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12-May-05, 02:36
[mad] I received an e-mail today from Sireesha Madireddi, Tesco Customer Service stating " There is nothing on our development plan to start a new store in Wick".

Her address - [email protected] quoting TES727702x

I am so annoyed [mad]

We should start a petition

12-May-05, 08:21
:o) My sister did the same and got the same response....they are not allowed to say when plans are being drawn up,as until contracts are signed etc nothing is set in stone, but there was a front page on it in the paper saying that they were looking at a site and i would imagine that the paper would have to retract if this was untrue.....i would'nt bother taking much notice of the customer services as they will have standard replies to send out. ;)

12-May-05, 08:28
What was that ad all about in the paper the other week? ' A new Tesco for Wick' ?

I have it on good authority that Tescos have put plans in to build a store next to CG, but they have not been passed yet.

12-May-05, 10:28
if that was the case they wouldnt have advertised in last weeks paper about careers in the new tesco in wick and a number to call for more information

12-May-05, 13:46
I know someone that has applied for a job in the wick tescos and some of the other businesses that are coming to wick, They must be doing this so that they have a workforce ready to start as soon as possible rather than waiting until the place is built and then looking for staff

12-May-05, 14:17
If I was Tesco I dont think I would build a store in Wick, for me (with a businessman's head on) I would look to build it in Thurso.
Do you really think that Tesco's offers really good value for money? Or is it just the element of additional choice that you seek :confused

12-May-05, 14:36
whats so more special bout thurso than wick, thurso always gets the new business and the jobs so tescos coming to wick is a good thing to help unemployment rate to come down and also with the retail park coming aswell is another good iniciative for tescos to be in wick

12-May-05, 14:38
I never said there was anything wrong with WICK, I simply said that on a business level it would make more sense to open a Tesco in Thurso.

12-May-05, 14:49
why would it

12-May-05, 14:54
Because Thurso's economy is more buoyant that Wicks. There is potential to make more money (profit) in Thurso, than Wick, and profit is what these shops are all about.

12-May-05, 16:23
Scotsboy - maybe not the business man you think you are! Wick is better placed geographically than Thurso as it is more 'central' to the county therefore has a bigger catchment area! Stores like Tescos are not just thinking about Wick vs Thurso towns, they are looking to bring in as many people as possible from all areas, so it makes sense to put it there as you are more likely to get the 'south' of the county people going too.

12-May-05, 16:41
Tesco havent planned to be building a store in Wick but there is a firm planning to build a retail park beside Caithness Glass and if Tesco did decide to build their premises in Wick, this is where it would be situated.

The Retail Park for Argos and Homebase is supposed to begin construction by the end of this month

12-May-05, 17:07
Scotsboy - maybe not the business man you think you are!

Maybe not, but my money will be safe ;)

George Brims
12-May-05, 17:07
Wick? Central? No it isn't, that's just the (old) name of the hospital. Look at a map - WATTEN is central.

12-May-05, 17:12
Exactly George ;)

12-May-05, 17:57
:roll: Does it really matter? I use Wick & Thurso EQUALLY when i come up to visit my family. As long as they build the store and you get the countrywide prices I don't care if the put it in Watten :Razz I just want my sister to stop moaning that the same size chicken in Somerfield cost more than twice Tesco's or Asda :lol:

12-May-05, 20:35
Wick? Central? No it isn't, that's just the (old) name of the hospital. Look at a map - WATTEN is central.

Of course: I've stayed at the Watten International many a time... LOL :D

12-May-05, 20:47
the same size chicken in Somerfield cost more than twice Tesco's or Asda :lol:

...........and how does the chicken feel about this? :confused

12-May-05, 22:11
Although we live on the Thurso side of the county I prefer a day's shopping in Wick than Thurso. The shops are more interesting and they have Wetherspoons - the best thing that ever happened to the town. Get a nice cheap meal and a pint without smoke and swearing. :p :D

12-May-05, 22:38
Tesco havent planned to be building a store in Wick but there is a firm planning to build a retail park beside Caithness Glass and if Tesco did decide to build their premises in Wick, this is where it would be situated.

The Retail Park for Argos and Homebase is supposed to begin construction by the end of this month

AHHHHH!!!! Get the story straight! You said before the retail park was going at the south road and the Tescos had applied! Everytime you post the story changes.

12-May-05, 22:40
Tesco havent planned to be building a store in Wick but there is a firm planning to build a retail park beside Caithness Glass and if Tesco did decide to build their premises in Wick, this is where it would be situated.

