View Full Version : Off to WAR we go

09-May-16, 08:07
King Cameron has now changed into the MAD HATTER with such statements. I feel pity for the folk how followed him and left Scotland at the mercy of the Tories.

pig whisperer
09-May-16, 12:41
I'm beginning to think that the tories are worried that they might actually have to govern the country if we leave the EU, instead of being run from Brussels, & didn't Herr Merkle say exactly the same thing re the war thing

09-May-16, 22:05
When Cameron and Merkle talk about war in Europe people should listen and take heed. They know what the future holds. Regarding the EU in/out referendum. Those who are supportive of an influx of 3-5 million legal migrants from Turkey should vote "remain with the EU". But if the thought of the balkanisation of the UK is alarming vote "Break with the EU".

Mr Z
10-May-16, 10:54
We are doomed
EU regs won't allow deactivated guns over the channel for a battle of the Somme re enactment. What chance do we have of getting real guns over when war breaks out.
Pitch forks and sticks tally hoo!!!!!!