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View Full Version : Boy Racers or illegal drivers?

12-Feb-15, 20:35
Just had my wing mirror taken off by some sh*t in a small noisy red job, possibly a Corsa. At the Garden Centre corner in Castletown. Way over the white line, I could hear the tyres screaming. Thank God, it could have been much worse than a mirror. Costs less than the excess, so I'm out of pocket. But it's not about the money. What do the police do about these people? Absolutely nothing. It's simply not worth reporting. Maybe it's time for a campaign. After all, we, the taxpayers, pay the salaries of every policeman. They are accountable to us, and they need to deliver a service. They are not doing that in respect of boy racers, who at best distuirb our sleep, and at worst can kill. I guess it's to do with money. Costs more to have bobbies out at night, and even more to put a police car on the road which can actually catch these people.

The police response to late-night racers is just not good enough. The campaign starts here. If you have had a bad experience with so-called boy racers, please post on this thread.

12-Feb-15, 20:49
It can be frustrating but not reporting something like this is not the answer. Yes, you are probably right, nobody will be caught for it. But police and other traffic safety officers can look into patterns of behavior if given enough data.

12-Feb-15, 20:56
They could check older drivers to. As today on the way to Wick at Haster an older female decided to overtake a guy on a push bike and cause me to mount the verge!
Its not as if she could not see me. And another older female at Tesco petrol station decided at the last min not to get fuel and pull back into the road oblivious that I was behind or at this stage passing! Brakes to the floor and she carried on wondering why I had the cheek to blow my horn I think! All in the space of 15mins!

12-Feb-15, 21:30
just about every night of the week,the muppets come round the junction and floor it up main street castletown,just matter of time before theres a serious accident,problem is it will take an accident or worse to make folk open there eyes.the white nova back firing through the village every night just adds insult to injury[evil][evil]

12-Feb-15, 22:30
just about every night of the week,the muppets come round the junction and floor it up main street castletown,just matter of time before theres a serious accident,problem is it will take an accident or worse to make folk open there eyes.the white nova back firing through the village every night just adds insult to injury[evil][evil]

I'm with you, and no disrespect to other posters. This about Castletown. Sadly we have lost our Post Office, and Jenni was in the front line on that corner. But even she, one of the most respected people in the village, and a community councillor, couldn't get the police to act. What does it take? We pay our Council Tax, and our Income tax. But still these people terrorise the streets, and the police do nothing. Is it too much to ask the bobbies on the night shift to actually do their job? Or do they just like the night shift, so they can have a fag and a sleep? The police, whose wages we all pay, do nothing about the late night blown exhaust brigade. Several years ago, I got a ticket for a burst exhaust, even though I was on my way to Maconochys to get it fixed. Not the I'm bitter about that. I'd just like to see justice done where it should be done. Our local police go home to bed, and then the boy racers terrorise our communities. That's a fact. I challenge Police Scotland to tell us, here on this community website, how many police officers are actually on duty while boy racers are destroying lives with their antisocial behaviour during the hours of darkness?

13-Feb-15, 08:27
It can be frustrating but not reporting something like this is not the answer. Yes, you are probably right, nobody will be caught for it. But police and other traffic safety officers can look into patterns of behavior if given enough data.

Sound advice Rheghead. Report everything to the police.

13-Feb-15, 13:49
I'm with you, and no disrespect to other posters. This about Castletown. Sadly we have lost our Post Office, and Jenni was in the front line on that corner. But even she, one of the most respected people in the village, and a community councillor, couldn't get the police to act. What does it take? We pay our Council Tax, and our Income tax. But still these people terrorise the streets, and the police do nothing. Is it too much to ask the bobbies on the night shift to actually do their job? Or do they just like the night shift, so they can have a fag and a sleep? The police, whose wages we all pay, do nothing about the late night blown exhaust brigade. Several years ago, I got a ticket for a burst exhaust, even though I was on my way to Maconochys to get it fixed. Not the I'm bitter about that. I'd just like to see justice done where it should be done. Our local police go home to bed, and then the boy racers terrorise our communities. That's a fact. I challenge Police Scotland to tell us, here on this community website, how many police officers are actually on duty while boy racers are destroying lives with their antisocial behaviour during the hours of darkness?Two points: 1. Have you actually reported this to the police or is this just a rant. 2. How many cops do you think there are on duty in Caithness overnight?

