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View Full Version : Arise Sir Rafa!

26-May-05, 00:23
Or should that be Sir Stevie? Or Sir Jerzy? Or Sir Jamie? Or...

A similar achievement earned a knighthood for our very own Sir Alex, so why not Sir Rafa?

The Red Devils' comeback in '99 was amazing, but tonight's comeback was truly awesome.

This dyed-in-the-wool Red still needs scraping off the ceiling, and a change of underwear to boot. It's been 20 long years since I watched the Heysel match with a bunch of Juventus supporters in a Swiss hostel, and a year longer since watching Roma '84 on a grainy Mexican TV station at some unearthly hour of the morning.

(Oh yeah, and I'm yet another closet Don too.)

Well done guys, there's no walking alone tonight :D :D :D

26-May-05, 01:51
A bunch of cheats.

They got past Chelsea thanks to a goal that wasn't a goal and in the final tonight the third goal shouldn't have been as it was a dive for the penalty, and Dudeks antics in the shootout were not very sporting (he should've been booked after the first and the pen retaken) and was blatant cheating to put of the penalty takers.

It's a disgrace that a team as bad as Liverpool who finished fourth and fifth in the domestic league over the last two seasons has won the biggest prize in domestic football.

You need luck to win cups and Liverpool are a very lucky team, not a good team, a lucky one.

26-May-05, 06:10
ho ho ho is that a hint of bitterness i detect alananders?! :D

to be absolutely fair to liverpool, luck does come into winning cups, as you say, but luck can only take you so far - certainly not to a final and then winning a trophy as prestigious as the champions league, come on!! and maybe milan were the stronger team on the night, but they never took their chances to win, which liverpool did.

as for dudek's actions within the shootout, i don't think there was anything wrong with that...... if there was the referee would have pulled him back for it. in something as random as a shootout to decide such a massive occasion, you have to try and put it in your favour as much as possible, which dudek did. the milan players are experienced professionals and should be able to deal with these situations, its not as if dudek put a knife to their throats and threatened the milan players to miss is it?!

i think that liverpool deserve the title and im delighted they won, what a game! talk about a game of two halves :o)

Alexander Rowe
26-May-05, 09:05
Where have all these Liverpool fans come from all of a sudden ? Hadnt heard from you in years and now your all 'dyed in the wool reds' !!!

Its a joke that a team that finishes 4th and 5th in the last two seasons has won the competition and it has totally devalued it. Means nothing these days.

Those that travelled to Istanbul off this board, how many other Liverpool away games in Europe did you do this season ??

I support Dundee and West Ham BTW so completely neutral.

26-May-05, 10:02
Awww, dry yer eyes yooz guyz that are puffin' in yer pint! :p

I agree with guitarzan. You can't get THAT far in the champions league with nothing but sheer luck! I thought the game was brilliant entertainment - regardless of the colour of the shirt. Luck WAS however, what kept the ball out of the back of the Liverpool net in extra time - but hey, good for them! :D

Thought! If the league champions are SO good and SO consistent, how come they didn't do what Liverpool did?? Don't tell me you're all skill and NEVER get your share of luck? What Dudek did - I call that innovation!

Well done the Scousers!!! Get wellied!! :cool:

26-May-05, 11:05
Im not a liverpool fan - actually i confess to being a bit of a football "slapper" - no loyalty and just about anybody's fan when i want to be" but i was on the edge of my seat last night. Football is a game of skill and chance and it was all that it should be last night.

I cheered and yelled and got quite excited - i remember the last time they won watching it with my sister - who is a liverpool fan - and my dad - a manchester city fan - cant beleive it was 21 years ago.

well done Liverpool

Alexander Rowe
26-May-05, 12:19
Awww, dry yer eyes yooz guyz that are puffin' in yer pint!

I agree with guitarzan. You can't get THAT far in the champions league with nothing but sheer luck! I thought the game was brilliant entertainment - regardless of the colour of the shirt. Luck WAS however, what kept the ball out of the back of the Liverpool net in extra time - but hey, good for them.

Thought! If the league champions are SO good and SO consistent, how come they didn't do what Liverpool did?? Don't tell me you're all skill and NEVER get your share of luck? What Dudek did - I call that innovation!

