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View Full Version : Spam txt msgs on mobile

13-Apr-05, 23:58
Just received an 82227 msg on mob but not cannot delete without first opening it. don't want to open it as I am afraid it will be expensive!!! Can anyone advise me what to do??

The Angel Of Death
14-Apr-05, 09:03
Chances are if you got it you have already paid for it just text "stop" back to it this should stop them

14-Apr-05, 10:24
I get stuff like that sent to smee mobile too but I just delete it and it seems to stop. If you reply STOP to them you usually get another company giving you hassel and it ain't worth it.

George Brims
14-Apr-05, 19:35
Here's an important rule for any kind of spam - NEVER EVER reply to it. Now with the text message spam they must already know your mobile exists (or maybe they're just trying al possible numbers?), but replying to email spam simply confirms to the spammer that the email address is active and being read. Once you reply they sell your address on to another spammer, and the spam multiplies. US law now requires companies stop sending you spam if you reply to the link they're obliged to put at the bottom of the message, but all they do is move you along to one of their sister companies and the junk keeps coming. The best thing is to ignore them, and give them no hint you exist!

Also when signing up for any mailing list, book club, online service, be sure to read the privacy policy before you submit your information. Make sure they guarantee only to use your address themselves and not to pass it on to other companies. Very often there are checklists of such things and they're checked by default to send you the stuff.

16-Apr-05, 19:39
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions re my "spam" txt. Turned out to be a msg from friend with photo for me to view on vodaphone site!! :roll: Thanks again anyway :lol: