View Full Version : a perspective into the human mind and heart..

13-May-05, 00:53
ok guys i was just googiling.. and came across a website...
its actually really touched me..
there are very sincere thoughts on here.. very childlike.. in its way..
but its very easy to relate to every single message on here.. there are prayers from every age race sex and creed *smiles*
just thought i would share it with you ... it brought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye..

13-May-05, 00:55
just to clarify.. not all of them made me smile or cry.. just the individual ones.. from mothers.. praying for thier children to kids.. praying to pass exams.. *smiles*

13-May-05, 11:36
For goodness sake, get a life !

How spirtual is this claptrap........??

Dear Jesus,

I have an interview tommorrow and i really need this job.Most of the people think iam not fit for doing any thing.Please give me the strength and confidance in my life.Please give me strength so that i do well in my interview

13-May-05, 12:35
its peoples hopes and dreams.. have you never prayed for anything like a job or raise.. something you wanted or needed?
i know when i was a teenager some of the things i prayed for seem really silly now but at the time were very important..
people are showing their inner most weaknessess.. and asking for help.. thru anon prayer.. its a way for them to express what is in their hearts and minds.. without anyone saying to them you are stupid.. you deserve what you get.. there were several very suicidal people on their.. and im glad they were able to tyo what they were feeling to let it go .. and maybe just maybe.. it helped them just a little and they may still be in the world...

17-May-05, 16:36
just had a look. what a load of guff.

17-May-05, 16:40
Good grief, I'm with the others on this one Brandy - What a load of guff!

Contact God through the internet? If people think praying works that's up to them, but putting it on the internet is just so stupid and is really attention seeking isn't it?

17-May-05, 19:10
no i dont think its attention seeking.. as all the prayers are anon.. no one knows who those people are.. they are just thoughts and hopes.. being let loose.. sometimes it helps people to write things down to get them out into the open.. and sometimes people can not do that with out thinking they will be ridiculed..
just step back from it for a min.. and think of it in another light.. instead of thinking of it as an angle to try to get something for themselves.. put yourself in their shoes.. imagine you are a parent whose child has died.. either naturally or unaturally you are deep in grief and anguish... you find this website.. while you are aimlessly searching the net for answers to questions you dont even know how toask.. and in a moment of desperation you start typing out your thoughts.. ie .. god i know my baby is with you .. i dont know why he was taken but keep him safe.. and much more detailed thoughts.. then their are those who are trying to pass exams.... nervous and stressed.. full of hormones and all the other life ending stresses evey young person goes thru.. thinking if i can get thru this everything will be all right please help me pass my exams! hey its worth a try! prayer has never hurt!
then the ones trying to get a job... prob. thinking.. i cant make ends meet.. if i can only get this job.. or raise finances will be so much better.. its all getting to me now... cant freak at the interview... so they let their fears and worry out here.. harmless and not embarassing..
it goes on and on the possibilities..
think for a moment.. have you never ever in your entire life ever had a moment.. like these people have.. where you want to talk about what is going on in your life but not wanting to speak about it to your mates cause they will think you are stupid.. or you dont want people to know what you are going thru because it will be all over the local grap vine?
i know i have.. many times.. not everyone.. knows how to share thier thoughts and feelings and this is an outlet or could be just for a little boost.. thinking hey cant hurt..
but that is just my opinion i can not influence the way others think and feel about things but would hope some can look at it with an open mind..

17-May-05, 19:37
I'm just not convinced that god has broadband? It's just nonsense.

Pink Lippy
18-May-05, 10:29
Oh God!
Won't you save me,
The Devil's enslaved me,
I pray for an instant release,
They mock poor Ms Brandy,
The Kirk, it has banned me,
As I pray for a glimpse of world peace.

18-May-05, 11:24
Hmm, I wonder if [email protected] has a spam filter on the account?

I mean surely "he" has to prioritize those seeking World Peace etc over those looking for help in getting their Guitar Business up and running through a divine delivery of the necessary funding. A case of Love Me Tender over Love Me Fender perhaps?

I have no problem with people praying to whichever deity they have belief in but I think that it should be an intimate activity and that it is selfish to confine your prayers to every little thing that requires improvement in YOUR life. Pray for a better world for us all OK but why should one pray for the second favourite winning the 2.35 at Newmarket? In my opinion this site is little more than a gimmick and is a million miles away from true spirituality.