The Retail Park for Argos and Homebase is supposed to begin construction by the end of this month

AHHHHH!!!! Get the story straight! You said before the retail park was going at the south road and the Tescos had applied! Everytime you post the story changes.
Well, how much do you really expect a 14 year old to know?

13-May-05, 15:30
What youve all missed but Tesco, Homebase and Argos havent is the upsurge in use of the Gills Bay Ferry.

This will bring the Orkney daytrip market to Wick, over on the morning boat, shop in Tesco, Homebase etc a look down the town lunch in Wetherspoons, Bord D'Leau or No 1 then home in the afternoon.

Also with the completion of the new River pier I understand that Pentland Ferries will put the Link Span that currently is on the South Wick Pier into operation for days that there is too much swell in Gills.

Orcadians cant wait for the new stores to be built in Wick

Theres the real business plan

13-May-05, 17:36
But I wonder at about £50 for a car return, how many Orcadians are going to come over for goods they can probably get over there anyway?

postman pat
13-May-05, 17:42
Well asda :D may be coming if there bid for sommerfield goes ahead.

13-May-05, 17:43
Forgoodness sake, who isnt comming.

13-May-05, 17:53
What youve all missed but Tesco, Homebase and Argos havent is the upsurge in use of the Gills Bay Ferry.

This will bring the Orkney daytrip market to Wick, over on the morning boat, shop in Tesco, Homebase etc a look down the town lunch in Wetherspoons, Bord D'Leau or No 1 then home in the afternoon.

Also with the completion of the new River pier I understand that Pentland Ferries will put the Link Span that currently is on the South Wick Pier into operation for days that there is too much swell in Gills.

Orcadians cant wait for the new stores to be built in Wick

Theres the real business plan

So let me get this correct, the customer base that they are aiming for is in Orkney? Begs the question why they don't open there. I take it all these Orcadians are kicking there heals walking around Bridge Street at the moment :roll:

13-May-05, 18:26
well Mr Scotsboy Location Berks

You obviously dont have much contacts in Orkney

Obviously Orkney is not the only market

but supplement it with wick and District along with all those well of boyant people in the west then it is obvious why they are coming to wick and not Thurso

Of course what do tesco, Argos and Homebase know about potential markets nothing I am sure

13-May-05, 18:42
My location is not Berks, its actually a lot further away than that. I also have many contacts in Orkney, and to be honest none of them have ever mentioned the idea of shopping in Caithness and to be honest even with the additon of all of the proposed enterprises I can see no great pull for them to do so.

Has this information come from a reliable source or is it in fact pure conjecture on your part?

13-May-05, 22:48
So veritas, what about the £50 for the ferry and 2 hour crossing time? Won't that discourage them?

14-May-05, 00:31
I never said there was anything wrong with WICK, I simply said that on a business level it would make more sense to open a Tesco in Thurso.

I think that, as Dounreay runs down, you'll find that Thurso becomes less and less prosperous. It's a one-horse town, where as Wick tends to have support from other areas (hospital, airport, council etc.)

14-May-05, 04:57
Aye right o :roll:

14-May-05, 09:08
So veritas, what about the £50 for the ferry and 2 hour crossing time? Won't that discourage them?

We went to tescos in inverness and spent a fortune filling 2 trolleys with shopping and I reckon we saved more than £50 compared to somerfield prices, Also tescos has a wider choice of products.

14-May-05, 10:04
having used Gills bay its not 2 hours 1-15mins is traveling time

Scotboy its already happening the ferry is well used many Orcadians stop at Lidl on way home to shop. I can imagine them doing this even more if there is a TESCO. Homebase and Argos.

Also who said they have to take their car every time.

My point is that Wick is the natural centre when utilising the Gills Bay crossing

14-May-05, 12:29
So it is conjecture on your part then Veritas. I am not saying that people will not stop and shop there, I just dont think it will be used as justification for opening a store in Wick.

14-May-05, 16:48

you cant read

no its not conjecture as i said its already happening

also anecdotal evidence from close friends in Orkney suggest this also

I am sure as I said TESCO Homebase and Argos have used more than pure conjecture

Why do you think that Homebase, Argos, Tesc and possibly Next want to come to Wick

For your information Homebase and Argos are the two signed retail outlets for the new reatil park next to Lidls, Tesco are going to the site next to the former Glass factory.

This is not conjecture but fact

The Pepsi Challenge
14-May-05, 16:55

you cant read

no its not conjecture as i said its already happening

also anecdotal evidence from close friends in Orkney suggest this also

I am sure as I said TESCO Homebase and Argos have used more than pure conjecture

Why do you think that Homebase, Argos, Tesc and possibly Next want to come to Wick

For your information Homebase and Argos are the two signed retail outlets for the new reatil park next to Lidls, Tesco are going to the site next to the former Glass factory.

