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13-Apr-05, 19:01
So who are people going to vote for? Maybe I should have created a poll.

As it's an election for the UK government, is there any worth in voting for the Scottish parties, ie SNP?

13-Apr-05, 21:36
No idea, I hate all the parties! But I will still vote, you have not right to moan about the governemnt if you didn't vote.

13-Apr-05, 22:19
does it really matter who gets in politician will say one thing and do another and they never give straight anwsers

13-Apr-05, 23:26
I think we should all vote for Gordon Campbell he can't be any worse than the others :eek:

13-Apr-05, 23:32
You took the words oot o ma mooth whirewater :lol: Im like most people I know and dont feel as if the way politics really are will be beneficial to my health.
It doesnt really matter who I vote for, what I am really voting for is more of the same but with the gap between rich and poor getting bigger.
Im fed up with politics and for that reason I am voting for Gordon Campbell too, the Caithness Capercaille as he calls himself, for perserverance if nothing else. Unless one of the other candidates is reading this and is prepared to answer a few questions online. Otherwise I doubt very much if my one vote will cause them any real concern.

14-Apr-05, 00:54
what does Gordon Campbell stand for?

From what i've picked up from others the man is a joke but i don't know enough about him to comment myself so can someone fill me in?

14-Apr-05, 09:21
Yup, he's a joke alright, he should have been a stand-up.

Me, I'll be voting SNP for as long as it takes and when we are independent I'll be voting for an independent, I hate party politics.

The Pepsi Challenge
14-Apr-05, 15:30
You don't need to stand atop Calton Hill to see how wide the gap between pride and poverty is in Edinburgh. Ten years from now Auld Reekie will be known as the "Sau Paulo of the North." See if it ain't.

And I'll be voting for an Independent candidate. Or Green.

14-Apr-05, 20:27
Reghead, get out here and create a poll, you can do a John Snow.

15-Apr-05, 10:47
I posted this yesterday but I think it got 'purged' with the Smees… I think that Andrew's post (quoted) got purged too.

I don't know if it all makes sense anymore (quite a few posts got deleted) – but I had a technical glitch with Mozilla this morning that meant I was seeing the board as of 9pm yesterday so I was able to get the post back…


Okay, I don't live in Caithness at the moment so I know it's none of my business…

…but there's a bit of a Gordon Campbell fest going on here so I thought I might inject a little balance…

In a statement (http://www.caithness.org/election/gordoncampbell/index.htm) published on this site in 2001 he says that he stands for 'freedom of the right to worship'. He believes in it (rightly IMO) so strongly that he felt it worthy of mention in his <400 word statement.

But in 1999, when he was standing for the Scottish Parliament, he specifically campaigned (http://gdl.cdlr.strath.ac.uk/aspect/ind/indintcai1a.html) on 'our Christian values'.

No complaints at all about him standing up for his Christian values (:roll:). But I'm not sure I've ever seen anybody pull-off promoting their own religion whilst remaining entirely impartial towards anybody who doesn't share it.

What have John "Lord" (Lord knows what he's doing for us"!) Thurso and Jamie (I only speak to locals when I want something) Stone done for us since they were last elected.
John Thurso (http://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/john_thurso/caithness,_sutherland_and_easter_ross#votingrecord ):

A quick glance shows that he voted (amongst other things) against the war in Iraq, the Prevention of Terrorism Bill, Foundation Hospitals, identity cards and the introduction of a Supreme Court. He has criticised the Government's handling of agriculture and their policies on GPs (Gordon Campell's top-two issues).

Also, I've heard/seen him take part in radio/televised debates several times and he always seems to mention the issues facing people in Caithness whilst raising the profile of the county.

I'm slightly biased (in that I agree with most of his policies), but he seems to have done quite a bit for you.

Jamie Stone (http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/msp/membersPages/jamie_stone/):

He seems to be very active in several locally important cross-party groups (such as one on the Civil Nuclear Industry and another on the Scottish Economy), but the benefit of these might well be negated by his membership of the cross-party group on Tartan Day (Tartan has a day? :eek:)

I can’t say I've ever heard him interviewed and I can't find a record of his attendance in Parliament or how he has voted so I'm none the wiser there.

However… I think perhaps he should have returned the gift book and smoked salmon he received from Mohammed Al Fayed.

And he's a General Commissioner of the Inland Revenue – and that can't be a good thing ;)