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View Full Version : Do you live in the Pulteney side of Wick??

23-Jun-15, 12:20
Hey there If you live in the pulteney side of wick could you keep an eye out for our cat Iggy? she has got herself lost. She went out on Friday the 19th of June and hasnt returned home which is completely out of character for her. I understand cats wander but its not like her. She is medium in size and solid grey in colour with a fluffy tail and was wearing a pink collar with a bell (it is possible her collar has fallen off). She is very friendly so if you see her/manage to catch her please contact us on 606712. We live in moray street so hopefully she isn't too far away. She was spotted over the weekend in dempster street, Loch street and again possibly this morning in argyle square. Any help is much appreciated as we are really missing her and want her home.