View Full Version : Tories walking in the footsteps of the Nazi party

12-Mar-16, 15:21
Yet again we have the Westminster Tories picking on the ,disabled ,sick and poor to enrich the elite classes which reminds me of want happened in 1936. Tories policy seems to be its better to follow in the footsteps of the Nazi's and pick on a group that we have painted as parasites. We could all well be tarred with that brush as we allowed the last Tory Lib government to cut £12billion from that budget in the past and did nothing to stop it.
We all look more like the folk at stayed beside the death camps ,we can only say "I turned a blind eye but I could never say I did not know". We all share the responsibility for this act of gross injustice if we just sit back and do nothing.
David Cameron ,Ian Duncan Smith and George Osborne all greed with the last cuts that deaths in the target group would go up by 180-250 per week . The government agreed figure is 174 deaths per week ,maybe they see it as they have 76 more to find and that's why they now plan to cut the benefits by another £1billion
Camerons eye on the future sees the building of council houses as a waste, if we don't stand up and email our MPs to stop this we'll have given him the green light too follow in the footstep of his chosen mentor and build a few camps in the county.
Evil thinkers are Evil doers..

12-Mar-16, 15:59
Are they doing that can-can thing with their feet as well?

rob murray
12-Mar-16, 16:54
Just shows the pathetic moderation of this site that this wholly offensive word has been allowed in a thread / thread title, NAZI's killed people....since when did Tories....come on get this edited / or deleted.

12-Mar-16, 17:40
Yet again we have the Westminster Tories picking on the ,disabled ,sick and poor to enrich the elite classes which reminds me of want happened in 1936. Tories policy seems to be its better to follow in the footsteps of the Nazi's and pick on a group that we have painted as parasites. We could all well be tarred with that brush as we allowed the last Tory Lib government to cut £12billion from that budget in the past and did nothing to stop it.
We all look more like the folk at stayed beside the death camps ,we can only say "I turned a blind eye but I could never say I did not know". We all share the responsibility for this act of gross injustice if we just sit back and do nothing.
David Cameron ,Ian Duncan Smith and George Osborne all greed with the last cuts that deaths in the target group would go up by 180-250 per week . The government agreed figure is 174 deaths per week ,maybe they see it as they have 76 more to find and that's why they now plan to cut the benefits by another £1billion
Camerons eye on the future sees the building of council houses as a waste, if we don't stand up and email our MPs to stop this we'll have given him the green light too follow in the footstep of his chosen mentor and build a few camps in the county.
Evil thinkers are Evil doers.. If you had a conscience dozy you would hang your head in shame, how the hell this post is permitted to remain on this page is beyond me. I had relations who were exterminated by the Nazi, I have been to Auschwitz-Birkenau and seen the piles of hair shaven from those relations, the partly burned remains of bodies.. HOW DARE YOU use the Nazi period as an example in your pathetic ramblings. It goes without saying YOU have never seen these things. I was there in June 1976, I can still see it vividly.
What sort of Moderators are on this so-called Org than can allow this person to post.. Dozy I took you as a fervent Nationalist not as a unfeeling, hurtful person.

rob murray
12-Mar-16, 19:04
I notice this post still up / do editing : Dozy, is very well named, and should be banned sine die from this site. Fernie....hold yer head in shame as you have condoned this ridiculous nonsense. Your in action supports Dozy's obnoxious rant. Do you want the world to see this ?? How do you think outsiders see this....

Mr Z
12-Mar-16, 19:49
Strange how Nazi and fascist was acceptable terms when describing the SNP in previous posts but not for the Torys. Double standards perhaps?

rob murray
12-Mar-16, 20:05
If you had a conscience dozy you would hang your head in shame, how the hell this post is permitted to remain on this page is beyond me. I had relations who were exterminated by the Nazi, I have been to Auschwitz-Birkenau and seen the piles of hair shaven from those relations, the partly burned remains of bodies.. HOW DARE YOU use the Nazi period as an example in your pathetic ramblings. It goes without saying YOU have never seen these things. I was there in June 1976, I can still see it vividly.
What sort of Moderators are on this so-called Org than can allow this person to post.. Dozy I took you as a fervent Nationalist not as a unfeeling, hurtful person.

