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26-Apr-16, 15:17
I have just been listening to the findings of the Hillsborough inquest and listening again to the story of that tragic day. How can it be that those individuals and organisations who knew they had done wrong could be allowed to run rings around the justice system for so long? It should never have taken 27 years!!! Shame on all those highly paid people for thinking only of their careers and pensions!!!

How wonderfully strong are those families? I feel humbled by their journey. While it might be argued that Hillsborough is perhaps not a subject for this forum I wonder if, none the less, there are lessons to be learned for all of us?

26-Apr-16, 17:15
I could never imagine the pain those people went through.
Within a few days of the tragedy the Sun newspaper conspired with the police to spread untrue stories about the conduct of the Liverpool supporters. It (the Sun) accused Liverpool supporters of picking the pockets of the dead and even urinating on them. The conspiracy started when the dead were still lying on the pitch.
One lesson ive learnt from this is the establishment will do all in its power to protect one anothers backs.
The next step will be the crown prosecution service deciding who will be charged with what. I wont hold my breath.

26-Apr-16, 22:06
Nearly 3 decades later, no doubt many of the guilty will never face real justice for that day

26-Apr-16, 22:37
I think the South yorkshire police did things during the miner's strike that they weren't proud of. Sheffield is mining country and I think South Yorkshire police called in the favours with the political establishment in order to cover its failings at Hillsborough.

27-Apr-16, 07:38
Although the Sun was forced to apoligise to the Hillsborough families a number of years ago they (the Sun) have relegated the story to the inside pages of todays paper. Kelvin Macenzie the editor at the time of the tragedy tried to say he got caught up in the smear campaign. The Sun were instramental in creating the conspiracy and giving it power.

27-Apr-16, 08:29
Ill doubt if the Liverpudlians will notice it in the Sun, given that they have barely sold a copy in the city since.
Murdoch really is a vile little man

27-Apr-16, 14:44
I think the South yorkshire police did things during the miner's strike that they weren't proud of. Sheffield is mining country and I think South Yorkshire police called in the favours with the political establishment in order to cover its failings at Hillsborough.

I totally agree with you, Thatcher obliged with relish.

27-Apr-16, 16:11
Duckenfield, & other Sth. Yorkshire police, retired early "on health grounds" but still eligible for full police pension. When they leave this earth for the the big Masonic circus in the sky I hope they all rot in hell.
RIP Anne Williams who never lived long enough to finally see justice for the 96.

27-Apr-16, 17:35
I am not sure but I think that any police officer who is found to have committed a criminal act can be brought back prosecuted an their pension at least reduced because some of it has come from the public purse

27-Apr-16, 18:09
I hope you are right Manxman but Government has caved in once over re-opening inquests. I cant see them "advising" CPS to bring charges against individuals.
Whatever happens, the only ones who I reckon will gain from this are the usual suspects i.e. vulture lawyers and barristers

27-Apr-16, 18:20
I think the South yorkshire police did things during the miner's strike that they weren't proud of. Sheffield is mining country and I think South Yorkshire police called in the favours with the political establishment in order to cover its failings at Hillsborough.

That's a very good point. I wouldn't have thought of that myself.

27-Apr-16, 18:52

27-Apr-16, 19:22
I think the site of that one solitary ambulance crossing the pitch is a haunting symbol of the failure of the emergency service's response that afternoon. Those poor people needed a hundred ambulances......and more. I just hope that lessons were learned and that plans are in place to effectively respond to disasters wherever they occur in the UK. It's easy to think that the Far North would never face such an emergency yet we have planes flying over, ferries and cruise ships passing by. Hundreds of potential casualties who would rely on the emergency services if anything goes wrong. It makes me wonder, what with all these cutbacks and downgrades in the north, just how many ambulances, for instance, would be able to respond within reasonable time and how many hospital beds would be available? I guess there are probably disaster response plans in place that would see helicopters flying in medics, and ambulances being sent up the A9, but it does worry me if anything major should happen here.

28-Apr-16, 11:57
More people who should be holding up their hands;
David Cameron (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2053917/Cameron-forced-apologise-blind-man-comments-grieving-Hillsborough-families.html) Bernard Ingrams (http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/margaret-thatcher-aide-sir-bernard-3420040) and Kelvin McKenzie (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/kelvin-mackenzie-reacts-hillsborough-verdict-7839834)

The black cat has been found Mr Cameron, and despite your insistence Mr Ingram will not shut up.
And will Mr Mckenzie finally admit that he was solely responsible for that disgusting "The Scum" headline.

29-Apr-16, 08:56
The trouble is that we all want to believe that some police officers dont tell lies ,conspire to hide the truth,massage information to favour one set of people over another but the truth of the matter is that they do and it may not only be happening south of the border even though we dont wish to contemplate it.It is a really sad indictment of life and I really hope that any police officer who has been involved in this type of behaviour in ANY police force in the UK is looking over their shoulders and wondering if they are next.I am sorry if some people are upset by this post but this is the world we live in now and please remember that the MAJORITY of police officers are fine, honest upstanding people who are doing a difficult job in unpleasant circumstances and deserve our support the Rogue ones need to be weeded out and sacked

29-Apr-16, 13:03
Very well said Manxman - there are rogues in all walks of life and they all need cleared out and not just a surface clean either, the large deep seated rogue roots really need to be cleared completely and rebuild with the understanding any underhand/dodgy behaviours will lead to immediate suspension, withdrawal of pensions and court action taken.