:47
Listen to the sales people squirm as you ask why they are phoning you when you're registered with the TPS. It's a sure fire way to get rid of them.

28-May-05, 06:43
Back in the days when I was a technician with Telecom NZ, call traces were costly and time consuming. A subscriber had to have a very good reason for us to set up a monitor on their line.
Now, all calls originating or terminating in NZ are recorded and those voice records are kept for 10 years. It is a simple matter to not only determine where a call originated and terminated, but also to know what was said during the conversation. It is impossible to deny making or receiving a particular call, if it occurred.
Using the Public Information Act a subscriber merely needs to supply times and dates to Telecom in order to obtain a transcript of a conversation. That transcript will show all pertinent information, including the phone numbers of both parties.
What we used to advise subscribers, who were receiving malicious or annoying calls, was to say clearly into the mouthpiece; "Telecom (BT), this is the call I would like you to trace" and leave the phone off the hook for a short while. Whether Telecom were actually monitoring the call or not made no difference. The calls would usually stop. Even in todays technological climate, a lot of people still believe that humans are needed to perform call tracing. Not so.

28-May-05, 09:19
mmm good idea fesman..

28-May-05, 11:08
I'm getting the same problem, too. I would have registered the telephone line with them BT people what stop these calls... but it's not actually MY phoneline!

Worse bit is when you hang up after the 'silent call' then the phone rings again within a few seconds...

Personally don't think it's telemarketing folk. Half the time with telemarketers calling BT 'do not have the number' as opposed to 'number witheld'.

28-May-05, 11:43
We had the same problems a few years ago (no problems/fights with anyone ..that i know of)..phone calls at 3-4 oclock in the mornings(on weeknights wakening the kids etc !) BT couldn't help..1471 never worked except one night they never withheld the number.I phoned & phoned the number(it was a mobile) & eventually got through.Lo & behold it was a caithness accent on the other side of the phone . I cannot repeat what was siad as There was a lodda swearing!!the lassie was left quaking ..protesting her innocence.I threatened to give the number to the police/Phone mobile companies & get the phone blocked...Well we never had another call after that!! :D

28-May-05, 13:08
I used to have a mobile phone about 5 years ago, I inputted all my family member's numbers on quickdial. Unfortunately when I was on the razz the phone had a habit of accidently phoningmy family at unsociable hours whilst in my pocket. My mother got a shock when she found out the sort of language that I use when I am with my friends in a drunken state. I lost the phone after that and never replaced it. I am now off the system. My family is now grateful for my loss... :lol:

28-May-05, 22:04
We had the same problems a few years ago (no problems/fights with anyone ..that i know of)..phone calls at 3-4 oclock in the mornings(on weeknights wakening the kids etc !) BT couldn't help..1471 never worked except one night they never withheld the number.I phoned & phoned the number(it was a mobile) & eventually got through.Lo & behold it was a caithness accent on the other side of the phone . I cannot repeat what was siad as There was a lodda swearing!!the lassie was left quaking ..protesting her innocence.I threatened to give the number to the police/Phone mobile companies & get the phone blocked...Well we never had another call after that!! :DFunny you got called at night Z, that sounds more sinister, all mine were during daytime hours.