Well done the Scousers!!! Get wellied!!

Arsenal didnt do what Liverpool did because it is a cup competition, as simple as that, its not about being consistent, so not sure why your asking the question.

Im not fussed either way but I just laugh at all the plastic scousers on here who all of a sudden show an interest in football and claim to be life long Liverpool fans.

Im maybe still annoyed with the proper Liverpool fans who managed to get English clubs banned from Europe for going on the rampage and killing Juve fans in Heysel.

PS Shame they wont be able to defend it next season and will instead have to watch United Everton and Arsenal, arf. :D :D

26-May-05, 12:39
where are you gettin all these "plastic" liverpool fans from alexander?

the only person on this whole thread who is admittedly a liverpool fan is Szin!!

i'm neutral too (hibs and toon army thanks) i just enjoy a good game o football!!

and as for everton and arsenal - i wouldnt be surprised if they change the rules to get liverpool in it to defend the trophy..... not that i agree with that like - if liverpool can't cut it in the league, they shouldn't represent or the whole system is made a mockery of...

we'll see eh? ;)

26-May-05, 12:47
I agree with Guitarzan & Squidge, I am an armchair HIBS supporter but I was on the edge of my seat last night, and it was European Footie not Scots.
I suspect Alexander that a little sour grapes have crept in on your part, Tough.
What has Cup and League footbal got in common....not a lot in my view.....Rangers won the SPL, an Celtic are still in the Cup....but on Sat I'll be an Arab supporter.

Alexander Rowe
26-May-05, 12:58
I agree with Guitarzan & Squidge, I am an armchair HIBS supporter but I was on the edge of my seat last night, and it was European Footie not Scots.
I suspect Alexander that a little sour grapes have crept in on your part, Tough.
What has Cup and League footbal got in common....not a lot in my view.....Rangers won the SPL, an Celtic are still in the Cup....but on Sat I'll be an Arab supporter.

Its not about sour grapes. I was delighted when United won it in 99 and was supporting Celtic 2 years ago in Seville.

However, I was cheering on Milan last night for more off the field reasons. The way they tried to welcome Juve fans to Liverpool and all that self pity rubbish, when it was their fans who charged at and killed Juve fans I find disgusting.

Im not sure if you watched the channel 4 programme on Heysel the other night, if you did you would have seen Phil Neal with tears in his eyes wittering on about how the game should never have gone ahead. Then read this bit by the same man just down the page..........


26-May-05, 14:00
Dr Szin, we've been fully vindicated in our backing of our last 2 major opinions on here!

Feel Good factor or what!

I was teaching my son the virtues of being a gracious winner as well last night, let's save the bitterness for teams and people who deserve it. Last night's comeback was one of the most inspirational things I have ever seen.

A dive? Come on. Gattuso should have been off. Let's not forget the blatant handball before AC Milan's liquid football counter attack for the second goal.

No negative words can bring Liverpool fans down now. Top of the world.

26-May-05, 14:03
Where have all these Liverpool fans come from all of a sudden ? Hadnt heard from you in years and now your all 'dyed in the wool reds' !!!

Its a joke that a team that finishes 4th and 5th in the last two seasons has won the competition and it has totally devalued it. Means nothing these days.

Those that travelled to Istanbul off this board, how many other Liverpool away games in Europe did you do this season ??

I support Dundee and West Ham BTW so completely neutral.

And Dr Szin has always pleged allegiance to the reds on this board, so enough of that sort of thing!

26-May-05, 17:45
Goan yersel' Mike! :D Here I am agreeing with a Hibee :eek: I'm a Jambo (not armchair - get down to Tynecastle as often as I can) and Wolves - so no axe to grind here either ('nuff said about last weekend though!!!) Reference my last post, what I meant was where was the cup glory in Europe of the other league champs? Did their luck (sorry they only have skill - I forgot... ;) ) not last?

