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View Full Version : Angus Crowden

09-Apr-07, 08:07
I'm moving this week and I've been going through all the old stuff we are supposed to throw out... I did OK for the first while, but when I got a bigger house than I originally expected, that went out the window, and I've packed all the trock!
Anyway, among the many many photos, I found some from a day our class at Thurso High spent, climbing Morven, and sliding back down (ruined my jeans and was in BIG trouble).It must have been about 1961/62
Among those who enjoyed that day was Angus Crowden, from Castletown, and I have often wondered what became of him. Anyone know?
Spookily enough, I am moving to Castletown on the Isle of Man, and I know there is a lady there from the Caithness version!
Others in the photos, I think... Janice Gunn, Rosaleen Fell, Eleanor Christie (and Robbie Wylie, of course) ? Anyone else remember that bus trip, trek and picnic

09-Apr-07, 16:02
I remember the trip but, for some forgotten reason, did not go. Our old French teacher, Rena Macleod/Oliver, told me about Angus's whereabouts and I think he is in France but cannot be sure if my memory serves me well.