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View Full Version : sugar crafting

18-Nov-15, 18:38
is there anyone who teaches sugar crafting here in Caithness??

22-Nov-15, 17:25
Sugar crafting was once taught at Thurso College night school. You may be too late to enroll if it is still running. The lady at cups tearoom does a lot of cake decorating so for the price of a cup of tea and a cake you could pick up a few tricks of the trade or even more hands on help. My OH just bought a book on sugar crafting and some crafting tools from Amazon and got stuck in to it and she now makes some fantastic decorations. Just a suggestion, good luck.

jo bowd
23-Nov-15, 18:33
I taught myself from a book but I had already done a lot of modelling with polymer clay. It's worth getting some to practice with because it can be used over and over until it's baked and is only a couple of quid for a block. Hope this helps you.