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View Full Version : The point of the forum.........

28-Mar-07, 12:27
Please fell free to let me know if i have got this wrong, but i am under the impression that the whole point of posting on a forum is to talk about things that you find interesting and want to share it with others...If you want to post threads that you want to share wether it be personal or something irrelevant to your own existence it does not matter....:roll:

Now i have been told by some unfortunate orger that i should keep my personal life and opnions to myself as people are sick of hearing about things i have to post....name no names,now i feel that this is the wrong type of attitude to have on a forum.....

Do you agree, please feel free to let me know if i am wrong about this....:lol:

28-Mar-07, 12:42
Ignore them, Thats what a forum is all about, an open discussion, a place to post ideas, feelings and thoughts.

Small minded of them if they dont like to hear what you have to say, shame they could not be big and brave enough to post their feelings on open forum !!! but instead hide behind a pm!

28-Mar-07, 12:43
You're both right and wrong....While alot of people post on forums telling others of good news, they still keep some personal information discreet. Maily for safety's sake. There's alot of nutjobs running around nowadays, and giving page after page of personal info isn't always the smartest thing to do.(especially within the small communities like the Caithness towns)
That being said, if you're aware of that, and you still want to share as much as you do, post away.:D

28-Mar-07, 12:54
i have nothing to be ashamed of in my life that i feel i have to hide from people.....I do think it is down to the individual ,to allow as much as they want about their personal life to be open...

But the ones that are out to shove it in your face for no other reason than nastiness is not the way to go.......
and the fact that i have a few children is not something i could keep to myself, especially living in a small town in caithness....i think more people new about how many kids i had before i had been in the area for a week......

28-Mar-07, 13:02
Ignore them, Thats what a forum is all about, an open discussion, a place to post ideas, feelings and thoughts.

Small minded of them if they dont like to hear what you have to say, shame they could not be big and brave enough to post their feelings on open forum !!! but instead hide behind a pm!

WELL SAID...it is a pity that they cant come out and say what they have to say infront of others, but then it would show their true colours.....They have no intelligence and obviously no self retaint....Opinions are one thing, being darn right obnoxious and nasty is pathetic...The only thing that come out of this is they loose there right to post and i still have my life.and oh what a happy content life i have ......:lol:

I would like to thank all those for the pm's, you are good genuine people and i enjoy posting,,,,,,:)

28-Mar-07, 13:03
I've found the .Org, especially the general forum, very different from any other forum I post to!

The others are more specialised, e.g. genealogy, where the members all have one common interest. Probably most other Orgers also post to a number of different forums too.

Recently I've just been pondering if it might be an idea to have a separate health and wellbeing section, as there have been quite a lot of posts on the general forum which would, one way or another, fall into this category. Topics that perhaps don't sit that well on the general forum.

People would not want to post anything too personal, I realise, but it might be a good way to point them towards more information, or find some support from others in the same situation.

I've had a lot of pms from .Orgers where we've found some common ground and been able to talk about things that we might well not want to broadcast to all and sundry. A pm has been more appropriate -but it has taken the initial post to see that there's someone there who may have similar interest/problems to you. :)

28-Mar-07, 13:24
I've found the .Org, especially the general forum, very different from any other forum I post to!

The others are more specialised, e.g. genealogy, where the members all have one common interest. Probably most other Orgers also post to a number of different forums too.

Recently I've just been pondering if it might be an idea to have a separate health and wellbeing thread, as there have been quite a lot of posts on the general forum which would, one way or another, fall into this category. Topics that perhaps don't sit that well on the general forum.

People would not want to post anything too personal, I realise, but it might be a good way to point them towards more information, or find some support from others in the same situation.

I've had a lot of pms from .Orgers where we've found some common ground and been able to talk about things that we might well not want to broadcast to all and sundry. A pm has been more appropriate -but it has taken the initial post to see that there's someone there who may have similar interest/problems to you. :)

Totally agree and I think its a good idea about the health and wellbeing thread.

28-Mar-07, 13:27
can we put it to a vote if orgers would like a health and well being thread.....is that an option...

28-Mar-07, 13:30
Noooooooooooooo, it will become the hypochondriacts hang out forum !!!:lol:

Or womans health forum " i broke a nail , can i recover ? "


28-Mar-07, 13:33
can we put it to a vote if orgers would like a health and well being thread.....is that an option...

oops, I meant to say "section" -I've amended that now....hopefully there would be more than one thread! [lol]

28-Mar-07, 13:33
there are men out there that might want to discuss a problem you know.It aint just women that suffer with health issues....and we dont all care if we break a nail or not.....Maybe you guys could start an all male thread about issues amongst men.....

28-Mar-07, 13:33
I think that if someone has a personal criticism about a user then it is better to do that by PM. That does not mean that someone has carte blanche to be rude and insulting but that sometimes disagreements are personal and should be kept that way.

28-Mar-07, 13:35
hey Justine, i was having a larf! :roll:

28-Mar-07, 13:39
Noooooooooooooo, it will become the hypochondriacts hang out forum !!!