Well the guy proves you wrong then, a creep, a nasty sniveling creep, with no conscience whatsoever. Notice that Fernie and mods hasn't deleted Dozy's sick perverted nonsense, shows you what they are made off as they obviously support Dozy garbage. Condemned by association, makes them all out to be sick perverted twisted idiots. And to think posters have been banned on dubious sock puppet grounds yet Dozy is allowed to spew pure filth. Welcome to good ol Caithness.org

rob murray
12-Mar-16, 20:22
Yet again we have the Westminster Tories picking on the ,disabled ,sick and poor to enrich the elite classes which reminds me of want happened in 1936. Tories policy seems to be its better to follow in the footsteps of the Nazi's and pick on a group that we have painted as parasites. We could all well be tarred with that brush as we allowed the last Tory Lib government to cut £12billion from that budget in the past and did nothing to stop it.
We all look more like the folk at stayed beside the death camps ,we can only say "I turned a blind eye but I could never say I did not know". We all share the responsibility for this act of gross injustice if we just sit back and do nothing.
David Cameron ,Ian Duncan Smith and George Osborne all greed with the last cuts that deaths in the target group would go up by 180-250 per week . The government agreed figure is 174 deaths per week ,maybe they see it as they have 76 more to find and that's why they now plan to cut the benefits by another £1billion
Camerons eye on the future sees the building of council houses as a waste, if we don't stand up and email our MPs to stop this we'll have given him the green light too follow in the footstep of his chosen mentor and build a few camps in the county.
Evil thinkers are Evil doers..

You been at the buckfast.......... as this is pure utter crap, I never voted tory so what can I do, and where can a bust scotland with £15 billion deficit mitigate cuts, they have the powers you know, but would need to put up taxes, no what youve been suckered as nat governments will do nowt. Where would an indy Scotland get the dough to mitigate cuts.....grow up if we were indy we would be seeing tory benefits as pure luxuries.

13-Mar-16, 07:29
Well the guy proves you wrong then, a creep, a nasty sniveling creep, with no conscience whatsoever. Notice that Fernie and mods hasn't deleted Dozy's sick perverted nonsense, shows you what they are made off as they obviously support Dozy garbage. Condemned by association, makes them all out to be sick perverted twisted idiots. And to think posters have been banned on dubious sock puppet grounds yet Dozy is allowed to spew pure filth. Welcome to good ol Caithness.org

Well said Rob Murray - I have wondered for a while what they are made of. Now its plain for all to see.

13-Mar-16, 11:37
Strange how Nazi and fascist was acceptable terms when describing the SNP in previous posts but not for the Torys. Double standards perhaps?

if you google the words 'caithness.org, nazi and SNP' , only one thread comes up .... http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?244195-SNP-lies-deciet-and-mis-management


13-Mar-16, 13:06
if you google the words 'caithness.org, nazi and SNP' , only one thread comes up .... http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?244195-SNP-lies-deciet-and-mis-management


Seems OK to compare Jeremy Clarckson to Hitler though...


13-Mar-16, 13:57
Oh well nothing done, it's a observance - noted well outside of this northern kingdom - that if one is anti-SNP you have a high % of being banned, suspended - just look through the list of those now banished. Whereas those espousing the nationalist sentiment are treated with gentle kid gloves.. I may be wrong? but how the heck rob murray or indeed myself are still here is presumably a sop which is in reality an empty gesture to 'viewers' in general.. Months ago I noted this Org was dying, maybe this is a reason for the lack of enthusiastic banter?

rob murray
14-Mar-16, 12:50
Oh well nothing done, it's a observance - noted well outside of this northern kingdom - that if one is anti-SNP you have a high % of being banned, suspended - just look through the list of those now banished. Whereas those espousing the nationalist sentiment are treated with gentle kid gloves.. I may be wrong? but how the heck rob murray or indeed myself are still here is presumably a sop which is in reality an empty gesture to 'viewers' in general.. Months ago I noted this Org was dying, maybe this is a reason for the lack of enthusiastic banter?

Yep your right seems Im a sop, some bread thrown to the masses at circus times, light entertainment lol lol lol

14-Mar-16, 13:33
Seems OK to compare Jeremy Clarckson to Hitler though...