This is not conjecture but fact

Where can we view this factual evidence and information for ourselves? Or are you one of few privvy to this information?

14-May-05, 16:58
I am privy, However it is an open secret

but it will all be revealed in due course.

Any way cant quite see what everyones problem is

TESCO, Homesbase, Argos and possibly others are coming to Wick

Some folk can cause a fight with their own shadows

The Pepsi Challenge
14-May-05, 17:08
I am privy, However it is an open secret

but it will all be revealed in due course.

Any way cant quite see what everyones problem is

TESCO, Homesbase, Argos and possibly others are coming to Wick

Some folk can cause a fight with their own shadows

No problems from me, mate. 'Bout time something positive in Wick happened. Hope all goes well.

14-May-05, 18:31
Listen, I think you may have got the wrong end of the stick - I hope all these things happen and Wick becomes more affleunt. I simply stated that the business decision seems a strange one to me.

Veritas you have yet to provide me with any detials that customers in Orkney were considered as part of the reason for siting these businesses in Wick. I am not fighting - simply asking where this "study" can be found. I am not talking about conjecture relating to the siting of these businesses in Wick, but the inclusion of Orkney as a catchment in the decision making process - to which you intimated. If you made it up in your head, then fair enough, if not please provide the source as I find it interesting.

14-May-05, 18:57
Tesco havent planned to be building a store in Wick but there is a firm planning to build a retail park beside Caithness Glass and if Tesco did decide to build their premises in Wick, this is where it would be situated.

The Retail Park for Argos and Homebase is supposed to begin construction by the end of this month

AHHHHH!!!! Get the story straight! You said before the retail park was going at the south road and the Tescos had applied! Everytime you post the story changes.

I never said that Tescos would be situated out the south road, what I did say is that the retail park for Argos and Homebase will be constructed out the south Road in the farm beside Lidls. Argos and Homebase applied for permission.

14-May-05, 23:03
I simply stated that the business decision seems a strange one to me.

I think it has the potential to be a pretty shrewd business decision. Consider the distance to Inverness - that means that there's a market there to keep the business in the county. Add to that, that Thurso will probably suffer economically from the Dounreay decline and Wick begins to look like the capital of the north Highlands.

15-May-05, 01:08
come on ppl cheer up and stop bickering only time will tell what is going to happen. so relax breath deeply and don't worry :)

15-May-05, 05:04
Add to that, that Thurso will probably suffer economically from the Dounreay decline and Wick begins to look like the capital of the north Highlands.

Fuelled by the hospital, airport, coucil and transient visitors from Orkney........yes I can see I should look at investing :roll:

15-May-05, 18:54
Fuelled by the hospital, airport, coucil and transient visitors from Orkney........yes I can see I should look at investing :roll:

You're absolutely correct, what do Homebase, Argos and Tesco know about these things anyway?

15-May-05, 18:57
Profits at the expense of local business?

15-May-05, 22:06
A company the size of Tesco doesn't necessarily look at the current economic situation in an area, the very fact that they move in will affect the economy significantly.

Also consider what is likely to happen in Caithness over the next 10-20 years, Dounreay will decline (unless a new power station is built :confused ) but there will be an influx of people from the rest of the UK looking for affordable housing and businesses expanding into the growing markets; Tesco's simply have the capital to get in position first.

Of course the large retailers will affect the business of small shops, but the independent retailer has to create their own niche. My firework shop in Cumbria has increased sales every year for the last 10 years despite every supermarket now selling them, customers soon learn that specialists offer better quality for the same price as the tat sold by supermarkets.

16-May-05, 14:58
TIDES - I think you'll be lucky if you get over and back from orkney on 50 quid unless you're not taking the car in which case obviously yer not going to do a big tesco shop!

16-May-05, 15:02
well said luskentyre - although you're a bit far from the bays of harris are you not , near watten or is that your housename previously lived in by the macdonald family?

also if in economic terms thurso is better and wick is poorer does it not make more economic sense to put the store in wick for the reasons

1) if thurso is more propsperous then thurso folk are more likely to travel to wick to shop in tesco than wick people (less prosperous - according to previous messages on this thread) to travel to thurso - thus making a greater throughput in wick

2) tesco in wick would be of greater overall benefit in wick than thurso in % gains of efficiency and economic growth ?

If you want I can relate this all back to schumpeter, demsetz, arrow and all the other great economists

16-May-05, 15:06
actually i retract that statement about applying back to these ecconomists, mainly i know what they say about innovation and the greatest incentives to innovate in monpoloies or perfect competition and nothing to do with tesco!

