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22-Apr-16, 16:51
Boris Jonston, Michael Gove, I.D.S. and co. bitch about Obama's input into the EU Ref. because they want independence from Europe. These same people thanked him when he backed the better together side during the Scottish Ref. They either shut up on the subject or prove themselves hypocrites. I think the latter, but to the unionists that's ok is it?

22-Apr-16, 18:10
Why do you confuse the EU with the UK?

22-Apr-16, 19:04
Your SNP leader: Mrs Murrell, says that IF the UK votes to leave EU, then this is a 'Trigger Point' for another referendum. Are YOU piratelassie now going to vote to leave EU and thus get Independence?. It's a fair question, and I await with bated breath your answer

23-Apr-16, 12:48
Your SNP leader: Mrs Murrell, says that IF the UK votes to leave EU, then this is a 'Trigger Point' for another referendum. Are YOU piratelassie now going to vote to leave EU and thus get Independence?. It's a fair question, and I await with bated breath your answer

How I vote is my business, if I were to say which way I intend to vote I don't believe you would believe me anyway.

23-Apr-16, 15:33
you should all be happy to kiss the backside of unionism and capitalism ,you've been doing it for years so be happy smile and do as your told by your betters . The changling you hear is not the gold coins in your pocket but the chains unionism are glad to see you wrapped in , you'll do as the rest do and vote the way they tell us . Anything else is just a pipe dream Cameron has all really fixed the Eu vote ,that's why he's smiling all the way to the bank "vote the way they tell you"? Hmm well I'm voting to LEAVE the EU, so there, now you know, so I suppose indirectly I'm helping piratelassie and her dream with Mrs Murrell!!!!

23-Apr-16, 18:22
"vote the way they tell you"? Hmm well I'm voting to LEAVE the EU, so there, now you know, so I suppose indirectly I'm helping piratelassie and her dream with Mrs Murrell!!!!
Please,please please vote to stay, can't wait to see how the US are going to get the extra star on the flag for the new 51 state of WE GIVE UP or ROLLOVER who needs TTIP any ways

23-Apr-16, 18:46
Please,please please vote to stay, can't wait to see how the US are going to get the extra star on the flag for the new 51 state of WE GIVE UP or ROLLOVER who needs TTIP any ways If we do become the 51st state that's the 2nd one with a Union flag!.. Just been watching Russian TV, see these folks in Hanover are kicking up a stick (rightly so) over TTIP - think Obama will get a warm welcome when he arrives

23-Apr-16, 20:38
The yanks rarely do anything that does not benefit themselves, that is why they want/need us in the EU for some reason/s not explained, as for trade agreement with them they export more to us than we to them, so he can cut his nose off to spite his face if he wants to, but not very good for US business is it.

23-Apr-16, 20:51
How I vote is my business, if I were to say which way I intend to vote I don't believe you would believe me anyway.

Ha ha, your political views have more or less decimated the org as we knew it and now you're saying that your views are personal.

23-Apr-16, 21:20
Your SNP leader: Mrs Murrell, says that IF the UK votes to leave EU, then this is a 'Trigger Point' for another referendum. Are YOU piratelassie now going to vote to leave EU and thus get Independence?. It's a fair question, and I await with bated breath your answer

To justify another indyref after Brexit then Scotland has to demonstrate that it overwhelmingly voted to stay in the EU. It make no sense for an Scottish independence supporter to vote to Leave the EU.

23-Apr-16, 21:24
By the way, does anyone else think that David Cameron wrote Obama's EU warning? The devil is in the detail, Americans rarely say 'queue' they say 'stand in line'

23-Apr-16, 22:18
Ha ha, your political views have more or less decimated the org as we knew it and now you're saying that your views are personal.

No, I said the way I vote is personal as is evreybody's.

24-Apr-16, 09:42
To justify another indyref after Brexit then Scotland has to demonstrate that it overwhelmingly voted to stay in the EU. It make no sense for an Scottish independence supporter to vote to Leave the EU.
It made no sense either to vote to leave the UK but did not stop 'em - it might have been a bit too oblique but by the Scots voting to come OUT and we DO come out, then it's obvious that Mrs Murrell can take that as a trigger point for an (sic) Scottish Independence

24-Apr-16, 11:35
It made no sense either to vote to leave the UK but did not stop 'em - it might have been a bit too oblique but by the Scots voting to come OUT and we DO come out, then it's obvious that Mrs Murrell can take that as a trigger point for an (sic) Scottish Independence
if Scotland voted to leave the EU ,there would be no independence vote. Only the Engish vote can or maybe trigger a independence vote ,nothing Scotland does will change, that's the way the Westminster government wanted it. You can have your say ,but go away and do as we say.

