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08-Jul-15, 12:35
As I read and listen to the news these days I wonder why the above expression comes to mind. It means , very harshly, that England cannot be trusted. This was a common expression in European circles even before the Union of the Crowns sa any study of Scottish history will show. Given the performance of the English Tory government since the Home Rule Vow was made it proves the same today.

08-Jul-15, 12:38
It means , very harshly, that England cannot be trusted.

Two words come to mind every time you post - paranoid and racist. You are getting offensive now.

08-Jul-15, 12:51
Two words come to mind every time you post - paranoid and racist. You are getting offensive now.I totally agree Racist with a capital R

rob murray
08-Jul-15, 12:58
Intereting expression / choice of words apparently first came to prominence in Napoleonic times : see below

rob murray
08-Jul-15, 14:43
Definition : Perfidious Albion is an anglophobic (http://forum.caithness.org/wiki/Anglophobia) pejorative phrase used within the context of international relations (http://forum.caithness.org/wiki/International_relations) and diplomacy to refer to alleged acts of diplomatic sleights, duplicity, treachery and hence infidelity (with respect to perceived promises made to or alliances formed with other nation states) by monarchs or governments of Britain (http://forum.caithness.org/wiki/United_Kingdom) (or England (http://forum.caithness.org/wiki/England)) in their pursuit of self-interest and the requirements of realpolitik (http://forum.caithness.org/wiki/Realpolitik).
Perfidious (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/perfidy) signifies one who does not keep his faith or word (from the Latin (http://forum.caithness.org/wiki/Latin) word "perfidia"), while Albion (http://forum.caithness.org/wiki/Albion) is derived from an ancient Greek name for Great Britain (http://forum.caithness.org/wiki/Great_Britain).

Anglophobic :Word Origin noun 1. a hatred or fear of England or anything English....says it all ! What about dour, drab, driech, sneaked scots ?? A lesson in history : Braveheart William Wallace was handed over to the English before being transported to London to stand trial for his 'crimes' by a scot, betrayed by John de Mentieth...loads of other examples abound in Scottish history, the english do not have a monopoly on duplicity and treachery look closer to home / look anywhere inhabited in fact ! And Im a scot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-Jul-15, 01:05
Westminster has renaged on the home rule vow, absolutely nothing racist in that remark. Stop trying to insult me with comments like those being used here, how dare you.

09-Jul-15, 08:11
I've one word for these posts......Delusional

09-Jul-15, 08:31
I suppose that there is no point in saying, yet again what has been endlessly repeated on here, that a clear majority of voters in Scotland voted against what you call 'Home Rule'. They were not mis-led or frightened into it, they voted for what they believed in, just as you did. Since then, the protocol to implement the promised greater powers that were agreed in advance by the SNP and negotiated upon by them are coming through. The Westminster government could hardly abandon the 55% of the Scottish electorate who voted to stay with the UK, with all that this entails now could they and since the SNP have only 50% of the total vote from the last general
election, what about the other 50% who all voted for Unionist parties? Do you actually believe in democracy, Piratelassie, or is it an SNP dictatorship that you espouse?

09-Jul-15, 09:52
The problem is those who voted for independence totally convinced themselves that they where in the right and brought into a dream.
Now the reality has unfurled itself they can't accept that not everyone has the same view as them, they claim they want a more free, fair society but it appears that only counts if it's on their terms and anyone who holds a differing point of view has either been lied to, frightened into their opinion or is somehow not able to see what they can. Throwing all the differing points of view to one side for a moment there is a harsh reality.
They've had their chance, all cards by all sides where laid on the table for all to see, everyone who lives in Scotland and was over the age of 16 had the opportunity to have their vote, and after years of argument those votes where cast.

The result we all know,the majority wasn't slim, it wasn't a close call, it wasn't a result of fraud or any other excuse you may wish to apply it was quite plain and simple a democratic majority voiced their desire.

Now the side that lost and those that support that point of view have failed to move on and allow the democratic will of the majority to be heard. Daily we hear of constitutional wrangling and outrage over some issue or the other.

What the majority of the electorate want is a responsible government who will deliver a well run efficient country that we can all live in and peacefully go about our daily lives without having names called or accusations made.
The issue should of been settled once and for all but it would appear a minority do not respect or appreciate democracy in all its full glory the people have spoken their will should now be heard and accepted.

The perfidious SNP government should now accept this.

rob murray
09-Jul-15, 11:32
The independance debate politicised loads of people who normally wouldnt be that concerned or bothered about politics, although the no side won, whats undeniable is that SNP membership went through the roof, the referendum buzz carried momentum to such a degree that ( ok on a first past the post system ) they got 56 mps in May....I respect this thats democracy, however its also undeniable a new tribalism has also emerged...( or was it always there but hidden ? ) where in simple terms unless you are a yes voter, voted SNP at the election and believe 100% of what comes out of the SNP without rasing any questions, as is anyones right to do, then you are portrayed as a non scot / traitor. Unfortunatly the now completly dispproved economic and constitutional untruths spouted by Salmond, Oil is a bonus, Scotlands a rich nation anyway, we will just use the pound in an independant scotland no matter what the englsh say or do....and we will appply for EU membership and be fast tracked in ....all now seen as what it was at the time...unproven untruths. However these are all accepted by some yessers as biblical truths, Alex said it..must be true...he came down Ben Nevis with the tablet of stone.