29-Jun-05, 14:15
[mad] I received an e-mail today from Sireesha Madireddi, Tesco Customer Service stating " There is nothing on our development plan to start a new store in Wick".

Her address - [email protected] quoting TES727702x

I am so annoyed [mad]

We should start a petition

Well, some one was telling you porkies - going by todays paper!

29-Jun-05, 14:42
Read the bit about the Wick Retail park on the homepage.
Tesco probably will come to Wick.

29-Jun-05, 17:51
Caithness courier - quote; 'Tesco has unveiled a blueprint for it's plans to build a new superstore and petrol station in Wick.' end quote.
Plans will be submitted to the Highland council this week. The store will be next to the redundant glass factory, and will create up tp 200 new jobs. They will have a six pump petrol station.

Heard on the grape vine (can we trust it?) they will be paying check out people £9 per hour.

29-Jun-05, 19:45
Heard on the grape vine (can we trust it?) they will be paying check out people £9 per hour.

I think it is safe to say that we can take that statement with a rather large box of Saxa.

Perhaps time and a half might bring it somewhere near that but I seriously doubt that it will be £9 an hour standard rate.

01-Jul-05, 16:57
quote from today's Groat; 'Members of the public are invited to make their views known to the highland council's area planning officebefore councillors debate whether to grant permission for the store.'

So if you want it - now is the time to be heard - no point mumping about it when permission has been refused!

01-Jul-05, 19:13
quote from today's Groat; 'Members of the public are invited to make their views known to the highland council's area planning officebefore councillors debate whether to grant permission for the store.'

So if you want it - now is the time to be heard - no point mumping about it when permission has been refused!

There is about as much chance of permission being refused as there is of seeing Celtic face Rangers in next year's Champion's League final!!

01-Jul-05, 20:08
ref todays Groat a garage owner saying buisnesses will close because of tescos opening a petrol station along with store ,from a personal point of view we have been ripped of for long enough

02-Jul-05, 00:01
you should look at windfarm news madpict will show you where the new tesco's is!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll:

02-Jul-05, 09:29
No way will Till Tarts get paid £9 ph in Tesco

Joke! :D

03-Jul-05, 19:19
I'd be a very happy till Tart if a got £9.00 an hour :D

05-Jul-05, 10:25
I was told by high athority that there is going to be a tesco in wick it was going in the old caithness glass factory.

05-Jul-05, 11:54
As someone frae the Thurso side, I am delighted we are getting a Tesco wether it be in Wick or Thurso. Wick needs something and it's nice to see a boost to the economy.

Especially good as Homebase and Argos also coming. I hope this is the satrt of many.

If Tesco are selling fuel or not I'm coming through to shop. Somerfields is the pits.

If Tesco have fuel it'll be two runs a month minimum and tea in Wetherspoons for the family, I'll still save money.

Garage owners selling fuel can you smell coffee, it's your wake up call and I have no sympathy.

05-Jul-05, 17:40
well just to update u all i know for fact that Tescos have now submitted planning permission and there will be a tescos.

i hope you all feel relaxed that it is going to happen

captain chaos
05-Jul-05, 20:10
Here it is in Black and White

No more "I know for a fact or On high authority" [disgust] [disgust]

Application Number: 05/00313/FULCA
Application Type: Full Application
Date of Validation: 1 July 2005
Description of Works: Erection of Class 1 Retail store and petrol station with associated car parking, servicing access and landscaping, formation of vehicular access.
Location of Works: Land To North Of Vacant Caithness Glass Factory, A99, Wick, ,
Grid Reference: 336017, 952020
Ward: Wick
Applicant or Applicant’s Agent: Tesco Stores Ltd
c/o Pritchett Planning Consultancy, PO Box 8052, EDINBURGH, EH16 5ZF
Case Officer/Tel: David Mudie,

06-Jul-05, 15:02
[mad] I received an e-mail today from Sireesha Madireddi, Tesco Customer Service stating " There is nothing on our development plan to start a new store in Wick".

Her address - [email protected] quoting TES727702x

I am so annoyed [mad]

We should start a petition

Who's a little fibber then :lol: You should email her again! :lol:

06-Jul-05, 16:37
work has started on possible homebase ,argos , b&Q behind lidles lol cana spell they have dug up a huge area ready for building something big :confused i wounder wot it could be :P

08-Jul-05, 08:41
just to update u, they are building 6 to seven industrial units next to lidls, with homebase and argos taking 2 of them the rest will be for rent/lease so lets hope others will follow and fill these vacant buildings when built