14-Feb-15, 14:05
Two points: 1. Have you actually reported this to the police or is this just a rant. 2. How many cops do you think there are on duty in Caithness overnight?

What exactly do you want the Police to do? Was the vehicle registration number noted? Are there any independent witnesses? Is the driver known to you?
You might well rant but you really have to give the police something to work with.

14-Feb-15, 17:45
Yes to the last 3 posters, it was a rant, and a day later I aknowledge that you guys are right. I have no evidence other than my word for what happened. I came home shaking, and vented my spleen here. A knee-jerk reaction.

So I apologise to anyone who feels the org is the wrong place to turn to when you've had a shock. I have been put firmly in my place.

14-Feb-15, 17:58
as stated,if you read all comments the fact that our main street is being used as a race track has been brung up at community meetings where the police are also present,as usual certain followers start writting before reading the facts,then start ranting themselves.fact is castletown is being used as a race track,the police are aware of the fact but choose to do nothing

14-Feb-15, 23:07
as stated,if you read all comments the fact that our main street is being used as a race track has been brung up at community meetings where the police are also present,as usual certain followers start writting before reading the facts,then start ranting themselves.fact is castletown is being used as a race track,the police are aware of the fact but choose to do nothing

The Police will tell you they have limited resources; like all public services they have suffered budgetary cuts too. The truth is Police Scotland is no longer proactive enough and has adopted a 'fire fighting' role.
You say the main street is being used as a race track; this will only be considered as hearsay until irrefutable evidence can be provided. Perhaps it is time for the good people of Castletown to show that there is a danger to life and limb then lobby their local Councillor/MSP/MP to have the road policed more regularly.

15-Feb-15, 01:46
Sound advice Rheghead. Report everything to the police.

ditto that, the bean counters will translate less crimes being reported as less crimes being committed, which will mean even less police presence in Thurso, Wick and beyond.

18-Feb-15, 16:51
the problem continues[evil]

24-Feb-15, 19:46
[evil] am lost for words

25-Feb-15, 00:32
It's only a matter of time before yet more young lives are lost within the county.
I appreciate that young people need to get experience when they have done the necessary to get a driving licence.
Both of our children where told in NO uncertain terms after passing their test, "Now go out and learn to drive."
The continental system of restricting the speed that new drivers can travel at has a certain appeal but until youth appreciates that speed is not king and having an appointment with death can be avoided without losing face, the tragedies will continue.

25-Feb-15, 11:36
It's only a matter of time before yet more young lives are lost within the county.
I appreciate that young people need to get experience when they have done the necessary to get a driving licence.
Both of our children where told in NO uncertain terms after passing their test, "Now go out and learn to drive."
The continental system of restricting the speed that new drivers can travel at has a certain appeal but until youth appreciates that speed is not king and having an appointment with death can be avoided without losing face, the tragedies will continue.

Of course it is a tragedy when a young inexperienced person loses their life while driving their car but my main concern is for the other road users and pedestrians they involve.
If these young drivers took time to consider the feelings of their Mums and Dads too, they might realise how precious their lives are.

25-Feb-15, 21:08
well said:)

Neil Howie
27-Feb-15, 23:18
Would a camera help? like the car one in the P&J yesterday that filmed a lorry pulling out in front?

28-Feb-15, 08:49
If these young drivers took time to consider the feelings of their Mums and Dads too, they might realise how precious their lives are.Don't jump to conclusions so quick - it can sometimes be the Parent who defends the reckless behaviour, rather than prevents it, as was the situation in this area a couple of years ago with the inevitable outcome.

06-Mar-15, 08:46
problem is still here,:(

20-Mar-15, 18:50
just a matter of time before one of these muppets hurt themselfs and worse[others]:(

20-Mar-15, 20:10
I had one of these guys roar past me at the Old Bignold Hospital heading out the north road one morning last week. What got me was RAE turned into Tescos. Always remember a PE number plate. Hope he got what he wanted as it must have been important the hurry he was in!!

21-Mar-15, 11:00
Hmmm if they can't sit on the A9 with a camera they are not interested. Not just the police at fault but i expect funding for police is cut and so much red tape it's unreal. I agree about time something was done but what i ask. Been the same all over the country for many years. I would not want a police persons job as no one has any respect for them. It's got to be a shitty job everyday. This country is going to the dogs and until folk join together and stand behind each other nothing will happen.

10-Apr-15, 17:32
well said:D