View Full Version : internet crook,s

16-Mar-07, 23:33
just an hour ago recieved an email from paypal telling me that someone had been trying to access my account and that i had to verify my acc by filling in this form. the form asked for me to give my email addy & credit card no , bank acc no, paypal password + pin no for paypal. smelled a rat right off and informed the proper paypal who told me that this was an attempt to get into my account, phissing i think they called it. but anyway all you out there they could easily have got me if i had,nt known that paypal never ask you for these details. there sure are some dirty crafty people out there. so beware
never give out detail,s to anyone.
[disgust] [evil]

17-Mar-07, 00:40
I know to watch out for all that emails..Ive had a few but i know not to even give any details over the net!!!

You have to be warey!

17-Mar-07, 10:49
Had one from the bank of america saying the same thing and asking for my details, do not respond to these.

17-Mar-07, 12:06
If you get anything from Ebay or Paypal asking for Information, go to their website using the Link you normally use, if its not on there, its not from them.
I got loads from the Halifax asking for bank details,
which I thought was strange as I don't even have an account with them?????

17-Mar-07, 12:45
just an hour ago recieved an email from paypal telling me that someone had been trying to access my account and that i had to verify my acc by filling in this form. the form asked for me to give my email addy & credit card no , bank acc no, paypal password + pin no for paypal. smelled a rat right off and informed the proper paypal who told me that this was an attempt to get into my account, phissing i think they called it. but anyway all you out there they could easily have got me if i had,nt known that paypal never ask you for these details. there sure are some dirty crafty people out there. so beware
never give out detail,s to anyone.
[disgust] [evil]

if you recieve an email form paypal or ebay they will always use your name and never ask you to click on a link to amend your details, I get loads of these emails, it just goes to show how many chancers there are out there willing to con anyone

17-Mar-07, 12:54
In past three weeks have had "emails?" from Clydesdae (three of them), two from Bank of Scotland (Halifax), two from HSBC and one from another bank asking for bank information, they had to ensure the correct email adress or check password and account nos.
Surely nobody is gullible enough to fill in these forms without going to their proper bank site and checking things out - surely you know not to believe contact from instituitions (however real looking the headings) but go on line to the web sites you know yourself to be correct, then contact them yourself, not the other way around.

17-Mar-07, 15:37
Ebay asks that you report bogus emails by forwarding them to [email protected]

17-Mar-07, 15:45
In past three weeks have had "emails?" from Clydesdae (three of them), two from Bank of Scotland (Halifax), two from HSBC and one from another bank asking for bank information, they had to ensure the correct email adress or check password and account nos.
Surely nobody is gullible enough to fill in these forms without going to their proper bank site and checking things out - surely you know not to believe contact from instituitions (however real looking the headings) but go on line to the web sites you know yourself to be correct, then contact them yourself, not the other way around.

Unfortunately, there are many people who are gullible enough to do this. Far worse are the ones from Nigeria. They tell you that you have won money, usually hundreds of thousands, but you need to send them a processing fee. This is usually about £750. They also give you a form to fill in asking for all of your details, right down to NI number. Unfortunately, some people are so greedy they fill them in and send them bacl!

17-Mar-07, 15:49
Unfortunately, there are many people who are gullible enough to do this. Far worse are the ones from Nigeria. They tell you that you have won money, usually hundreds of thousands, but you need to send them a processing fee. This is usually about £750. They also give you a form to fill in asking for all of your details, right down to NI number. Unfortunately, some people are so greedy they fill them in and send them bacl!

Those sort of people really make me laugh out of exasperation. Imagine going to a fairground... some guy says "give me £50 and I will give you any prize you wish, but you must close your eyes and count to 100" I bet these same mugs would do it.