24-Apr-16, 12:49
It made no sense either to vote to leave the UK but did not stop 'em - it might have been a bit too oblique but by the Scots voting to come OUT and we DO come out, then it's obvious that Mrs Murrell can take that as a trigger point for an (sic) Scottish Independence

I believe that it would make a little bit of sense to leave the UK in the European context because Scotland as a member state would increase the number of seats and its influence rather than having a pro-rata presence as part of the UK's seat count with no voice. Scotland would be able to vote on issues in a way that prioritises the needs of itelf rather than by being told what to do as part of a London-centric hegemony.

24-Apr-16, 15:29
Except it was made clear by Brussels at Indy ref time that Scotland would have to re-negotiate to become a member of the EU!

24-Apr-16, 15:38
Wot's a 'Reserved matter' with regard to Westminster - suppose it's all rather academic really then...

rob murray
27-Apr-16, 12:58
It made no sense either to vote to leave the UK but did not stop 'em - it might have been a bit too oblique but by the Scots voting to come OUT and we DO come out, then it's obvious that Mrs Murrell can take that as a trigger point for an (sic) Scottish Independence

Well I hope UK votes to leave as Mrs Murrell wont use it as an indy 2 trigger point and be seen to be posturing, anyone like to suggest the obvious reaons why there will be no indy 2 over EU / BREXIT issue and quite possibly no indy 2 for a very long time ?

rob murray
27-Apr-16, 14:22
Boris Jonston, Michael Gove, I.D.S. and co. bitch about Obama's input into the EU Ref. because they want independence from Europe. These same people thanked him when he backed the better together side during the Scottish Ref. They either shut up on the subject or prove themselves hypocrites. I think the latter, but to the unionists that's ok is it?

Read this maybe clear up a few points on NAT EU position for you : http://wisermonkeys.uk/snp.html

29-Apr-16, 22:07
There is not much in the link Rob posted above to set out the position on the EU.

The SNP's position is clear. SNP policy is that Scotland and the U.K. Are better off in the EU. As Scotland is part of the U.K. then it is clear that the best vote is to vote to stay. If Scotland votes by a significant majority to stay in the EU but England votes take us out of the EU then that may be a material change which would warrant a second referendum because the SNP believe that leaving the EU would be seriously detrimental to Scotland. That's why they are campaigning to stay in Europe and why they would consider a second referendum if we are removed from Europe against the will of the Scottish voters.

I will be voting to stay in the EU. That is because I believe that human rights, workers rights, women's rights are all secure because of Europe. If we leave then I have no confidence that this government or subsequent WM governments will protect these hard won rights.

rob murray
30-Apr-16, 15:31
There is not much in the link Rob posted above to set out the position on the EU.

The SNP's position is clear. SNP policy is that Scotland and the U.K. Are better off in the EU. As Scotland is part of the U.K. then it is clear that the best vote is to vote to stay. If Scotland votes by a significant majority to stay in the EU but England votes take us out of the EU then that may be a material change which would warrant a second referendum because the SNP believe that leaving the EU would be seriously detrimental to Scotland. That's why they are campaigning to stay in Europe and why they would consider a second referendum if we are removed from Europe against the will of the Scottish voters.

I will be voting to stay in the EU. That is because I believe that human rights, workers rights, women's rights are all secure because of Europe. If we leave then I have no confidence that this government or subsequent WM governments will protect these hard won rights.

Go and read TTIP : it will be implemented and run rough shod over all rights you mentioned

weezer 316
30-Apr-16, 15:45
There is not much in the link Rob posted above to set out the position on the EU.

The SNP's position is clear. SNP policy is that Scotland and the U.K. Are better off in the EU. As Scotland is part of the U.K. then it is clear that the best vote is to vote to stay. If Scotland votes by a significant majority to stay in the EU but England votes take us out of the EU then that may be a material change which would warrant a second referendum because the SNP believe that leaving the EU would be seriously detrimental to Scotland. That's why they are campaigning to stay in Europe and why they would consider a second referendum if we are removed from Europe against the will of the Scottish voters.

