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29-Oct-14, 19:33
Victim in alleged pub assault to give evidence from America via video link

A KEY witness in a sexual case is to give her evidence by video link from America.
It is believed to be the first time that such an overseas arrangement has had to be made at Wick Sheriff Court. Technical problems have still to be overcome before the trial of Yaegar Coghill on November 14.
He is accused of indecently assaulting a woman at Wick's Wetherspoon pub on August 31. The 22-year-old, of Rickleens, Hill Avenue, Wick, denied the incident today. Video evidence currently features in Scottish courts, particularly in road traffic cases and disorderly conduct offences as well as those involving child witnesses.
However, such a link "across the pond", is unusual and required Wick fiscal David Barclay to make a formal application, known, legally, as a 273 application, to Sheriff Andrew Berry who granted it.
The sheriff was quick to highlight the need to find a suitable syschronised slot for the evidence given the time difference between the two countries. The witness, the victim in the alleged assault, is an adult, who is on an extended stay in the New York area.
Mr Barclay said that the link might require a 'trial' run in advance of the case. A formal application would need to be made to the International Co-operation Unit in the U.S. for her evidence to be delivered from a courtroom.
The case was continued until November 11 for a progress report on the video link arrangements.