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View Full Version : Favourite nibbles...

John Little
11-Dec-15, 11:54
Christmas is coming.

'Tis the season to be jolly- Peace on Earth and goodwill to all Orgers and all that jazz.

So I thought I'd put my three favourite season nibbles or food on here.

Pigs in blankets (invented by a genius)

Sprouts chopped and fried in a pan with garlic and sesame oil.

Those wee rolls of smoked salmon with cream cheese in them.

What's yours?

Alice in Blunderland
11-Dec-15, 11:58
I just lovvvvvve sprouts they are my favourite but the kids hate them :Razz

Crackers and cheese especialy smoked
Pickled onions and cheese sticks with a handful of peanuts thrown in
Popcorn (toffee) for the family movie which we never watch as telly hardly goes on over christmas

John Little
11-Dec-15, 12:03
I used to hate sprouts, having over-boiled mush for years but I think it was Gordon Ramsay I saw chop them up and fry them as described.

Now I lurve them.

The pickles is a good one too!

11-Dec-15, 12:13
Olives olives olives olives ( lol are you cringing yet Beks?)


Vol au Vents - so 70s but I love them. With prawns particularly.

Home made falafel

pigs in blankets too mmmmmm

11-Dec-15, 12:21
EUCH Brussles are the spawn of the devil in my eyes, boak boak. now on the other hand I do like olives, especially the pitted ones with pimentos, I love crackers and Blue Stilton, with a sneaky wee glass of port, no prawns sadly I am allergic to all shellfish.
A Royal Naval Reserve Wren PO used to make the perfect chicken vol au vents for Mess wee do's , when asked how she made them, she toid us she used Campbells condensed Chicken soup, her vol au vents were known in the mess as Chicken soup pies from then on, loved by all.

Alice in Blunderland
11-Dec-15, 12:28
Cant do prawns every year I make prawn cocktail but the kids taste the sauce. They assure me its good :eek: I've no idea as It doesn't pass my lips. I saw the lidl advert with the grated potato and brussel sprouts mixed with egg and seasoning fried in the pan as a cake now that I would like to try....yummy

Can I add a fourth please after eights yummmy to eat slowly when we have all left the table or in our house its a case of if your not fast your last as every one dives for them....

11-Dec-15, 14:02
Pigs in blankets, sprouts and oatmeal stuffing.

With Alice regarding the after 8`s

Alice in Blunderland
11-Dec-15, 14:37
I must make sure I have after eights in in case of a visit then Poppet ;)

11-Dec-15, 14:58
My downfalls are the kids selection boxes, chocolate oranges and after eights.
Oh and viennetta icecream in mint.

11-Dec-15, 15:01
A Question for Christmas........,

Now most people like "Pigs in Blankets".... YUM!

Now my Question is this.......If the wee sausages are made from Beef and Not Pork are they still "Pigs in Blankets"?

A Very Merry Christmas to One and All


John Little
11-Dec-15, 15:39
Coos in coveralls?

11-Dec-15, 16:24
I love Vol au vents with any filling :) the creamier the better though.

They are not good however if you are a wee fat wifie with an ample bosom. One bite and they explode and sprinkle your décolletage with a nicely spread out decoration of puff pastry flakes. Maybe that is why they have gone out of fashion more recently to be replaced by squeaky chicken on sticks or crudities. Always a disappointment in my opinion.

11-Dec-15, 16:55

Washed down with a Purdy's

Only 15 Sleeps to go!!!!!!!!