Want to get that job? Work harder at it!! Want to pass that exam? Study the syllabus!! I do not recall anyone reporting exam answers miraculously appearing on the pages as they scratched their head.

ps many of the "prayers" I looked at had names attached, perhaps this is so the recipient knows where to beam the funds to. What next? [email protected]
"We consider ALL circumstances and our rates are LOW"

18-May-05, 11:27
Please God, listen to me
please make all Salt and shake crisp packets have some salt in them.
oh and please let there be a 20p a litre reduction on petrol, especially in Reay
try to make chub dog food from Lidls a little less smelly
Send me a sign if there really is going to be a Tescos in Wick
Let me catch a nice trout in Melvich next week
And please let there be World Peace, at least in Wick on a Saturday night.
Oh and thunderbolt that treehouse in Campbell street.


18-May-05, 22:22
I'm just not convinced that god has broadband? It's just nonsense.

I've seen a commercial on television advertising God's telephone number.

We just have to text "LORD" to 5506 and words of wisdom and succour will be sent back to us.

I haven't had the inclination to use the internet or my cell phone to seek the dispensation of God, so I'm unable to attest to the value of the service.

I'm sure that God is plugged in.

I've seen it on television :roll:

19-May-05, 07:46
oh well ... i tried to share something but as usual people are missing the whole point.. as i guess no one read the title.. everyone struck on religion as they always do .. and went onto the offensive
i was just trying to show the humanity .. and softer side of things..
with a hope people would see the vulnerbility and hopes and dreams of their fellow man and think.. hey they are just like me..
and maybe weaken a few prejudices..
but it seems as if ive made them stronger..
the world really is not a nice place..
had hoped there was a little bit of kindness left..
and openess that even online you could say..
yeah ive thought that before..
or ive felt that way before..
but nope guess not..
guess im the only one when i was a teenager prayed
for things like .. finding a great husband having a family.. getting a nice life..
things which i all have now.. hmmmm goes off to speculate on that..

19-May-05, 08:56
Brandy, I think you've only proved to the rest of us how gullible people can be.

The people who constantly try to wring money out of religeon, eg TV evangalists etc have now moved onto the net. "Click here to become an ordained minister" idd :)

19-May-05, 09:31
but it wasnt about religion or gain or anything else like that that i was trying to show everyone.. it was the humanity of it... that people are people.. but im going to stop on it now..as unfourtunatly no one is seeing what i am

19-May-05, 11:00
That is the most ridiculous site I've ever seen!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

19-May-05, 11:35

I understand your feelings and admire them.

Unfortunately that website is playing on the feelings of people, such as yourself.

The moment the website opened in my browser, I noted the numerous advertisements pertaining to New Zealand. www.smilecity.co.nz being one of them.

What that means is that, even before the page had loaded, my computer had a cookie installed and my IP address had been included in that website's database.

Had I decided to click on any links on the home page, I would have divulged further information about my browsing habits to the website owners, which would have been passed on, automatically, to third parties. I have no doubt that I now have spyware on my computer. That's not a biggie for me, but it could result in unwanted spam, further down the track, had I decided to "send a prayer".

I can only repeat, that I admire your sentiments, but please be careful with websites, such as this.

19-May-05, 11:42
Americans may love websites like these, but most Scots just wouldn't warm to them. All these people praying via email, euch. I'm cringing on their behalf, since they clearly don't have the wherewithall to cringe for themselves.

Don't forget, brandy, that in this country we like to keep people at arm's length and extravagant displays of affection are both cringeworthy and frowned upon (unless we're drunk).

We're also a largely secular country, and extravagant displays of thanking god or praising the lord are both cringeworthy and frowned upon (to such a degree that we don't even do it when drunk).

Seriously though, when you really want something, there's much to be said for just gritting your teeth and getting on with trying to achieve it. Praying that you'll pass an exam is really rather pointless if you don't bother studying for it.

19-May-05, 12:55
oh my i really think that is so sad about the displays of affection.. and feel very sorry for people who hold others at arms length.. my family is very touchy feely and wouldnt have it any other way... my brothers and i even as adults still hug and kiss each other (on the chhek of course ) *laughs*
and we allways hug and kiss any family memebr in greetings or goodbye.. and tend to flop all over one another when we pile up to watch movies and so forth.. any child in our family can be picked up for cuddles by any adult and not thought twice about..
*shakes head* theres nothing wrong with showing you love some one.. and nothing wrong with praising God either.. soo very glad.. i was raised in a family that is caring and loving.. and wonders off to call her mum and dad to tell em i love em!