I will be voting to stay in the EU. That is because I believe that human rights, workers rights, women's rights are all secure because of Europe. If we leave then I have no confidence that this government or subsequent WM governments will protect these hard won rights.

Right Squidge you are probably the only sane Independence supporter left here so can I ask how the hell square that in your head? You whinged bitterly for months about the fact that England has such overwhelming power in the union (there is that irrelevant border again) and how we should leave as we are at a democratic deficit within the union. Yet, you support the EU, an body where the executive is unelected and could do as it wishes, and you would have ZERO say in it, and even in the parliament we are massively outgunned by the Franco/german alliance, a situation not dissimilar to Scottish MP's in Westminster.

By definition you are contradicting yourself, so can you explain how you square that in your head please?

And again you contort Westminster into some monster, like all the Pro-yessers, whcile praising the loverly worker paradise of the EU. Tell me, did decisions like the EU court ruling collective bargaining agreements don't apply during a transfer, or the Commissions imposition of deregulation of umpteen govt run industries across the EU, much to the displeasure of places like Hungary and Poland, escape you? What about Greece, who are now run almost directly from Brussels despite voting in 2 recent elections to reject this path? A course of action I remind you that had a disproportionate affect on women in these places. Do you care that not one MP in the entire EU is allowed to see the draft agreement of ANY of the trade deals the EU Commission is negotioating?

Why is this ignored by you and Westminster vilified?

30-Apr-16, 15:46
There is not much in the link Rob posted above to set out the position on the EU.

The SNP's position is clear. SNP policy is that Scotland and the U.K. Are better off in the EU. As Scotland is part of the U.K. then it is clear that the best vote is to vote to stay. If Scotland votes by a significant majority to stay in the EU but England votes take us out of the EU then that may be a material change which would warrant a second referendum because the SNP believe that leaving the EU would be seriously detrimental to Scotland. That's why they are campaigning to stay in Europe and why they would consider a second referendum if we are removed from Europe against the will of the Scottish voters.

I will be voting to stay in the EU. That is because I believe that human rights, workers rights, women's rights are all secure because of Europe. If we leave then I have no confidence that this government or subsequent WM governments will protect these hard won rights.
Mrs Murrell can't just stamp her feet and have another Referendum - it's a RESERVED matter i.e. the houses of Parliament i.e Westminster that decides

rob murray
30-Apr-16, 15:54
Mrs Murrell can't just stamp her feet and have another Referendum - it's a RESERVED matter i.e. the houses of Parliament i.e Westminster that decides

SHe knows this but will harp on as its the same blame game, westminster denying Scotland indy2, even though she knows TTIP will see EU dominated by large US corporations calling all the shots. Typical diversionary tactics to keep yessers on side,sooner or later blame and excuses, will stop. Interesting that Calton Jock supports BREXIT and an indy scotland outside EU, shows splits in their, SNP, approach !

30-Apr-16, 19:10
I don't think there is a contradiction at all. My support for Independence always included for Scotland to remain part of the EU. An Independent Scotland must be an outward facing modern democracy. The Indy Referendum was never about isolationism for me and for many others who voted YES. I have explained this many times but I'll say it again just so as it is clear.

Countries in Europe have a voice in the EU. Whether you think it is ignored, not loud enough, drowned out each country has a voice when negotiating treaties, fishing grounds, subsidies, rules and other things. An independent Scotland would have its own voice. There is plenty of research around which shows that smaller countries do well out of the EU partly because there is less grandstanding done by them - they concentrate on the priorities thay have for their own countries.

TTIP is actually a good example. The U.K. Government is involved in negotiating this. The Scottish government has asked for the NHS to be exempted, WM is not interested in doing that. When fishing quotas are discussed Scotland's fisheries minister is not allowed into the negotiations despite Scotland having most of the fishing grounds of the U.K. Scotland's voice in Europe would be louder as an independent country, than it is just now. That would be better for Scotland.

I have never said that the EU is any sort of paradise and nor have I ever called WM any sort of monster. There are problems within the EU which need to be fixed. Scotland has no voice at the table as it stands. There are policies that I do not agree with but I remain convinced that both the UK and Scotland are better off IN the EU than isolated outside it. The Hillsborough inquest would never have taken place if we were not part of Europe and signed up to the ECHR. Without european legislation and directives many of our smaller, remote rural communities would be less protected and have less investment.

Do I trust Europe to be a benevolent force for good all the time? No
Do I trust WM to be a benevolent force for good all the time? No
Do I trust Holyrood to be a benevolent force for good all the time? No

Of course I don't. But I do believe that Europe holds us to account in a way that we would not be if we left. I think that is a good thing.