Shouldn't expect he minds, awfully much.

rob murray
14-Mar-16, 15:33
JUst shoving this back up, see if anyone is checking out the original post and the Offensive Behaviour & Communications Act applicability ??

rob murray
14-Mar-16, 15:40
Post still up............so I take it mods and site admin all see nothing wrong with it ? Looking the other way eh or to paraphrase D***............... your turning a blind eye but can never say you did not know you all share the responsibility for this act of gross offensive insult, and you just sit back and do nothing.

rob murray
14-Mar-16, 16:00
Yet again we have the Westminster Tories picking on the ,disabled ,sick and poor to enrich the elite classes which reminds me of want happened in 1936. Tories policy seems to be its better to follow in the footsteps of the Nazi's and pick on a group that we have painted as parasites. We could all well be tarred with that brush as we allowed the last Tory Lib government to cut £12billion from that budget in the past and did nothing to stop it.
We all look more like the folk at stayed beside the death camps ,we can only say "I turned a blind eye but I could never say I did not know". We all share the responsibility for this act of gross injustice if we just sit back and do nothing.
David Cameron ,Ian Duncan Smith and George Osborne all greed with the last cuts that deaths in the target group would go up by 180-250 per week . The government agreed figure is 174 deaths per week ,maybe they see it as they have 76 more to find and that's why they now plan to cut the benefits by another £1billion
Camerons eye on the future sees the building of council houses as a waste, if we don't stand up and email our MPs to stop this we'll have given him the green light too follow in the footstep of his chosen mentor and build a few camps in the county.
Evil thinkers are Evil doers..

Some reality : Challenged byAndrew Neill on “Sunday Politics” as to whether the SNP would plug the deficitof an independent Scotland by increasing tax by 16% or cutting spending by 14%,or by some combination of the two, Sturgeon responded:“ We would deal with thedeficit in the same way that the UK is dealing with its deficit and dealt with the deficit in 2009/10.” But in last year’s general election the SNP campaigned as the party which would challenge austerity. The small print of its manifesto showed that, in reality, this was not the case. Now the SNP has accodring to sturgeon abandoned even the pretence of being anti-austerity. How do you plug a £15billion hole and a bigger hole next year ? Cuts in services and tax hikes or suts in services you cant square the circle.

rob murray
14-Mar-16, 16:28
Yet again we have the Westminster Tories picking on the ,disabled ,sick and poor to enrich the elite classes which reminds me of want happened in 1936. Tories policy seems to be its better to follow in the footsteps of the Nazi's and pick on a group that we have painted as parasites. We could all well be tarred with that brush as we allowed the last Tory Lib government to cut £12billion from that budget in the past and did nothing to stop it.
We all look more like the folk at stayed beside the death camps ,we can only say "I turned a blind eye but I could never say I did not know". We all share the responsibility for this act of gross injustice if we just sit back and do nothing.
David Cameron ,Ian Duncan Smith and George Osborne all greed with the last cuts that deaths in the target group would go up by 180-250 per week . The government agreed figure is 174 deaths per week ,maybe they see it as they have 76 more to find and that's why they now plan to cut the benefits by another £1billion
Camerons eye on the future sees the building of council houses as a waste, if we don't stand up and email our MPs to stop this we'll have given him the green light too follow in the footstep of his chosen mentor and build a few camps in the county.
Evil thinkers are Evil doers..

Following Nazi Germany's defeat in World War II and the end of the Holocaust (http://forum.caithness.org/wiki/The_Holocaust), overt expressions of support for Nazi ideas were prohibited in Germany and other European countries. Nonetheless, movements that self-identify as National Socialist or are described as adhering to National Socialism continue to exist on the fringes of politics in many western societies. Usually espousing a white supremacist ideology, many deliberately adopt the symbols of Nazi Germany............and your point on Tories is ??

14-Mar-16, 19:25
Following Nazi Germany's defeat in World War II and the end of the Holocaust (http://forum.caithness.org/wiki/The_Holocaust), overt expressions of support for Nazi ideas were prohibited in Germany and other European countries. Nonetheless, movements that self-identify as National Socialist or are described as adhering to National Socialism continue to exist on the fringes of politics in many western societies. Usually espousing a white supremacist ideology, many deliberately adopt the symbols of Nazi Germany............and your point on Tories is ??

& back to John Lyndon & The Sex Pistols...