19-May-05, 13:20
I know what brandy is saying. People just getting things off their chest by writing it down. I hope it helps them to do that - as long as they don't really believe that they can write to god via the net. I'm sure if he exists he will know what is in their hearts. And yes - the advertisers will use vulnerable people to put their message accross. These hurting people would perhaps be better to write it all down on paper, then put it in the fire?

19-May-05, 14:00
God, that website is sad, in both senses of the word. I see so many people needing help, but all they have to turn to is some stupid disingenuous website wherein human beings "impersonate" what is a deity to some people, but a fairytale fantasy figure to others.

Brandy, I understand what you are saying, and I find the whole business extremely sad. I also understand your exasperation at secular Scotland. I can assure you that I feel exactly the same way in evangelist southern and western America. In fact, I probably feel more disgust at arrogant idiotic know-nothing (American) Christian evangelists (no, not you!!!) than you feel about (what you see as) distant, uncaring, secular, sacrilegious, cynical Scots.

I also understand why some posters are not impressed when you roll your eyes metaphorically in public displays of exasperation.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I sometimes think that you don't seriously consider the possibility that we atheists are right when we claim your God simply does not exist, and that you are praying into a black abyss. That is a serious comment btw, but I suspect you are much smarter than that. Also, I am not trying to insult your beliefs in any way. In fact, I admire your sheer humanity, the way you care for your fellow (wo)man, and the way you post heartfelt beliefs on here. (Coming from me, that is a huge compliment, btw!) I also think we "Brits" could learn a lot about politeness, optimism and straightforward honesty from you and your compatriots.

Anyway, I digress. As you say, this thread is not about God versus no-God. So, back to the website...

Just look at the posts; they are almost all from children and hopeless (presumably undereducated) illiterates. God, some of them could do with real help, but where do they turn to? Looking on the brighter side, I guess a placebo that gives hope is sometimes better than nothing.

IMHO that website epitomises the gulf in culture between the UK and US better than any site I have seen for a long time.

We are two countries divided by what used to be a common religion.

It seems to me that the "two countries divided by a common language" thing is becoming more and more irrelevant as we adopt more and more Americanisms into our own everyday language.

Gleeber is right, the world would be a better place without superstition. The problem is: how do we get there from here?

I was just about to hit "Submit" when I noticed that Katarina has posted since I started this. (I was interrupted a few times.) I agree with Katarina's thoughts about writing things down -- that's what I was alluding to in my "placebo" comments above.

I hope this post isn't insulting or too rough-and-ready, but I don't have time to polish it because I have to dash off to an important meeting right now...

19-May-05, 15:47
no i dont find your post at all offensive.. as for your questions about my belief .. i will happily answer.. i am a deeply religious person.. not persay one who has to be at church every time the doors open.. as i have a great difficulty with churches and organised religions.. when i find one that dosent preach.. " if you dont belive what we belive you are going to hell" then i will be there with bells on! *grins*
in my heart and mind.. i have no doubt there is a God.. i admit i know very little about God.. what can we know? we know so little about ourselves how can we possible know about something on that scale other than conjunture.. (ps sorry for my spelling!)
but... as i deeply belive in my faith i also respects others faiths.. and just as i know theirs is no good for me i understand mine is no good for them.. and would not ever tell anyone they are going to hell.. a little secret about my faith.. i do not belive in a fiery burning hell .. .as most in my good ole southern upbringing was taught to belive..
i can not counternace how God.. whom is our loving Father would condem his children to endless torment.. ok punish someone as a crime deserves.. but just because they do not belive a certain way or do things a certain way? sorry do not belive that.. tis why i dont personally have a vendetta against all those who do not belive the way i do..
i dont profess to know the ins and outs of the truth.. but when we get there we will find out all their is.. i just know that their is something.. just not what it all is! :Razz

as for the website you hit it on the head.. there is so much need there.. and im glad that people can write down their thoughts and project them out there to the world..
and yes i have added all those souls to my prayers.. to ask that they can find peace .. and a way out of their problems..
i personally pray all the time and talk to God all the time.. (hes not answered me back yet btw... for any of you wondering.. not ready for bedlam yet * ;) )
it just makes me feel better.. to pray.. to let loose of those things i cant share with others..
when i have things on my mind.. that i cant find a solution too or i know theres nothing i can do i just hand it over to God and what comes will come..
*whew* talk about long winded! *laughs*
but at the end of the day.. i love God and i feel he loves me.. and i will teach my children that with the basics of human kindness.. to do unto others as you would have them do unto you .. as my granny always taught us..
she always said that if you treat others as you would want yourself treated then you cant go wrong..
and i find that is true..
it dosent cost anything to say please or thank you
and if you happen to see someone in need.. and are able to do it.. then why not?
not only will it help that person but make you a better person in the bargain.. and make you feel really really good about yourself...
well i will stop here.. *giggles* cant wait to see what rages this post will cause!