And before the........... we are always right yes brigade hurl ill informed nonsense and insults at me :John Swinneys analysis on the tory budget last night at 17 00 live on radio was brilliant.....mores the pity Swinney wasnt leader during the referendum debate at least he would have been truthful as regards the big questions and not told the porkies Salmond did....maybe Swinneys honesty was the reason behind his resignation as leader.....he was knifed by the nasty guys

10-Jul-15, 01:24
56 seats out of 59 won by the SNP tells me that Home Rule without full ind. is what the people of Scotland voted for. The vow was for Home Rule, lets see what comes out of the Scotland Bill. If it's Home Rule [that's control of everything except defence and foreign affairs] I'll be amazed but I won't bet on it.

The problem is those who voted for independence totally convinced themselves that they where in the right and brought into a dream.
Now the reality has unfurled itself they can't accept that not everyone has the same view as them, they claim they want a more

free, fair society but it appears that only counts if it's on their terms and anyone who holds a differing point of view has either been lied to, frightened into their opinion or is somehow not able to see what they can. Throwing all the differing points of view to one side for a moment there is a harsh reality.
They've had their chance, all cards by all sides where laid on the table for all to see, everyone who lives in Scotland and was over the age of 16 had the opportunity to have their vote, and after years of argument those votes where cast.

The result we all know,the majority wasn't slim, it wasn't a close call, it wasn't a result of fraud or any other excuse you may wish to apply it was quite plain and simple a democratic majority voiced their desire.

Now the side that lost and those that support that point of view have failed to move on and allow the democratic will of the majority to be heard. Daily we hear of constitutional wrangling and outrage over some issue or the other.

What the majority of the electorate want is a responsible government who will deliver a well run efficient country that we can all live in and peacefully go about our daily lives without having names called or accusations made.
The issue should of been settled once and for all but it would appear a minority do not respect or appreciate democracy in all its full glory the people have spoken their will should now be heard and accepted.

The perfidious SNP government should now accept this.

10-Jul-15, 08:42
The SNP government already have control of everything bar those two things, unless you are going to bang on again about 'Scotland's Oil' of course. The point is that real powers, including fiscal/tax ones have been in place for ages now and have not been used to the full as it is so much easier, isn't it, to keep on endlessly whining on about poor down-trodden Scotland being ruined by Westminster and blame them for everything!
I applaud the good things that the SNP have done and am longing for them to do more of what they promised but until they leave behind their complaining, negative mindset and rise to the challenge of taking real and full responsibility, this does not seem likely to happen. There was however, a ray of hope this week in their uniting with Labour to oppose the Tory attack upon the poor.
I for one, am not happy about being ruled (in Caithness) from Edinburgh as what do they do for us up here? I have been to Dundee a lot recently. Dundee is an exciting 'city on the up' with millions being poured into it in re-development and rightly so, including the new V and A (which as you might know, Piratelassie, is a London museum!) after years of stagnation. There is a buzz and an optimism about the place. Why can't Wick and Thurso have just a little of that? Answer, because there are too few of us up here and too few votes and therefore the SNP in Edinburgh does not care if our local economy goes down the tubes, that is why. We can have endless hideous turbines imposed upon us and we are supposed to shut up and be thankful for the few crumbs that stem from that. I will change my mind maybe if Wick takes off with the off-shore wind farms (and I hope it does), much as I hate the turbines because at least there will be some real opportunities stemming from that and jobs for young people etc and that is what is so shamefully lacking up here.

rob murray
10-Jul-15, 10:00
The SNP government already have control of everything bar those two things, unless you are going to bang on again about 'Scotland's Oil' of course. The point is that real powers, including fiscal/tax ones have been in place for ages now and have not been used to the full as it is so much easier, isn't it, to keep on endlessly whining on about poor down-trodden Scotland being ruined by Westminster and blame them for everything!
I applaud the good things that the SNP have done and am longing for them to do more of what they promised but until they leave behind their complaining, negative mindset and rise to the challenge of taking real and full responsibility, this does not seem likely to happen. There was however, a ray of hope this week in their uniting with Labour to oppose the Tory attack upon the poor.
I for one, am not happy about being ruled (in Caithness) from Edinburgh as what do they do for us up here? I have been to Dundee a lot recently. Dundee is an exciting 'city on the up' with millions being poured into it in re-development and rightly so, including the new V and A (which as you might know, Piratelassie, is a London museum!) after years of stagnation. There is a buzz and an optimism about the place. Why can't Wick and Thurso have just a little of that? Answer, because there are too few of us up here and too few votes and therefore the SNP in Edinburgh does not care if our local economy goes down the tubes, that is why. We can have endless hideous turbines imposed upon us and we are supposed to shut up and be thankful for the few crumbs that stem from that. I will change my mind maybe if Wick takes off with the off-shore wind farms (and I hope it does), much as I hate the turbines because at least there will be some real opportunities stemming from that and jobs for young people etc and that is what is so shamefully lacking up here.

