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View Full Version : Train drink service

04-Jan-15, 14:02
I'm getting the 6:50am Thurso to Inverness train tomorrow, can anyone tell me if there's a trolley food and drink service on it please?

04-Jan-15, 14:27
Don't think there is

04-Jan-15, 15:42
There is no trolley on the early train, typical that's when folk need a cuppa

Mother Superior
04-Jan-15, 16:30
Joxville it sounds like you have just saved yourself enough money to pay for your train fare!

04-Jan-15, 17:06
Thanks all, I've popped out and bought a Thermos flask; my coffee will taste better too, though I'll have to drink it all before I catch my flight back to Luton because of anti-terrorism measures.

Mother Superior
04-Jan-15, 17:33
Hope you enjoyed your stay back in Caithness. Safe journey home.

04-Jan-15, 19:03
Damnation Jox......missed you again.

Hope you had a safe journey home.

04-Jan-15, 20:08
I've had a great time visiting Caithness, though I didn't get out in the county as much as I'd have liked, mainly because I had to rely on someone else for transport. I managed to get a lot of walking done, most of it while geocaching. As well as meeting up with old friends, it was great chatting to total strangers...the friendly Caithness spirit is alive and well. I hope to get back up the summer, it just depends on what my son wants to do. 😊