As Squidge said - it's a game of skill and chance - I didn't think for a minute that Liverpool were going to lay down and lie in the second half. We watched a 25 yr old captain lead a team ecstatic and proud as punch onto a stage to pick up a cup they well deserved. With the greatest of respect the regrets of history were not theirs to do penance. If every team were not to deserve glory for the disgraces of their formers, few trophies would be won.

My cousin is an avid Liverpool fan (here in the county) and I bet he was in his element last night - Mike, have one on me - go paint the town!!! :D

26-May-05, 20:19
A bunch of cheats.

and Dudeks antics in the shootout were not very sporting (he should've been booked after the first and the pen retaken) and was blatant cheating to put of the penalty takers.


What he did was perfectly within the rules. As long as he doesn't come off the goal line he can do anything (within reason).
Well done Liverpool!!!

26-May-05, 20:55
The trouble is, singapore, is that Dudek was about 2 yards off the goal line when the ball was struck. Bad refereeing if you ask me. I am glad the penalties stood though.

26-May-05, 22:41
never mind we might see hibs do the same in europe next year [lol] [lol]

George Brims
27-May-05, 00:32
Hey a wee cry out here for a bit of Nettiquette. Those of us living in the colonies don't get the fitba coverage for one or more days (better than the 6N rugby, which we can't get at all). If you're going to post about a sporting event the subject line should include the word SPOILER and give nothing away about the result. Proposing a Knighthood for Rafa was a dead giveaway!

Now if I can just persuade the boss to let me get home in time (it's on tonight!)...

27-May-05, 16:02
Sorry Wack. Y'know lichke... I shudda known bet'a lichke.

Any road, I hope yer enjoyed de game lichke. It we'geah. :D

27-May-05, 16:36
Why you writing in Jamaican?

27-May-05, 19:39
Gawd, is my Scouse that bad? :D

I know I'm not a native speaker, but I thought I had a good teacher. Maybe I did; maybe her pupil was just useless. :roll:

Maybe I should go join Gleeber on de legalise Ganja thread, maan....

27-May-05, 19:43
never mind we might see hibs do the same in europe next year [lol] [lol]

At least Hibs are in Europe next season, and we have a manager :lol:

28-May-05, 08:48
I attended the CL final in Istanbul, I don’t support Liverpool and I don’t support AC Milan……..it didn’t stop me from having a great time. I also have not attended any of Liverpool’s away Euro ties this season (nor any of AC Milan’s for that matter). I actually attended last years final between Porto and Monaco at Gelsenkirchen, Germany……guess what I hadn’t attended any of the other Porto or Monaco game either.

I do try to go and watch football as often as I can; I actually have a season ticket at Ibrox which I used on three occasions this season; however I did manage to go to Europe to watch Rangers play AZ Alkmaar (and the night before that I took in Feyenoord V Schalke04). This season I have managed the following international matches; Saudi Arabia V Egypt, Saudi Arabia V Finland, Saudi Arabia V South Korea and I will be heading over to watch Bahrain play Japan next Friday.

I don’t see that my attendance at any of Liverpool’s other away fixtures has any bearing on my attendance at the CL final. I should say that on my way to the game I met Liverpool supporters traveling from Australia, Japan, South Korea, Dubai, Qatar & Bahrain, as far as I know none of them had attended any of Liverpool’s other European games.

Having spent a few days in Istanbul after the match I met a lot of AC Milan fans and none of them have been critical of the way Liverpool played or won the match, in fact although they were disappointed they appreciated the fact it was a great spectacle.

As a Rangers supporter I can tell you it is a night that I will never forget, the rendition of You’ll Never Walk Alone at the end of the match brought tears to my eye’s such was the emotion in the stadium – it was truly moving.

frank ward
30-May-05, 14:20
My brother and his family and friends watched the game in an Irish Bar in Boston USA. He says the bar was heaving, packed with Liverpool fans and er, 3 Milanese.
People from all over, mostly Irish but also including Indians (I think he meant asian Indians, nor red indians, but I could be wrong!), Japanese, Koreans and a few bemused yanks. All jumping and dancing for 20 minutes after the last pen. A bit like meself, la.

30-May-05, 17:33
Flew to Istanbul via Qatar and met Koreans, Japs, Arabs travelling to the game, as well as lots of expats of course.