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15-Apr-07, 14:39
Temperature has just reached 76 F in back garden pretty hot for Lanacashire in April eh.

Can anybody beat it?

15-Apr-07, 15:30
sadly not:~(

15-Apr-07, 16:48
Well - not warm here - persisting down and quite cool, has been persisting since about 11ish this am.
Can you send some of your sunshine and warmth up here to the far far west of Caithness but still in Scotland, please?

15-Apr-07, 16:56
No I can't quite beat it, but after finding an online conversion thingy, i clocked 70f today :)

15-Apr-07, 16:57
This morning was lovely...:) we were sitting out eating ice lollies...but cooler and greyer now.....could maybe even rain....we seem to have had some east coast haar persisting the last few days...:~( as it does....

15-Apr-07, 17:07
and while i think about it, don't get lulled into a false sense of security, it's going to get flipping cold later this week so keep your winter woolies available for a while longer! (it's certainly is a possibility of snow up here too!).:eek:

15-Apr-07, 17:31
Dam and there is me going to get my new Borat Swim gear on :-)

15-Apr-07, 17:51
it been really nice inaberdeen this weekend i've been down to the park both days :) however on the first day i totally underestimated how much sun we were gonna get and i got sunburnt..... thats right....sunburnt on the 15th of april in aberdeen of all places

15-Apr-07, 18:02
warmish in Orkney but I noticed that the BBC was predicting 19 degrees in Inverness -did it happen????

15-Apr-07, 18:11
and while i think about it, don't get lulled into a false sense of security, it's going to get flipping cold later this week so keep your winter woolies available for a while longer! (it's certainly is a possibility of snow up here too!).

Nivva cast a cloot til e May is oot!;) :D

peedie man
15-Apr-07, 18:16
it was 19c in wick at 2pm

15-Apr-07, 19:52
It was dull, cloudy and dusty today - temperature was about 32 centigrade (90 farenheit), the dust has gone and it has cleared up - it is now coming up to 10 at night and the temperature is 24 centigrade (75 Farenheit).

15-Apr-07, 20:13
34°c Wednesday - Singapore....
23°c today - Pictopia

Had to dig out my thermals...:D

15-Apr-07, 21:26
warmish in Orkney but I noticed that the BBC was predicting 19 degrees in Inverness -did it happen????

We were in Inverness on Saturday, and it was upto 24 degrees. Far too warm, was glad to get back over the Ord!

15-Apr-07, 21:32
our kitchen is like a freezer because of no heating in it and the cold weather, so we never kept the milk in the fridge this winter. and yesterday milk dated 23rd April went off! it was too hot hope it doesn't get too warm cos then you can't enjoy it (that's what me and the dogs think anyways):Razz

15-Apr-07, 23:27
Its hotter than that at Borgie Glen. The smoke was so bad from that fire
last night, i had to take athsma medication (double dose), which i never do.
Today, i went west of borgie to breathe some fresh air for a few hours,
but alas, again back in the smoke.

Sadly, the fire setters are winning this year in north sutherland. Local councillors are thinking of changing the tourism approach towards calling
april and may the "highland arson months" and inviting arsonists from all over
the world to set fires willy nilly in every heather bank longer than 10 millimeters.

Firemen who don't breathe smoke and live far away agree that the fires should just be left to burn, as when there's no fuel left, they won't have to
work, and all the petrol saved in the fire engines will save carbon.

In other news, the Borgie forest commission is having to pay out millions in
lost carbon credits pre-sold, creating renewed interest in carbon credit
insurance.... what we used to call 'fire breaks' and intelligent fire planning.

If as appears from the al gore film, that temperatures will increase along
with longer dry and wet spells of increasing intensity, then the fires will
only get worse, year on year in to the future.. .and those temperatures
in the intense heat of the borgie forest fire are kicking 700 degrees C,
best keep that level of global warming out of the yard. ;)

15-Apr-07, 23:31
Down Inverness way on Friday it had cooled to 20C by 6.30pm

16-Apr-07, 07:05
Temperatures reached 26.6 °C in Southampton

George Brims
16-Apr-07, 07:38
Will you lot all stop boasting about the Scottish weather. Here in Southern California it didn't get above about 65F (~18C) all day, and there was a cold wind from the sea late in the afternoon. I had to go and put on a big sweater to weed the garden.