The other thing that amuses me is that when the SNP speaks with one voice, there are accusations that there is no dissent allowed, when there is disagreement and there is, this is flagged as a 'split' it's nonsense. SNP members robustly debate policy amongst themselves and at conference. It's healthy and the majority views make the policy in the vast majority of circumstances. It's okay for members to disagree with policy. That's how most democratic organisations work don't ya know.

01-May-16, 10:01
I don't think there is a contradiction at all. My support for Independence always included for Scotland to remain part of the EU. An Independent Scotland must be an outward facing modern democracy. The Indy Referendum was never about isolationism for me and for many others who voted YES. I have explained this many times but I'll say it again just so as it is clear.

Countries in Europe have a voice in the EU. Whether you think it is ignored, not loud enough, drowned out each country has a voice when negotiating treaties, fishing grounds, subsidies, rules and other things. An independent Scotland would have its own voice. There is plenty of research around which shows that smaller countries do well out of the EU partly because there is less grandstanding done by them - they concentrate on the priorities thay have for their own countries.

TTIP is actually a good example. The U.K. Government is involved in negotiating this. The Scottish government has asked for the NHS to be exempted, WM is not interested in doing that. When fishing quotas are discussed Scotland's fisheries minister is not allowed into the negotiations despite Scotland having most of the fishing grounds of the U.K. Scotland's voice in Europe would be louder as an independent country, than it is just now. That would be better for Scotland.

I have never said that the EU is any sort of paradise and nor have I ever called WM any sort of monster. There are problems within the EU which need to be fixed. Scotland has no voice at the table as it stands. There are policies that I do not agree with but I remain convinced that both the UK and Scotland are better off IN the EU than isolated outside it. The Hillsborough inquest would never have taken place if we were not part of Europe and signed up to the ECHR. Without european legislation and directives many of our smaller, remote rural communities would be less protected and have less investment.

Do I trust Europe to be a benevolent force for good all the time? No
Do I trust WM to be a benevolent force for good all the time? No
Do I trust Holyrood to be a benevolent force for good all the time? No

Of course I don't. But I do believe that Europe holds us to account in a way that we would not be if we left. I think that is a good thing.

The other thing that amuses me is that when the SNP speaks with one voice, there are accusations that there is no dissent allowed, when there is disagreement and there is, this is flagged as a 'split' it's nonsense. SNP members robustly debate policy amongst themselves and at conference. It's healthy and the majority views make the policy in the vast majority of circumstances. It's okay for members to disagree with policy. That's how most democratic organisations work don't ya know.

Mrs Murrell can't just stamp her feet and have another Referendum - it's a RESERVED matter i.e. the houses of Parliament i.e Westminster that decides ???

01-May-16, 10:20
I see that Obama's 'orders' for the UK fell on deaf ears and quite a few showed their displeasure in his total ignorance of the British phlegm, being 'told what to do' hence the increase of those for 'Out'.. on another note just watched nicola Murrell on Andrew Marr, doing a bit of filibustering when asked IF Scotland broke away from the UK would she have to go through the procedures of gaining entry to the EU as a separate nation.. Hm lets see, UK votes to leave EU, EU 'unravels' (words of French Finance Minister and various German Ministers - the loss of 'club fees' paid by the UK will have to be made up by remaining countries, Afd in Germany, the New Austrian Chancellor, almost every country in the EU have very strong - and rising -anti-Eu sentiment).. the Eu will dissolve. So here comes Mrs Murrell pushing for Scottish Independence "Ok lads and lassies, Oil is now a quarter of what it was, we've got at least a £15billon black hole to fill and get our fiscal policy in order (good enough for the EU to accept) and the EU is in meltdown, but we will have 'Freedom'!" .. dreams? nope; nightmare!

01-May-16, 13:09
Mrs Murrell can't just stamp her feet and have another Referendum - it's a RESERVED matter i.e. the houses of Parliament i.e Westminster that decides ???

Oh! you want an answer do you Bekisman?

As it has been made abundently clear time and time again that a second referendum will only happen when and if a majority of Scottish Voters want one. in that circumstance I would be very surprised if Westminster witheld permission for Scotland to hold another referendum as that would probably INCREASE the support for Independence rather than reduce it.

By the way, this "Mrs Murrell" stuff betrays your sexist attitude to women in positions of authority and perhaps even in society in general.