Good accurate post, did anyone notice in his budget speech Osbourne threw in a comment about "Scotland banging on for more powers...well we havent seen them use what theyve already got" !!! I agree with your comments about being ruled by Edinburgh, lets face it we live in the highland lowlands, a sparcely populated rural area, with a seperate and different culture than that of the urban lowlands as well as having little political value. Also I cant think of anything we have in common with the ulster scots / irish scots culture/s of greater strathclyde..maybe a shared liking for the odd drink or two lol thats about it. I mean what / who is Scotland anyway ? Lets be real here Scotland is a collection of seperate and in some cases quite distinct communities with very little commonalitites : remember the fuss kicked up about Gaelic signs in Caithness....Caithness not being of gael culture... yet we are the north highlands ? So are we norse or gael, ie norse scots or gael scots ?

If Wick takes of, and I hope it does, it wont have much to do with the SNP or any government will it ? Private companies ie SSE and Repsol are the major investors / players, the scottish government " approved" the project : but theres nowt new in off shore developments and Wicks involvement : see this from hansard 1979 Bob Maclennan MP at the time................."I turn from the fears about Beatrice to the hopes associated with it. Caithness and Sutherland is an area of high unemployment. At the Thurso and Wick employment exchanges the registered unemployed stand at 1,430. The reasonable wish of my constituents is that if they are to suffer the disadvantages from the proximity of the Beatrice field they should also enjoy some of the employment opportunities associated with its exploitation".....nearly 40 years on and at last we may in Wick see some off shore ( albeit wind farms ) involvement !

10-Jul-15, 20:46
The SNP government at present only have limited control of some things not control of everything as you say, where did you read that the SNP government already have all this control bar F/A and defence?

The SNP government already have control of everything bar those two things, unless you are going to bang on again about 'Scotland's Oil' of course. The point is that real powers, including fiscal/tax ones have been in place for ages now and have not been used to the full as it is so much easier, isn't it, to keep on endlessly whining on about poor down-trodden Scotland being ruined by Westminster and blame them for everything!
I applaud the good things that the SNP have done and am longing for them to do more of what they promised but until they leave behind their complaining, negative mindset and rise to the challenge of taking real and full responsibility, this does not seem likely to happen. There was however, a ray of hope this week in their uniting with Labour to oppose the Tory attack upon the poor.
I for one, am not happy about being ruled (in Caithness) from Edinburgh as what do they do for us up here? I have been to Dundee a lot recently. Dundee is an exciting 'city on the up' with millions being poured into it in re-development and rightly so, including the new V and A (which as you might know, Piratelassie, is a London museum!) after years of stagnation. There is a buzz and an optimism about the place. Why can't Wick and Thurso have just a little of that? Answer, because there are too few of us up here and too few votes and therefore the SNP in Edinburgh does not care if our local economy goes down the tubes, that is why. We can have endless hideous turbines imposed upon us and we are supposed to shut up and be thankful for the few crumbs that stem from that. I will change my mind maybe if Wick takes off with the off-shore wind farms (and I hope it does), much as I hate the turbines because at least there will be some real opportunities stemming from that and jobs for young people etc and that is what is so shamefully lacking up here.

11-Jul-15, 08:11
Please name me the things that they do not have control of! Health, education, fiscal/tax powers- these are the biggies that impact directly on the lives of people in Scotland- all these are under SNP control!

11-Jul-15, 10:10
The SNP government at present only have limited control of some things not control of everything as you say, where did you read that the SNP government already have all this control bar F/A and defence?You're quite correct they do appear to have very limited control of some things, that's probably why their performance is so abysmal. Limited control, limited performance, limited competence. We should be thankful they do not have full control given the way they manage things at the moment.

11-Jul-15, 12:24
im just glad no one under 70 knows of this site, its slow death is delightful to watch

11-Jul-15, 12:36
im just glad no one under 70 knows of this site, its slow death is delightful to watchI hope you're enjoying your retirement.

12-Jul-15, 10:47
I hope you're enjoying your retirement.
oh i am[lol]

12-Jul-15, 16:57
Interesting with all this talk of home rule that the most powerful woman in the world has been missing for about a week, unless gatecrashing boozy parties in Glasgow or sucking up to the celebs at Wimbledon are what we pay her for. All this when 2 people were abandoned by Police Scotland (both are now dead) and 900 jobs are lost in Scotland. Not a word on either of these situations from this leader of the peepul.