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Kevin Milkins
15-Oct-14, 20:24
Is it just me that thinks we are being kept in the dark about Ebola?:confused

15-Oct-14, 21:27
yes i think its a natural clean up of the planet like the plague ect i also think that it will be a pandemic personally i think all travel from the infected area should be stopped and any aid workers that go there should be quantined when they return to their county like animals i do not mean they are animals but if you bring say a dob into a rabies free area it has to spend time in quarantine sorry if offends some but freedom to views

15-Oct-14, 22:41
is it an underhanded form of population control? manufactured by a western govt? who knows? the snippets of information we are being allowed to know are most probably different from what is actually happening at the source of it all but then again, i'm just one of the conspiracy theory nutters. My words count for nothing in reality :roll:

17-Oct-14, 00:37
Ebola has been known for many years, what has triggered the current explosion of contagion is any one's guess although I suspect that ignorance and lack of hygiene might be amongst the contributors.
Is it beyond the scope of the modern world to explain to people the challenges they face with regard to health?
I see adverts on the television every day telling us that mothers have no choice but to give polluted water to their children to drink, makes me vey angry as if they were told that they must boil it first the situation could be avoided.
Sorry have meandered off the thread.

22-Oct-14, 17:32
i believe Starfish has a point. Maybe its mother natures way of cutting down the human population. Lets face it there are far too many of us on the planet. I fear if it gets to main land Europe then i think we will struggle to contain if and there will be many deaths. As for being kept in the dark maybe the government are just trying not cause panic among the public?