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View Full Version : Hottest Day of the Year Today - So Far That Is.

24-Jul-14, 13:31
WHEW!.....It is HOT Today. Our Outside Thermometer, the one in the shade that is, is registering 30C :eek:. The one in the sun is Registering 39C, :eek:.

Too hot for me so I will be staying indoors with a cooling fan at my feet, AHHHH! Lovely. :Razz. Even though it is 24C in the Living Room but this seems cool to being outside.

Big Gaz
24-Jul-14, 14:21
You should shave off all your fur, you might find it cooler then....[lol]

24-Jul-14, 15:07
Time you got a new thermometer.....

24-Jul-14, 15:33
Mrs Kodiak was going to sit on the front doorstep to get a Tan. After about 5 minutes she came back in saying it was far too hot to sit there. She also said she had put our Remote Thermometer from our Weather Station on the doorstep to see just how hot it was.

Here is a Pic of the result after 5 minutes, it shows the time of 15.12hrs. Indoor temp of 25.6C and Humidity of 59%, on the Doorstep, (which is a sun trap), 47.5C and Humidity of 37%. Since taking this pic it has gone even higher and is as I type this 50.8C and 20% Humidity. :eek:


I now have 2 Fans going Full Blast in the Living Room as the Temp is now 26C and I am HOT!

24-Jul-14, 23:56
Got to 30C in our south facing back garden today, was only 2.5 C less along the road on the windy ha of Dounreay !

25-Jul-14, 01:09
Be thankful it is a dry heat!
Humidity makes the heat unbearable ..no air to breathe ...get out the shower and dry yourself then think about throwing yourself back in the shower to get rid of the sticky feeling already building ..urggh ..not nice!
Remember to rehydrate ie drink lots of water and sunscreen by the bucketload!
If in muggy heat try cooling pulsepoints at night so you can sleep...if needed (3am ) cover yourself (legs only works for me) with a cool wet towel to dissipate the heat so you can sleep...or go with a room fan etc...

25-Jul-14, 15:07
Another Hot day in Thurso, all I can say is thank goodness for Electric Fans.


25-Jul-14, 16:59
Never heard of temperatures like that in the UK never mind Caithness. Pretty cool on the Wick side...

02-Aug-14, 22:41
Feels much more normal now. Bloomin freezing a blowin a hooley!

03-Aug-14, 09:27
We had to light the fire last night :(. Parents are staying with us and they live in France. My poor old mum was FREEZING.