Or womans health forum " i broke a nail , can i recover ? "

But then it would be separate, so you could simply ignore it if you wanted to! :roll:

Like...you don't have to buy every magazine on the shelf....

Not necessarily meant for moaning minnies either [disgust]

28-Mar-07, 13:39
solus i know....But it might be a good idea anyway..

28-Mar-07, 14:36
You'd get my vote, I think a section on health and wellbeing is a good idea.

I agree that it's not unreasonable to share the kind of personal experience that you might feel is relevant to a thread that you might choose to share, just in the same way that people talk to their neighbours.

The alternative is to keep it highbrow and only dispassionately discuss non-physical and non-emotional matters and those things which are related specifically to Caithness as a land area or events happening within the Caithness area which are open to whole swathes of Caithness residents.

I can see no reason why the Caithness forum cannot be a friendly place for Caithness people and a friendly place for wannabe and ex-pat Caithness folks.

Maybe 'somebody' had a bad night then got out of bed the wrong side. We all have bad days, I think it's best to just enjoy the sunshine and smile!

28-Mar-07, 14:51
there are men out there that might want to discuss a problem you know.It aint just women that suffer with health issues....and we dont all care if we break a nail or not.....Maybe you guys could start an all male thread about issues amongst men.....
whaaat?!!.....all the women would laugh!

28-Mar-07, 14:56
May I suggest, you pm Niall or Colin with this suggestion, we have before, and as a result the Literary Forum, the Photography Forum and a few others were formed.

May I also suggest that the name of the new Forum be

"Wifies Problems"

Now runs for cover [lol]

28-Mar-07, 15:00
May I suggest, you pm Niall or Colin with this suggestion, we have before, and as a result the Literary Forum, the Photography Forum and a few others were formed.

May I also suggest that the name of the new Forum be

"Wifies Problems"

Now runs for cover
You may suggest that name, golach....but I think it would be discriminating against men :roll:

You might yourself have a problem that you'd like to share :lol:

28-Mar-07, 15:02

I got a problem, its only a little one, but still a problem never the less

28-Mar-07, 15:02
You get my vote for a Health and Wellbeing user section.Think the last one was the pet forum and thats well used.
Justine pm Bill with your suggestion and see what he says.
Most of my threads are started because of these issues,ie the one today about benefits in hospital.It Wasn't a recommendation just a general query and had to post on the general forum as I did not know where else to put it.:confused

28-Mar-07, 15:20
A health and well being forum section would be a brilliant idea. Let`s be fair about this though and have a "mannie`s" section as well as one for "wifie`s" or would we have to be pc and have "Boyaggie`s and Lassagie`s" too. It`s a good forum idea however it is sectioned.

28-Mar-07, 15:26
A health and well being forum section would be a brilliant idea. Let`s be fair about this though and have a "mannie`s" section as well as one for "wifie`s" or would we have to be pc and have "Boyaggie`s and Lassagie`s" too. It`s a good forum idea however it is sectioned.

i think a good title for the forum would be simply general health ...It is not for men or women but both.there are no discriminations about general well being and health issues, they effect us all.....I will contact bill and see what i can come up with...thanks

any directions at finding bill?

28-Mar-07, 15:44
any directions at finding bill?


28-Mar-07, 15:48
found him and have asked what he thinks.will let you all know what happens.

28-Mar-07, 16:02
found him and have asked what he thinks.will let you all know what happens.

Snap...I did too (great minds) - we'll just have to wait and see :D

28-Mar-07, 16:04
good chance of it happening then..and yes great minds think alike but then idiots seldom differ......as my motto goes...no offence to you personally...

28-Mar-07, 16:39
A general health and wellbeing forum would suit the best in my opinion. Let's face it, lots of people will be reading it anyway and it is always useful to know about either, esp., if you have a mixed family.

Any specialist subjects are often catered for with support sites for a particular illnes or disability of which there a plenty on the internet and very useful they are too. Good to discuss a condition with those who also suffer from the same thing.

Good luck with your idea Justine! :)

(P.S. sorry you are having hassle from an org member but you seem to know how to deal with it and are getting plenty support, cheers.)

28-Mar-07, 16:43
thanks but i was not the one who came up about the idea, i think angela should take the credit for it..I mearly agreed....

I am sorry for the orger that feels the need to be this way.Im ok with it...cheers....

28-Mar-07, 16:48
thanks but i was not the one who came up about the idea, i think angela should take the credit for it..I mearly agreed....

I am sorry for the orger that feels the need to be this way.Im ok with it...cheers....

Oops, sorry Angela; not paying attention to detail again! :( It's my age you know; gettan' dottled!:lol:

Good idea anyway.....

28-Mar-07, 16:50
I think we got the pets forum through nagging.
It was Unicorn's idea and something happened and she left.Lets hope everyone is more tolerant this time.
This Health forum would free up the general board and give people the chance to ask health questions without upsetting gereral forum users.
Result a happy forum;)

28-Mar-07, 16:50
Whilst i tend to agree a forum for health and well being is a good idea, i cant help but notice how many other sperate forums there are on this site and wonder if another one is a good or bad idea !

Secondly, if some one took offence to previous posts and felt the need to pm some one about it, and that person is narrow minded enough to let issues like that effect him or her are you not playing into their hands by moving all subsequent post to a seperate area.

To me, if the title of the thread does not interest me or i would find it offensive i just dont go read it, bit like television, just turn over or turn off !

28-Mar-07, 16:52
Ignore them, Thats what a forum is all about, an open discussion, a place to post ideas, feelings and thoughts.

Small minded of them if they dont like to hear what you have to say, shame they could not be big and brave enough to post their feelings on open forum !!! but instead hide behind a pm!

Noooooooooooooo, it will become the hypochondriacts hang out forum !!!:lol:

Or womans health forum " i broke a nail , can i recover ? "


Now, ain't that a nice swerve and contradiction. I would suggest that people read the rules and regs, and also earlier issues raised over the last 3 months. The org is a very pleasant place and is always very supportive of its members. If someone offends you it is best to report the incident to a moderator.

28-Mar-07, 16:53
I dont think we should nag, and it has been noted that we will have to wait a while....The issues of health must be taken seriously..I am sure that we will get some kind of forum but may have to wait a while....

28-Mar-07, 17:07
How is that classed as a swerve and contradiction ? i have said nothing to contradict myself nor swerved the issue

the second comment was tongue in cheek, you know humour !

28-Mar-07, 17:13
Please fell free to let me know if i have got this wrong, but i am under the impression that the whole point of posting on a forum is to talk about things that you find interesting and want to share it with others...If you want to post threads that you want to share wether it be personal or something irrelevant to your own existence it does not matter....:roll:

Now i have been told by some unfortunate orger that i should keep my personal life and opnions to myself as people are sick of hearing about things i have to post....name no names,now i feel that this is the wrong type of attitude to have on a forum.....

Do you agree, please feel free to let me know if i am wrong about this....:lol:

People can read a thread or not as they like. There are threads on here I have peeked in on that have no interest to me and left alone, wheras others have led to some very interesting and creative debate (especially the ones around religion).
There are a few things to keep in mind
One, it is not a good idea to reveal too much about yourself you never know who is reading.
Two, never reveal anything that you are not willing to take the praise or more importantly the critism for. No matter what your lifestyle someone will find something wrong with it - post away, just remember everyone has an opinion and every one is willing to share it, positve or negative.

28-Mar-07, 17:13
Whilst i tend to agree a forum for health and well being is a good idea, i cant help but notice how many other sperate forums there are on this site and wonder if another one is a good or bad idea !

Secondly, if some one took offence to previous posts and felt the need to pm some one about it, and that person is narrow minded enough to let issues like that effect him or her are you not playing into their hands by moving all subsequent post to a seperate area.

To me, if the title of the thread does not interest me or i would find it offensive i just dont go read it, bit like television, just turn over or turn off !

I'd been mulling over the idea that a separate forum might be a good idea for a while...because there seem to be lots of posts on quite varied health-related topics from a number of different people.

I posted the idea in this thread because it also seemed relevant that more "personal" posts might be better suited to a separate forum, than to the general forum.... which is, by definition, general.

Anyway - I understand that the idea will be given consideration, but people come up with lots of ideas obviously, and I realise there isn't enough space (or the need perhaps) for them all.

I could and perhaps should have started a separate thread to ask for opinions -the thought just seemd to crystalize at that moment....:roll: :confused

28-Mar-07, 17:22
i have said nothing to contradict myself nor swerved the issue.

Even if you have, don't be ashamed of it, it would just go to show that you are human instead of an automaton. I'm always changing my mind and contradicting myself, I make no secret of it. It is all part of being in a forum.:)

28-Mar-07, 18:10
May I suggest, you pm Niall or Colin with this suggestion, we have before, and as a result the Literary Forum, the Photography Forum and a few others were formed.

May I also suggest that the name of the new Forum be

"Wifies Problems"

Now runs for cover [lol]

Aye, ye'd better run, golach, Ah'm comin' efter ye wi' a rollin' pin richt noo! :lol:

Seriously, though, I do think a General Health and Wellbeing Forum would be a good idea. (For both men and women, of course! ;-) )

28-Mar-07, 18:32
Ideally you should be able to post your thoughts and opinions on a forum. However this can be one of the most narrowminded sites around, the list of things you shouldn't talk about grows by the month.

28-Mar-07, 18:55
.... thats because supposed adults cant be trusted to have sensible conversations about emotive topics wthout resorting to name calling, some are worse than kids[disgust]

28-Mar-07, 19:07
Hmmm, it also seems there are a few who can do no wrong. Some people who can bring up subjects that others have had there hands slapped for mentioning...

28-Mar-07, 19:12
Noooooooooooooo, it will become the hypochondriacts hang out forum !!!:lol:

Or womans health forum " i broke a nail , can i recover ? "

lmao, your good aint u fella