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17-Oct-14, 19:25
Who's doing Sky dish repairs up here at the moment, please? I know about Chessor's, is Moonboots still active as well?

Sky themselves say the next available engineer appointment is November 8th!! The guy in the call centre (who was from Wick!) couldn't have been more apologetic!

17-Oct-14, 21:34
Last year our Sky dish fell off due to the excessive wind, I had contacted Sky and the next appointment was in 6-7 weeks. I phoned Colin Chessor, and a very nice man came out within a few days, fixed it and all for a very reasonable price too. Couldn't recommend them more for this. Afraid I don't know any others though.

Good luck!

17-Oct-14, 23:59
I am not 100% certain but I have a memory that Moonboots has stopped due to ill-health. But you could drop him a PM just to make sure.

18-Oct-14, 11:43
I had the same experience with Sky. Contacted Chessor & within a couple of days they were out, near & much better dish installed at a reasonable price. No problem in my mind if I need to go back to them.

18-Oct-14, 19:01
Kodiak, that's what I thought too, but his website is still up.

Thanks all, I'll give Chessor a ring when they open on Monday.

18-Oct-14, 19:47

Im afraid Kodiak is right, I stopped due to my knees as they are no use anymore climbing ladders etc.
The website is still up and i am unable to get it taken down at present nor can i update it to say that the business has ceased trading. The only thing i done was changed my phone number.

18-Oct-14, 22:29
I work with Sky Cust Serv and even I have to admit the wait times are really long just now. Even I advise contacting Colin Chessor directly.

19-Oct-14, 12:02
I work with Sky Cust Serv and even I have to admit the wait times are really long just now. Even I advise contacting Colin Chessor directly.

It was a sad day for up here when Sky stopped using Chessor

19-Oct-14, 13:42
I work with Sky Cust Serv

You having a laugh with all the complaining you do

19-Oct-14, 15:28
It was a sad day for up here when Sky stopped using Chessor

It was even a Sadder Day when "Moonboots" had to stop working due to Ill Health. He was the Best and most reliable Technician with the Best Prices.

19-Oct-14, 20:44
You having a laugh with all the complaining you doWhat exactly is that meant to mean?

20-Oct-14, 11:34
Rang Chessor this morning and they don't know when they're next going to have someone out west, but it definitely won't be this week and they'll give me a ring when they next have a date. Is there anyone else, or am I stuck?

20-Oct-14, 16:13
Is it a chargable visit or within warranty? If not chargable mighy be worth booking in with Sky as a back up. Once booked in you can manage it at sky.com and will allow you to check daily to see if you can re-schedule for a visit that may have freed up :) - also if you get someone else sooner you can cancel sky one without penalty. Hope that helps.

20-Oct-14, 19:59
It's chargeable, but I was told that if I cancel at least 24 hours in advance they won't bill me for it, so I booked November 8th when I spoke to them. Can't see where to manage it on sky.com though?? Will go and have another look :)

20-Oct-14, 20:04
Oh, ignore me, I found it :) But when I click the 'Reschedule appointment' link, it refuses to show any weeks earlier than the one containing 8th November, so I think I'm out of luck! Fingers crossed Chessors get a few more calls out west before then. Going to see if Sky will give me SkyGo+ free until the 8th, so at least we can download some of the stuff we're missing. (Getting Blacklist withdrawal symptoms!)

20-Oct-14, 21:47
Odd, normally it shows every appointment available even if it is before the one you have scheduled.

I doubt if Sky Go Extra free will be too big an issue. If you get no joy with first advisor ask them to escalate to TV Technical and that should do the trick :)

21-Oct-14, 07:02
I think that's the issue - the contract is with a firm from Inverness, as I understand it, and they're simply not in the area before 8th November, hence no available appointments.

Rather selfishly, I'm hoping that today's weather will cause a few problems for dishes along the A836 and bring Chessors out this way ;)

21-Oct-14, 11:13


I rang in on Friday to report a problem with our dish meaning we can't receive a satellite signal and the chap I spoke to was very apologetic, but can't get me an engineer any sooner than 8th November.
I'm aware that we can watch a limited number of channels via SkyGo, but with our broadband speed (we're very rural) it's a bit hit and miss and we can't record anything that' s on late or download anything to start catching up on what we're missing.
Could you please confirm that I'll be able to get a part refund of my subscription for the three weeks we'll be without full services and could you also give this account temporary free access to SkyGo Extra so that at least we can download some stuff to the iPad to watch?
Many thanks, Caroline

Dear Caroline

Thank you for your help request. I understand you wish to prepone the service visit to an earlier date available.
Please be informed that we at email support have no access to re-schedule a service visit on Sky accounts. In the meanwhile, you can check for the troubleshooting steps listed on the Sky website. Please copy and paste the link on a new webpage: https://diagnostics.sky.com/#no-satellite-signal/
I request you to contact our Customer Service team for further assistance.
I hope this has resolved your query. If not, please raise another help request online through MySky. Alternatively, please select the Live Chat option on the Contact Us pages.
Kind regards

And then they closed off the help request!!

I have tried again this morning:


No, you mis-read my last help request. I DON'T wish to reschedule the engineer, I know that there are no earlier appointments.
What I would like is free access to SkyGo Extra until the engineer appointment on 8th November and a refund of my subscription fee since I cannot access my full package for three weeks.
Many thanks, Caroline

Fingers crossed....

21-Oct-14, 15:08
A public THANK YOU to Chessors who'll be coming on Monday :)

21-Oct-14, 18:53
Thats great news! With the weather they may well be there b4 then as No Sat Signal calls have been non stop due to weather :)

21-Oct-14, 19:44
Ex-hurricane Gonzalo is causing more destruction than Declan Macey with a chip on his shoulder. Is the winds playing havoc with your signal, don't put up - phone up!! Call Aerial Satellite Services on 07891506940 for aerial satellite installation/repair, extra TV or phone points, TV wall mounting, Security Camera installation and more. Available 7 days a week 8-8.

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