19-May-05, 16:47
Ahhhhh, Brandy

Your honesty and belief in yourself will withstand all the slings and arrows that we heathens may fling at you.

There are many people reading this thread who don't have the courage to say the things you have said and there are many who have the courage to speak, but lack the understanding and wisdom that you display. There are some exceptions, of course, but you alone stand before us and dare us to speak.

I, for one can't find fault in that, that you say. I don't agree with all of your thoughts, but I certainly respect your beliefs and I will defend your right to those beliefs.

You have shown we heathens what true beliefs are and I admire that.

Edited for clarification and spelling corrections

19-May-05, 16:57
:D thank you for that...

19-May-05, 17:09

You are an absolute Darling - i might not share your beliefs but i cant help but smile at your sentiments

Big hugs x

19-May-05, 17:42
Just look at the posts; they are almost all from children and hopeless (presumably undereducated) illiterates.
Yes. I found this one to be particularly shocking!

Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 05:21:01 -0400
To: [email protected]
From: Szin
Subject: Szin

Let he who is without Szin, cast the first stone.


19-May-05, 17:44
LOL! nice one szin! But [email protected]? I have not looked at the site and won't. I admire your sentiments brandy, but as a believer - don't you think this is just a tad blasphemous?

19-May-05, 17:54
... but as a believer - don't you think this is just a tad blasphemous?
I wondered the same thing. A lot of the 'prayers' seem to be for material things (such as the guy who has 'prayed' for God to give him a trampoline). Surely that's kind of missing the point?

19-May-05, 18:03
*laughs* didnt see that one jjc?!
but not really if you think about it that is what prayer usually is
is to pray for something..
and a lot of the prayers on there are coming from kids.. so
very seriously doubt if that is blasphemy!
sometimes things seems so very important to us.. when we could really live
without them.. but at the time.. the whole world revolve around that one issue
theres an old country song that comes to mind.. i cant really remember all the words
but its about.. some of the best prayers are unanswered prayers..
prayer is just another way to talk to GOD and is one every body knows about..
it can be a very poweful and spiritual thing or it can be a simple daily .... wish list or thank you thing... i ask God for things all the time.. well more i hint all the time.. saying things like.. this would be really nice.. and if your in the mood God.. swing it my way *laughs* and if it happens hey thats great..
heres a little story for you.. when i was preggers with my first baby..
the whole time i prayed.. (cause hubby was super ginger as a child) Please God please please please dont let this baby have red hair.. over and over i prayed for that!!! well when sam was born he had black hair that turned blonde.. those who know me know that sam was very sick at birth and almost died.. spent almost 3 weeks in scbu.. i have diabeties and was in conjecture with that..
now when i fell preggars with ben .. the whole pregnacy i prayed.. please Lord please let him be healthy!!! never once thought about praying for the hair again ...bigger issues.. well sure enough he came out in good shape.. they kept him a few days in scbu for obs.. because of our history.. but guess what! FLAMING RED HAIR!! *giggles*
be careful what you pray for you may just get it :Razz

19-May-05, 19:05
Just thought I'd throw up a new site for discussion :confused


19-May-05, 20:20
I do think it blasphemous, bramdy that this site exists at all. Sending emails to god can hardly be classed as a prayer. It does kind of smack of santa and to my mind makes a mockery of religion. It's not the mundane things kids ask for that gets me, it's the way it's being asked for. I mean when i was 8 I prayed nightly for a shetland collie puppy for my birthday. I started weeks before and never missed a night - needless to say I didn't get it. However - if i caught my kids praying for inconsequensal things I would think 'ah, bless' but if I caught them sending emails to God, I would be most upset!

19-May-05, 20:39
I do think it blasphemous, bramdy that this site exists at all. Sending emails to god can hardly be classed as a prayer. It does kind of smack of santa and to my mind makes a mockery of religion.