02-May-16, 10:37
Oh! you want an answer do you Bekisman?

As it has been made abundently clear time and time again that a second referendum will only happen when and if a majority of Scottish Voters want one. in that circumstance I would be very surprised if Westminster witheld permission for Scotland to hold another referendum as that would probably INCREASE the support for Independence rather than reduce it.

By the way, this "Mrs Murrell" stuff betrays your sexist attitude to women in positions of authority and perhaps even in society in general.Good grief squidge "sexist attitude"!! accusing me of having this opinion of society in general.. you've gone too far squidge, how dare you to presume such, you have no right whatsoever to try and paint me as a sexist purely on my pointing out Mrs Murrell - . Moving on from YOUR insulting insinuation how the hell will the SNP know the majority want another referendum? opinion polls? nope, the only way it 'could' be done would be to have a Referendum asking "do you want or not want another referendum"? So squidge what would be your 'trigger point'??
Anyway be nice if YOU apologised in telling me: "betrays your sexist attitude to women in positions of authority and perhaps even in society in general"

rob murray
02-May-16, 11:03
Oh! you want an answer do you Bekisman?

As it has been made abundently clear time and time again that a second referendum will only happen when and if a majority of Scottish Voters want one. in that circumstance I would be very surprised if Westminster witheld permission for Scotland to hold another referendum as that would probably INCREASE the support for Independence rather than reduce it.

By the way, this "Mrs Murrell" stuff betrays your sexist attitude to women in positions of authority and perhaps even in society in general.

Dont agree, surprisingly ! who will know what the majority want / have a referendum on : do you want indy2 ? yes / no ? : if majority want it then theres proof, thats the only true measure. SO would westminster allow a referendum on a second referendum, called by one party who will not hold a majority % of voters ( expect a turnout a lot lower than indy 1 and last election ) ? Ayyway as you well know the election is soley about consitutional isses, the SNP are virtually guaranteed every yes vote, thats why Ms Sturgeon constantly harps on about indy 2 keeps the yes vote behind her and then the remaining 55% of vote ( no voters ) are split beween Tories LD's GReens : hence SNP walk over, thats the reality of scottish politics that and the nicola cult the obvious message is ‘trust Nicola’ to ‘stand up for Scotland’, First Minister’s speechs constantly emphasise her leadership, her pledges and her personal aspirations for Scotland, at the same time she’s not intending to do anything very flashy over the next five years though according to her manifesto

rob murray
02-May-16, 11:32
Mrs Murrell can't just stamp her feet and have another Referendum - it's a RESERVED matter i.e. the houses of Parliament i.e Westminster that decides

From SNP manifesto : We will achieve independence only when a majority of our fellow
citizens are persuaded that it offers the best future for our country.Oursuccess will depend on the strength of our arguments and the clarity of
our vision. We believe that the Scottish Parliament should have theright to
hold another referendum if there is clear and sustained evidence
that independence has become the preferred option of a majority of
the Scottish people – or if thereis a significant and material change in
the circumstancesthat prevailed in 2014, such as Scotland being taken
out of the EUagainst our will.

Wewill undertake new work starting this summer to persuade a clear
majorityof the Scottish people that independence is the best future
forour country.

Its all wooly isnt it, firstly they / she talks about a majority for indy ( how do you prove a majority exists ? the SNP dont speak for all Scots, then if theres a material change ie BREXIT the right to hold another referendum, again confusing, then goes on about persuanding the majority that indy is Scotlands best future starting this summer. All very loose and confusing. Has the nats never consiered that yes voters may vote EU Out / people aspiring for an indy scotland outwith EU ??? or no voters to stay in ??

I found some clarification : Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Sturgeon clarified that opinion polls held over a period of time would be the deciding factor in calling a second referendum. SInce when were opinion polls scientific ??? Can they be trusted ? Ach....its no big deal call indy 2 and the answer will still be a majority no, then thats the issue over and SNP holed below the water line.

