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View Full Version : Whatwe are voting for in the referendum

08-Sep-14, 23:42
I have read and reread post here on The Referendum and would like to add my thoughts on the vote. I stress I only speak for myself and post what I want to say and nothing else, so please do not interpret my words as meaning anything else.

Should Scotland be an Independent Country ? Yes or No its that simple.

Are voters voting for The S.N.P. No, its that simple.

Will we be voting for a Government of The Scottish Electorates Choice in 2017 ? Yes, its that simple.

What are Devolved Powers ? Devolved means that any powers that are devolved can be taken away.

My opinion on sharing the pound: If Westminster refuses this option, Scotland can set up its own Central Bank and issue our own currency, yes it will take time and will not happen overnight but it is an option. Even though in my opinion it would be in the best interest of The U.K. and N.Ireland to accept a currency union. Also BETTER TOGETHER said there is nothing to stop us using the pound outside a currency union.

We have former chancellor and prime minister Gordon Brown of The Better Together campaign offering all sorts of further devolved powers trying to regain the Labour Voters that are supporting The Yes side.

Why would Scotland need these grace and favour powers when we here in Scotland are capable of running our own country.

George Osborne is planning another 25 billion of cuts, all parties in Westminster are going to scrap the higher pension tax benefit on pension
contributions after the next General Election.

On membership of The E.U. I would prefer a trade agreement rather than membership of a Federal E.U.

On TRIDENT. Yes it is based in Scotland but who controls it ? Do I think we need it ? No.

I ask your opinion: Can Scotland be a successful Independent Country.

Please note these are my opinions I do not speak for anyone else.