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View Full Version : Memorial Diamonds

20-Apr-07, 13:23
Following on from the cremation or burial thread, whats your views on this site


They take your ashes of your loved one, including pets and turn them in to a diamond.
Takes a few months to do, they look nice, but are expensive, but what price do you put something like this ?

Me, i think it is a lovely idea, having my partner with me always, sparkling and twinkling in the light !

others may have different views.................

20-Apr-07, 14:06
aye my wife is a diamond so thats wat she will be when she,s gone. Me i guess i.ll be turned into a lump o coal .

[lol] [lol]

20-Apr-07, 15:16
i was thinking about getting my ashes put into an hourglass.

it's something different!!

20-Apr-07, 16:05
Sounds like a con to me.

I didn't think you could make diamonds. If you could they wouldn't be worth much and they wouldn't be a precious stone.

mmm. Home grown diamonds. Whatever next!!

Wonder how big a diamond you could make from a coo? Might be worth doing for £2k.

20-Apr-07, 16:41
No con, its for real, using extreme heat and pressure.

20-Apr-07, 17:00
I think I'll stick with the old-fashioned locket :roll:

20-Apr-07, 21:58
Yup, I'm with Angela. Photos, and a few keepsakes. There's something so tacky about the "diamond" thing it's almost an insult.

20-Apr-07, 23:49
How do you know your diamond has your loved ones 'carbon' in it, prices start from over £2000 for the smallest of stones .20 - .29 carat - tiny! :eek: all sounds a bit dodgy to me.

21-Apr-07, 13:28
I didn't think you could make diamonds. If you could they wouldn't be worth much and they wouldn't be a precious stone.

They've been making "artificial" diamonds for years for use in industry such as mining. These are tiny though and not suitable for jewellery. However a few years a couple of techniques were developed to create larger examples suitable for cutting into gems. There was a documentary about it a few years ago and the diamond industry were getting quite concerned.

Interesting article about it:

21-Apr-07, 13:31
I would look into it if and when the time comes. I like the idea of having Dave with me always.

21-Apr-07, 15:41
my kids i know love me loads and they have already told me they are going to make me into a diamond, so it looks like i am gonna be a jewel once in my life.........

21-Apr-07, 16:28
my kids i know love me loads and they have already told me they are going to make me into a diamond, so it looks like i am gonna be a jewel once in my life.........

Just tell them to be careful where to put it, I knew someone who swallowed a diamond, took them three days to pass it :Razz

I can think of a few other things I'd like my ashes made in to.

21-Apr-07, 20:30
They are not the nicest of colours'
a bit on the yellow side!:(

We're only human!

Mister Squiggle
21-Apr-07, 21:12
Sorry, but I looked at the website and just thought it was all a bit creepy. Imagine admiring someone's new diamond ring, only to be told "Oh yes, that's Bert, hasn't he come up well!"
It's a tad reminiscent of those cat owners who get their pets stuffed and have them placed in familiar spots around the house. One lady I saw on a documentary had about 5 of them dotted around her house, their little beady glass eyes staring ... it was mawkish and weird.
No doubt that's the kind of market this mob are aiming at. I think the tag line "Never Be Apart Again" smacks of obsessive stalking. And anyway, what if you forget and end up pawning the gem in a moment of poverty? You can hardly pop back to the pawnbrokers and say "Oh, can I have my husband back? He's over in that display case ..."

21-Apr-07, 21:17
Does that make me worth more dead than alive ????

21-Apr-07, 21:26
Can you imagine is someone bought the diamond from a pawn shop and mounted it on a ring and someone had it pierced onto their private parts [lol]

I think I would rather just be scattered off the top of Holborn Head, thats the instructions i have already given my family, I want to swim with the fishies!

21-Apr-07, 22:13
i believe that one of my daughters wants to have her tooth pierced with me....Nice to know that i am so loved.....

I have been watching the oddly enough news and i know that a gentleman in germany tried to have his father turned into a diamond, and the family said no, so he took it to court and lost the case...i am not sure if it is legal or not...can anyone enlighten me on this point.. I would not like to think of my kids doing something illegal.....

22-Apr-07, 16:07
They've been making artifical diamonds for years - I believe its called Zirconium.

22-Apr-07, 16:29
The process its self is legal. providing you leave instructions to your family that this is your request then there should not be a problem, unless some one contests the will !!

24-Apr-07, 20:02
I think it is a good idea as well. Funerals are expensive so why not go that extra step?

25-Apr-07, 11:21
Our 2 daughter's have already decided that my hubby & me are both being made in diamonds, one each, only question is who gets dad as he is a mighty big chap..........