Why do you think that sending an email to God cannot be classed as a prayer? I suppose you think that about text messages to God as well?
I will imagine that most people put these prayer mediums at the 'lower end ' of prayer, but they are on a sliding slope of 'technological achievement' next we will have other forms of communication like a telephone call. Do you think calling a number to God is Blasphemous?
Next you have speaking into a loudspeaker. Well, nearly every church that I have been in has one. Is this Blasphemy?
Next we have TV like Songs of Praise and the God channel on Sky. Is satellite TV worthy of carrying the word of God?
We all accept that the written word can carry prayers and the word of God.
So in conclusion, I don't think it is important which medium whether it be the internet, tv, radio that worshippers should choose to communicate with their God. Just because some people are behind the times doesn't mean that they should scoff at and preclude these media as methods of worship.
BTW, I am an atheist but I fully support the right to worship, it is just I do not see any point in it.

20-May-05, 09:37
A couple of quotes this thread has made me think of:

"My time is yours, go ahead...."

" You are a true believer. Blessings of
the state, blessings of the masses. Thou
art a subject of the divine. Created in
the image of man, by the masses, for the
masses. Let us be thankful we have an
occupation to fill. Work hard; increase
production; prevent accidents, and be

" ....and it all happened so slowly
that most men failed to realize
that anything had happened at all."

" They had never known what all know
within, that to know is not to
know, not to know is to be known.
To change is to circle without end."

How long will it be before all our workplaces have litle booths that we can use to "talk to god" surely that would give a quicker response than e-mail?

20-May-05, 10:22
I do think it blasphemous, bramdy that this site exists at all. Sending emails to god can hardly be classed as a prayer. It does kind of smack of santa and to my mind makes a mockery of religion.

Why do you think that sending an email to God cannot be classed as a prayer? I suppose you think that about text messages to God as well?
I will imagine that most people put these prayer mediums at the 'lower end ' of prayer, but they are on a sliding slope of 'technological achievement' next we will have other forms of communication like a telephone call. Do you think calling a number to God is Blasphemous?
Next you have speaking into a loudspeaker. Well, nearly every church that I have been in has one. Is this Blasphemy?
Next we have TV like Songs of Praise and the God channel on Sky. Is satellite TV worthy of carrying the word of God?
We all accept that the written word can carry prayers and the word of God.
So in conclusion, I don't think it is important which medium whether it be the internet, tv, radio that worshippers should choose to communicate with their God. Just because some people are behind the times doesn't mean that they should scoff at and preclude these media as methods of worship.
BTW, I am an atheist but I fully support the right to worship, it is just I do not see any point in it.

I think that anyone using a telephone to contact a religious service is fully aware that they are not actually going to be speaking to God, equally a loudspeaker is being used to address REAL people. This is not a technological issue in my opinion but one of whether the concept of God being online makes a mockery of the true spirituality of religion or not. If the Internet is being used to allow religious people to contact fellow believers worldwide then that is, indeed, as good a method of spreading the "Word" as any other. However the site in question is clearly not that at all and is a tawdry showcase for petty and selfish wishes. Do you really believe it to be the equal of going to church in order to worship?

20-May-05, 11:03
Nice one Zael! :D

Everything is going to be all right.
You are in my hands. I will protect
you. Everything is going to be all
right. Cooperate, stay calm, I am
here to help you.


Everything is going to be......

Makes a nice change from Marx or Nietzsche.

Oh God, I can't resist the urge...

Faith is not wanting to know what is true.
Friedrich Nietzsche

One of my favourites. :)

20-May-05, 11:42
I think that anyone using a telephone to contact a religious service is fully aware that they are not actually going to be speaking to God, equally a loudspeaker is being used to address REAL people. This is not a technological issue in my opinion but one of whether the concept of God being online makes a mockery of the true spirituality of religion or not. If the Internet is being used to allow religious people to contact fellow believers worldwide then that is, indeed, as good a method of spreading the "Word" as any other. However the site in question is clearly not that at all and is a tawdry showcase for petty and selfish wishes. Do you really believe it to be the equal of going to church in order to worship?

Thank you scorrie. I couldn't have put it better myself.

20-May-05, 11:44
Just thought I'd throw up a new site for discussion :confused


Do you think she could be schytzophrenic?