02-May-16, 23:42
I'm not apologising Beks. I say it as I see it. Why do you call her Mrs Murrell? It's the 21st Century women don't Have to use their husbands name, many women don't. An insistence on using a woman's - any woman's - husband's name when they do not call themselves by their married name is a sexist attempt to demean them as a woman by defining them in reference to their husband as though they have no identity of their own. In short as rob Murray said elsewhere, it's to make her sound like a Wifie. You can act as outraged as you want but it doesn't change the fact that it's sexist. If you don't want to give the impression that you are sexist don't behave in a sexist manner or make sexist comments. That usually works!

rob murray
03-May-16, 09:27
I'm not apologising Beks. I say it as I see it. Why do you call her Mrs Murrell? It's the 21st Century women don't Have to use their husbands name, many women don't. An insistence on using a woman's - any woman's - husband's name when they do not call themselves by their married name is a sexist attempt to demean them as a woman by defining them in reference to their husband as though they have no identity of their own. In short as rob Murray said elsewhere, it's to make her sound like a Wifie. You can act as outraged as you want but it doesn't change the fact that it's sexist. If you don't want to give the impression that you are sexist don't behave in a sexist manner or make sexist comments. That usually works!

WHere did I say sturgeon was a wifie ? Anyway is calling a man a mannie equally demeaning and sexist ?

rob murray
03-May-16, 10:44
WHere and when on this forum did I say sturgeon was a wifie, find the thread and copy it, if I did then I will applogise ? Anyway is calling a man a mannie equally demeaning and sexist ?

I note you never replied / challenged my post on indy2 either, typical nat diversionary tactics eh never give a straight answer and create a ho ha to cover up answering key points

03-May-16, 11:12
I made my views on Indy ref clear. I don't have anything else to say about it. Here it is in case you missed it.

As it has been made abundently clear time and time again that a second referendum will only happen when and if a majority of Scottish Voters want one. in that circumstance I would be very surprised if Westminster witheld permission for Scotland to hold another referendum as that would probably INCREASE the support for Independence rather than reduce it.

And it was on Twitter where I think you said

"Mrs Murrell kinda strips back the Ms sturgeon persona, sounds like a wifie no the all powerful tsaraina spun to the masses"


"Mrs Murrell, christ she cant even get her name Correct"

rob murray
03-May-16, 12:00
I made my views on Indy ref clear. I don't have anything else to say about it. Here it is in case you missed it.

As it has been made abundently clear time and time again that a second referendum will only happen when and if a majority of Scottish Voters want one. in that circumstance I would be very surprised if Westminster witheld permission for Scotland to hold another referendum as that would probably INCREASE the support for Independence rather than reduce it.

And it was on Twitter where I think you said

"Mrs Murrell kinda strips back the Ms sturgeon persona, sounds like a wifie no the all powerful tsaraina spun to the masses"


"Mrs Murrell, christ she cant even get her name Correct"

You inferred me making comments on here, which I never, I made them directly to you and you alone on twitter, not to the world at large, comments which youve now decided to make public : game set and match to you well done !!! you forgot to mention the tweet I made on STurgeons appearance on ANdrew Neil Sunday poliitics : "Mrs Murrell still cant drive did you not see her car crash last sunday"" ? . I also said "If Thatchers husbands surname was good enough for her why is Mrs Murrell called Ms Sturgeon, thought only movie stars did that one ? Winding you up ot tryin to. Ive 11 followers on twitter, so I guess that proves that Im not blasting away to a mass of people. Anyway theirs a hell of a lot worse said although if offense was taken none was meant and yep my remarks not made on a public forum, but now made public, are disrespectful towards Ms Sturgeon so hands up on this .

03-May-16, 12:53
They were NOT made in private lol. Twitter is a public forum, your tweets are available for anyone to search. You didn't send them by DM or in an email.

Twitter is massively less private thsn this forum - sheesh!

rob murray
03-May-16, 13:06
They were NOT made in private lol. Twitter is a public forum, your tweets are available for anyone to search. You didn't send them by DM or in an email.

Twitter is massively less private thsn this forum - sheesh!

Thats cos Im an amateur using twitter.

03-May-16, 14:07
Well rob you can get an app to delete your old tweets if you are worried about them. I don't bother. Best bet is to treat it with caution because ANYONE can see your tweets whether they follow you or not

rob murray
03-May-16, 14:28
Well rob you can get an app to delete your old tweets if you are worried about them. I don't bother. Best bet is to treat it with caution because ANYONE can see your tweets whether they follow you or not

Thats not what I understood the situation to be but thanks.

03-May-16, 19:00
Don't you just love Twitter...


03-May-16, 19:32
Well rob you can get an app to delete your old tweets if you are worried about them. I don't bother. Best bet is to treat it with caution because ANYONE can see your tweets whether they follow you or not Oh yes THAT is so very very true!