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20-Aug-14, 19:17
Who thought it was a great idea to graffiti our Caithness sign with a big blue spray of YES ? Completely obscuring the sign

20-Aug-14, 19:37
Maybe the same people that set fire to my friends YES sign further down the road! Honestly there really are some idiots around :/

20-Aug-14, 19:57
Drove down to Perth today, all the way down the A9 there are messages promoting the YES campaign painted on rock faces and signs. I only saw one 'NO THANKS' sign and that had a big hole blown through it, obviously with a shotgun! Is this a message or what?

20-Aug-14, 20:14
Definitely a what!

20-Aug-14, 20:21
It must be this side of the road, someone was complaining recently that all the way UP the A9 there were loads of NO signs. Maybe it's your direction of travel lol there's perhaps been some negotiating going on lol

20-Aug-14, 20:48
Who thought it was a great idea to graffiti our Caithness sign with a big blue spray of YES ? Completely obscuring the sign

At least it wasn't Gaelic.

20-Aug-14, 21:06
It must be this side of the road, someone was complaining recently that all the way UP the A9 there were loads of NO signs. Maybe it's your direction of travel lol there's perhaps been some negotiating going on lol funny you should say that as all the YES signs were all on the left on the way down, the NO sign on the right. Will check out the theory on way back tommorrow

21-Aug-14, 05:02
The Yes Campaign are vandalising quite a few lamp posts, road signs, but rights it is illegal what they are doing, they should be fined and told to remove these, Moray Council are clamping down on this, haven't noticed Highland Council doing this, the local Caithness Provost should be held accountable to this, in the Caithness area and be told to get them to removed these signs.

21-Aug-14, 07:46
The signs attached to the lamp posts are legal and part of the campaign. Stickers should not be attached to lamp posts and road signs as they damage them and Highland Council has made sure all referendum agents know and understand this. The blue YES signs and the purple No Thanks signs are legitimate. Hope that clears things up for you a bit

21-Aug-14, 08:55
The large fixed yes signs at the sides of the road are illegal unless they have been through planning of course

21-Aug-14, 10:32
Spoke to Highland Council about this just yesterday and they said that during the period of the referendum the political advertisements for either side - even the big wooden YES signs or the big BT ones have not needed and do not need planning permission. The only issue may be that if the land belongs to the council and is causing problems with visibility on a road or at a junction they may need permission from the Roads Department but there is no planning permission or advertisement consent required.

Hope that puts everyone's minds at rest

21-Aug-14, 10:39
Maybe the same people that set fire to my friends YES sign further down the road! Honestly there really are some idiots around :/

why would a person set fire to a YES sign the graffiti yes on a roadsign?
makes no sense

21-Aug-14, 10:42
It does if your purpose is vandalism rather than campaigning.:D

Still at least they didnt need to pay for planning permission to put up another wooden sign eh?

21-Aug-14, 10:44
I did not realise the rules were relaxed for the referendum, I stand corrected

21-Aug-14, 10:50
Thats ok mi16. A neighbour of mine had been told the same thing and asked me if it were true yesterday so I phoned planning for her. :D Always best to get it from the horses mouth so to speak

21-Aug-14, 10:56
Thats ok mi16. A neighbour of mine had been told the same thing and asked me if it were true yesterday so I phoned planning for her. :D Always best to get it from the horses mouth so to speak

I cannot see why the referendum would require planning rules to be relaxed though.
Surely if it needs planning prior to or after the referendum it should require planning during the referendum.
When does the relaxation of the rules end, sept 19?

21-Aug-14, 13:00
Pretty much yes - there isnt a set deadline althoughthe electoral commission say local councils will have their own guidelines - it appears to be " within a reasonable time".

21-Aug-14, 13:11
I wonder what Is considered a reasonable time for the vandalism to be repaired?

21-Aug-14, 14:12
Well they'll have a job repairing the burnt sign! It probably needs reporting first. I'm sure if you ring the council they will give you an estimated timescale for repair.

21-Aug-14, 14:25
I would doubt that the HRC will repair a privately owned sign

21-Aug-14, 21:25
Sorry I WAS referring to council owned signs. The private owned sign is past repair lol.

21-Aug-14, 21:33
funny you should say that as all the YES signs were all on the left on the way down, the NO sign on the right. Will check out the theory on way back tommorrowwell it seemed in general there are many more YES signs in general than NO signs along the A9. But did not see any NO propaganda graffiti, but plenty of YES painted on rock faces, particularly around Slocht summit.

21-Aug-14, 22:00
There has been independence slogans at Slochd for years I think. Maybe as long as I've been going up and down the road. I asked a pal about it years ago. He laughed and said it was "independence rock" lol. I do think it's been tarted up recently though.

Humerous Vegetable
22-Aug-14, 10:34
There used to be a sign on the railway viaduct in Glen Ogle in the 60s that said English Go Home. My mother, who was English, used to say "I am home".

23-Aug-14, 08:49
Don't think the Yes campaign are doing themselves any favours with this display of wanton vandalism that we will have to pay for in the end.

23-Aug-14, 13:02
Don't think the Yes campaign are doing themselves any favours with this display of wanton vandalism that we will have to pay for in the end.

Most people in the Yes campaign are as disgusted as are most civic minded people. Any form of vandalism is wrong & there can be no excuse for it. In the end we all have to pay for it.

23-Aug-14, 20:07
I for one can't wait until this circus is over. I'm an undecided voter, but I really think the YES campaign is getting out of hand. It would have been better if an independent committee was set up to weigh up the pros and cons of independence that way people like myself may have a better understanding of this childish debate. Instead we have Big Eck who doesn't even know what his plan B is and the Better together campaign who keep asking "What is your plan B?" Roll on September 19th 2014.

25-Aug-14, 18:51
There used to be a sign on the railway viaduct in Glen Ogle in the 60s that said English Go Home. My mother, who was English, used to say "I am home". I apologise to anyone I offended by my post now removed, that this post was in reply to. I knew when posting it that masking a swear word was against the rules, I could not think of another way making the point I was making, I find it hard to believe anyone was or could be offended by it, but if you were please accept my most sincere and humblest apologies, and like most naughty boys having been punished ( by infraction point) I will never ever ever mask a swear word on the org again. Also I must pass on my thanks to niall for removing the post before more orgers were offended. As sexual innuendo is also against the rules I hope niall never reads the cliff Richard thread as this contains more than a full hour of Benny Hill v Dick Emerry........again my most sincerest of apologys