20-May-05, 16:27
I think that anyone using a telephone to contact a religious service is fully aware that they are not actually going to be speaking to God, equally a loudspeaker is being used to address REAL people. This is not a technological issue in my opinion but one of whether the concept of God being online makes a mockery of the true spirituality of religion or not. If the Internet is being used to allow religious people to contact fellow believers worldwide then that is, indeed, as good a method of spreading the "Word" as any other. However the site in question is clearly not that at all and is a tawdry showcase for petty and selfish wishes. Do you really believe it to be the equal of going to church in order to worship?

You have just proved my whole point but probably without realising. For those that want to pray it does not matter which medium you use to pray.

For an atheist like me , putting your hands together, closing your eyes and (praying)rambling on about mundane stuff in your life means just the same as typing the same said stuff through a website or a text message.
BUT and it is a big but, for those that believe in God it matters little on how you pray as long as you do it in the way you feel comfortable.
When the minister gives a sermon in Church, does he speak to the congregation or to God when he gives the Lord's prayer? To me it is the former, to a believer it is the latter. So in my view anyone who criticises how other people pray to their God do not have faith in God but more have a sense of tradition of prayer instead.

20-May-05, 17:32

You have just proved my whole point but probably without realising.[/quote]

Oh wise one, what makes you fit to decide what I am or am not capable of realising?

By the way, you did not answer the question, which was whether you seriously consider the "Heaven" website to be the equal of attending a designated place of worship?

I am well aware that "God" is considered to be Omnipresent and no vessel of communication is required to contact him, even the symbolic gesture of clasping one's hands is a "Man" made and unnecessary act.

I am not criticising people's method of prayer but am questioning the level of understanding the posters have regarding true religion and real faith. I would be willing to wager that most religious leaders would condemn the site and far rather that those seeking comfort for the soul should visit the appropriate place. Of course anyone getting up in church to pray for financial assistance to start a guitar business is unlikely to be popular with the congregation or the Minister!!

Pennies from Heaven? "Well to be honest, I was looking for something nearer £50,000, never mind their is always CASE"

20-May-05, 18:15
What i object to is children and adults with a low IQ believing that God is actually reading the emails! All this used by companies to promote their products. The only person they are gettin through to is the great god mammon!

20-May-05, 18:50
By the way, you did not answer the question, which was whether you seriously consider the "Heaven" website to be the equal of attending a designated place of worship?

Yes, I do. Any expression of faith in God requires no fancy ornaments, building, paraphenalia etc etc etc.

To those that believe in God, He will listen by whichever means they choose to.
The Heaven website seems as good a way as anyother. I remember praying for that toy that I had always wished for when my mother told me to do my prayers, this website shows similiar prayers. What else does a kid pray for than the stuff they want?

The wise one.

20-May-05, 20:37
there are none so blind as those who eill not see......

20-May-05, 21:59
I am not criticising people's method of prayer but am questioning the level of understanding the posters have regarding true religion and real faith.

just wondering how does one determine.. "true religion and real faith"?
is there a test you pass.. do you get a certificate saying..
this person is a true beliver of the real faith..
signed GOD

you can not see hear feel touch or taste faith that is what it is all about.. and no one can say they truly have faith.. faith is tested every day.. and it can become stronger or weaker by the moment.. it is all dependant on that one individula and how that person shows their face is no ones buisness but theirs and Gods as long as they do not harm themselves and others.. sooooooooooo
if they want to show their faith and prayer online.. in a text or whatever.. then you should respect that.. funny that the atheists here are showing more respect for christians praying online than christians...
frowns.. shouldnt that naturally be the other way round?

20-May-05, 23:06

Yes, I do. Any expression of faith in God requires no fancy ornaments, building, paraphenalia etc etc etc.


Well that certainly seems to contradict your first reply to this thread which firmly extracted the urine, to coin a phrase!!

There is a world of a difference between a childish wish and an expression of faith in God.

Are you trying to say that everyone who ever prayed for a Playstation 3 is a true representative of faith in God?

People can choose whether to believe in a religion or not but does it not follow that they should follow what is set out within that religion as regards to worship? I do not recall any creed pushing their faithful in the direction of Heaven.com

There always seems to be one local Sage who is always correct on every forum I have ever visited and I assume you are the "Master" of this website. A bit like Christian Scientology where one rises through the ranks with the number of posts submitted. Just remember to keep your posts consistent, a change of face mid-thread tend to undermine the credibility.

