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View Full Version : SNP in £3 million Cronyism Storm

01-Oct-15, 10:02
It never rains it's pours and now with Nicola Sturgeon the First Minister for Scotland who you could hardly escape such was her presence on the media constantly harping on about her outrage and aggrieved stance over even a mouse having flatulelnce somewhere in the general area of Westminster.

Now the silence is stunning from a woman ready to traduce the world with in depth knowledge of every single subject we have silence and a "I knew nothing " approach.

Only problem is we've all seen the deny everything say nothing routine countless times before it's not new, it doesn't give you credibility all it does is make you either look duplicitous, incompetent or simplistic, sometimes even all three.

With Michelle Thomson entrenched, the party doing its utmost to make Fiona Hyslop look whiter than white despite all evidence contrary.

We mustn't forget the other Cronisym rows which are swilling around Holyrood.
Let alone rumours of another SNP MP who's business is alleged to be in serious financial trouble with possible bankruptcy looming.
The future of what was supposed to be a new party that changed the politics was done has become a seedy example of some of the worst examples of how not to do business.


rob murray
01-Oct-15, 12:56
It never rains it's pours and now with Nicola Sturgeon the First Minister for Scotland who you could hardly escape such was her presence on the media constantly harping on about her outrage and aggrieved stance over even a mouse having flatulelnce somewhere in the general area of Westminster.

Now the silence is stunning from a woman ready to traduce the world with in depth knowledge of every single subject we have silence and a "I knew nothing " approach.

Only problem is we've all seen the deny everything say nothing routine countless times before it's not new, it doesn't give you credibility all it does is make you either look duplicitous, incompetent or simplistic, sometimes even all three.

With Michelle Thomson entrenched, the party doing its utmost to make Fiona Hyslop look whiter than white despite all evidence contrary.

We mustn't forget the other Cronisym rows which are swilling around Holyrood.
Let alone rumours of another SNP MP who's business is alleged to be in serious financial trouble with possible bankruptcy looming.
The future of what was supposed to be a new party that changed the politics was done has become a seedy example of some of the worst examples of how not to do business.


Oh dear...the press are not going to let the thomson affair go are they ? And as I preditced yesterday more was to come out..and it has.......vetting procedures being questioned........competence questioned....other business dealings.....they / she wont get away with the I new nowt stance....expect to see over comming weeks a sustained attack based around proven stories....internet trolls, dodgy business deals, dodgy chracter with shady pasts..bandwageers...all exposes.....coupled with stories on policy and governenmental failures... This is bound to hit SNP public creditibility....and expose cronysim, ineptitude and incompetence

01-Oct-15, 13:05
Well this is the problem when you throw as many stones as the SNP have done, every other party has gone quiet no one is speaking out they are just allowing the SNP to become engulfed into a mire of its own creation.
No one is forcing any of this on the party and to be fair at the moment no other party is coming anywhere near the scandals that are now beginning to engulf the leadership.
Nicola Sturgeon has an uncomfortable position to hold now " I knew nothing " then why not who is in charge why aren't you vetting these people ?
Speak out and dig a potentially even bigger hole for herself.

The scandals are coming thick and fast now and this early after an election it doesn't bode well, more will surface undoubtedly the issues of governance will continue to hound them.

NHS, Police, Education, Stamp Duty and those are before any of us actually has a clue about what they intend to do with the new powers.

Then we have legislation they,are,trying to force through being held up by legal challenge, alcohol unit pricing, named person both in the courts being challenged.

Seems nothing is really going right for them.

01-Oct-15, 16:55
This article is from 2013 and has been shown to be Nonsense.