View Full Version : Website Poll

13-May-05, 18:08

Was wondering if any computery types could help me with this problem: I am wanting to put a simple poll on my website (ie. select a circle thing and click submit). I know how to make forms im webpages but dont know how to send the actual data back to the website owner.

Thanks in advance.

13-May-05, 18:57
If you are using html forms then google "mailto forms html tag" ;)

13-May-05, 22:13
Ive tryed that before and the person needs to have Outlook installed so its a bit of a hasstle. Was just looking for one that sends when you press submit.

13-May-05, 23:55
Ive tryed that before and the person needs to have Outlook installed so its a bit of a hasstle. Was just looking for one that sends when you press submit.

If your site is online at the moment it would if you gave the URL so that anyone trying to help can have a quick look to get an idea of what you are working with :)

The "mailto" command does not care which email client it is using, be it Outlook, Eudora or anything in between, as long as the code is clean.

Your original question starts of with a request for advice about polls which are generally published on the website via the host server, but you then go on to say that you wish to have the data sent back to the website owner using, it would appear, a *form* that incorporates radio buttons; therefore it's a bit unclear as to what exact advice you need :)

However, this maybe what you are after? - http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_form_mail

Just to clarify... an example of a poll is on the top right here - http://www.tugmistress.co.uk/ and when you add/vote to the poll then the data is generated/written to another page on the fly.

hth :o)

16-May-05, 17:33
Sandtiger, thanks for your help.

You can see the website by clicking the button at the bottom of my posts. I dont want to use an e-mail client because the computors in the school dont have an email cleint and most people I know just use hotmail of the web. You are right, it would be a form with radio buttons.

16-May-05, 19:39
Sandtiger, thanks for your help.

You can see the website by clicking the button at the bottom of my posts. I dont want to use an e-mail client because the computors in the school dont have an email cleint and most people I know just use hotmail of the web. You are right, it would be a form with radio buttons.

Did you try using the btconnect cgi script?

You open your form with:

<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="http://home.btconnect.com/cgi-bin/mailto/[email protected]">

16-May-05, 19:58
This article (http://btbusiness.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/btbusiness.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_sid=Nx31HAFh&p_lva=549&p_faqid=62&p_created=1053982761&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9OTgmc F9jYXRfbHZsMT0yJnBfcGFnZT0x&p_li=) should help :o)

17-May-05, 08:20
Cheers! Thats exactly what I was looking for! :D