View Full Version : Autism Event Wednesday 14th January cancelled

12-Jan-15, 22:24
The autism event at Wick Town Hall Wednesday 14th January is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.
It will hopefully be re-scheduled once the weather improves.
Please notify anyone you know who was going. Thank you.

13-Jan-15, 15:56
Exploring Transitions - Digging Deeper

Wednesday 14th January - CANCELLED

https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Di9v0KF1r4UM4NPK8AkfRlQ3w46SNeuKoiZMlBf1MB21ytBJvD dgSVtI1a0Ond-JlEU4nmnlS8KgW-4YBFrZWIuA_9mF8XAHE2kIpSAWb9yVU9-VVVqOvvyhJWgKJsMOBEv7I5uw43d7giY=s0-d-e1-ft#http://i1.cmail1.com/ei/t/4F/A13/353/csimport/PrinciplesofGoodTransitions2.134139.png (http://autismnetworkscotland.cmail1.com/t/t-l-trtlkkk-tupdhurd-e/)

Unfortunately due to severe weather warnings the above event will becancelled on 14th January.
This event has been rescheduled for Wednesday 18th March 2015. You will automatically be allocated a place at this event. You will be sent a programme containing further information.
If you require any further information please send an email to Autism Network Scotland ([email protected]) or call 0141-444-8146.

13-Jan-15, 15:57
Rescheduled for Wednesday 18th March 2015