View Full Version : Water Polo in Wick

08-Jan-15, 22:30
Wick Amateur Swim Club has arranged a Water Polo course on Monday the 19th of January so that we can hopefully provide another water based sport in the town. The course will run from 6pm to 9pm at Wick Pool and we have space for 12 participants. This is open to anyone aged 14 or over who might be interested. Everyone taking part is starting at the same level knowing very little about water polo so we would welcome anyone whether you are currently involved with the club or not.

As the spaces are limited please contact me by sending a message or e-mail to [email protected] as soon as possible so that we can ensure we have enough people to make the course viable.

We will arrange swimmers to attend so that participants don’t have to get in the pool if they would rather not.

14-Feb-15, 22:11
The fourteen that took part in the recent Water Polo course run in Wick by Scottish Swimming thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Thanks to Highland Hi-life we
have secured a slot at the pool between 8pm and 9pm starting Wednesday the 18th of February. The session will be on a come and try basis and will be for
everyone aged 13 and over. You don't need to be a top swimmer to take part as long as you can swim front crawl you will be fine.