20-May-05, 23:25
just wondering how does one determine.. "true religion and real faith"?
is there a test you pass.. do you get a certificate saying..
this person is a true beliver of the real faith..
signed GOD

Well Brandy, most faiths I know have a doctrine, be it the Bible, the Koran or whatever. Adherents are supposed to follow the guidelines and it seems sensible to pray along with fellow believers in the designated place of worship. Obviously people can pray at home if need be.

What I think is a mockery, is the need to go online on some obviously exploitative website. If you cannot tell your mates or family then why not just tell God from the comfort of your own home, in privacy and with dignity. The very fact that you need to share it with strangers around the world obliterates the privacy of what should be between the individual soul and God. The truth of the matter is that some people need to be SEEN to be worshipping God, making a big public display of it. Take for example the time the Songs of Praise team were filming in the Parish Church, never saw so many sitting in the pews.

As for atheists standing up for religious people better, then I would have you know that I am an atheist myself but am a firm believer that if you are going to worship then you should do it properly. While that target might be vague it is clearly not centred on heaven.com


20-May-05, 23:36
Well that certainly seems to contradict your first reply to this thread which firmly extracted the urine, to coin a phrase!!
Come on scorrie, say what you really mean. BTW I was being ironic in my first post.

There is a world of a difference between a childish wish and an expression of faith in God.
A wish of a child is the same wish as a childish wish of an adult ie to be happy. If that happiness comes at the end of a sermon, playstation console or the end of a bottle, so be it. We all have our individual endorphin providers that stimulate our our brains, it is up to each and everyone of us to seek them out.

Are you trying to say that everyone who ever prayed for a Playstation 3 is a true representative of faith in God?
No, Faith in God is the same as enthusiasm for something you enjoy or perversely something you loathe. It is all about brain chemistry and addictive behavior. The compulsion to worship has the same origin as the compulsion to compete in a playstation game. The comment about praying to god for a trampoline smacks of the competitiveness of being a poorer Christian to the one who prays for World Peace. If both get their prayers answered then the achievement endorphins kick in to give pleasure

People can choose whether to believe in a religion or not but does it not follow that they should follow what is set out within that religion as regards to worship? I do not recall any creed pushing their faithful in the direction of Heaven.com
You now have contradicted yourself, you say you don't frown upon one's method of worship but you obviously have a traditional view of worship, is change so difficult for you?

There always seems to be one local Sage who is always correct on every forum I have ever visited and I assume you are the "Master" of this website. A bit like Christian Scientology where one rises through the ranks with the number of posts submitted. Just remember to keep your posts consistent, a change of face mid-thread tend to undermine the credibility.
Unfortunately, drugs and religion breed compulsives and cranks, I would like to quote something from a wiser person than me just to put the theologists and extremists into perspective

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

The Sage and funny'un stuffing

21-May-05, 10:23
[No, Faith in God is the same as enthusiasm for something you enjoy or perversely something you loathe. It is all about brain chemistry and addictive behavior. The compulsion to worship has the same origin as the compulsion to compete in a playstation game. The comment about praying to god for a trampoline smacks of the competitiveness of being a poorer Christian to the one who prays for World Peace. If both get their prayers answered then the achievement endorphins kick in to give pleasure

The Sage and funny'un stuffing

And you know that for a certainty? Lucky you, knowing all the answers while the rest of us mere mortals flounder in doubt. Well, maybe not all of us - there are a few others out there that know it all for a certainty. Pity one man's certainty is another man's fantasy

21-May-05, 13:06
Ooh, Brain Chemistry and quotes from the wise and famous!! The last refuge of those determined to be proved correct. Strange how these famous people always seem to be referred to by their full name, no doubt to make it clear that the poster knows their work intimately.

Endorphins, Serotonin, it's all there in the Prozac leaflet, knew it would come in handy one day.

Personally I do not agree with your thinking regarding the competitiveness and what results in a better or worse Christian. I believe that a God should be there for those seeking solace during hard times, otherwise where would you draw the line?

"God I pray that I get down the stairs safely, God I pray that my cornflakes are not stale, God let my Tea be Earl Grey and just the correct temperature, may you also ensure my car is better than my neighbour's"

I will leave you with it as I suspect you always need to have the last word. Finally a comment on the Heaven.com website from a man much wiser than either of us.

FELIX ODDSOCKS FARTO HELLO BUM (real name by the way)
