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rob murray
28-Jul-15, 10:03
Well heres the new thread, post all postings on politics on here, keep things clean, no name calling nor inferences, and I include the term unionist, we are I suspect all British / UK citizens holding UK passwords whether we like or not. Of course posts from non UK citizens are very welcome.

So to kick the ball off, can anyone explain what currency we will use if we get a yes vote, rest of UK vote for out of EU and we have to wait a couple of years prior to EU membership, also how do people feel about using the euro and the role of the European Bank ? WOuld we be better off as an independant non european country.

OK fire away !

28-Jul-15, 12:26
Are you REALLY wanting to re run all the threads that were done to death before the referendum lol. There is no 2nd referendum planned - Scotland voted No. There are so many issues to discuss about what is going on in the UK today that it seems an utter waste of time to talk about this. I'm always hearing that those of us who voted Yes need to move on but really???

rob murray
28-Jul-15, 12:33
WHy dont you read postings instead of jumping in......Thank you for the clarification we voted no.....why dont you tell the hard core yessers that and whilst your are at it give Salmon a ring ....or have you not been following the news / papers etc...a second referendum is inevitable its down to the timing...and if there is a second referendum as you well know the exact same arguements will be trotted out by both sides..as nothing has changed we still havent heard any sense over the big issues....and well you know it !!!

rob murray
28-Jul-15, 12:39
Are you REALLY wanting to re run all the threads that were done to death before the referendum lol. There is no 2nd referendum planned - Scotland voted No. There are so many issues to discuss about what is going on in the UK today that it seems an utter waste of time to talk about this. I'm always hearing that those of us who voted Yes need to move on but really???

As dealt with before nothing was done to death............... your party failed to answer key questions that arent going away ever................ Ok whats your views on fracking then where do you stand...do you agree that sturgeon should come clean on dealing with frackers ?? and should fracking be a part of an integrated energy policy...oh I fogot we dont have one rather someting thats made up on the hoof !!!!

28-Jul-15, 12:40
I think a second referendum IS inevitable but you know it could be 5, 10, 20 years away. There are issues NOW to be dealt with. Seems like you are the guys who just want to re run the same stuff over and over again.

How about who is your candidate for labours leader in Scotland or overall Leader in the UK?

How about discussing what we do about the crisis in social care?

How about talking about the amount of money the cuts to tax credits and ESA are taking out of our economy and the effect this will have on the poorest in our society?

How about TTIP?But no, I guess you would prefer not

Seems I was right. Waste of everyone's time :/

rob murray
28-Jul-15, 13:56
Oh dear...a whiff of desperation.....sigh sigh....come next year you can sort it all out as you'll have the power...maybe not the dough..is that why Sturgeon has been in talks with frackers...flogging fracking licenses...its either that or they raise income tax...and not a lot of people are gonna be happy as there is, going by this site, not to much concern for the poor....what do they call them in these parts...oh....Benefit cheats......a rise in income tax will be seen as subsidising cheats and the work shy...I'll happily pay as I realise that the reality is a damn site more complex than simple labelling....oh and to prevent the need to poison people through fracking !!!! Labour...who gives a monkeys !!