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Kevin Milkins
01-Jul-14, 10:00
I know we all get unsolicited emails from time to time, but this one from Mr Leonard Potter made me chuckle, what a chancer.


I really hope you get this fast. I could not inform everyone about my trip to kiev, UKRAINE for a short vacation unfortunately we were mugged at the park of the hotel we stayed I was mugged at gun point and all my valuables were stolen (cash, credit cards and phone, where I went for sightseeing before leaving to the airport since my return flight is in few hours. Luckily I had my passport in my hotel room to get me home.

Its was a terrible experience. all i need more is $2,850 USD to settle some outstanding hotel bills and also take a cab to the airport. I have contacted my bank, but the best they can do is to mail a new card which will take 2 to 3 days to get here.

Western Union Transfer is the fastest option to wire the funds to me. Please let me know if you can help me out? I promise to make the immediate refund when i get home.

Best Regards,


02-Jul-14, 13:08
I have received this exact email.

It's absurd.

I was walking along the street in Edinburgh yesterday and a woman stopped me,

Woman: Excuse me I really hate to bother you
Me: No problem what's up?
Woman: You wouldn't be able to help me out with a train fare? I need to get home to see my daughter and I missed the last train home and I rarely get to see her
Me: I'm sorry...
Woman: *Interrupts* *TUT* Fine then

She then walked off.

For all she knew I was going to say "I'm sorry to hear that"


02-Jul-14, 22:11
$2,850 for 'some outstanding hotel bills'. That must be some minibar in the room.
Fortunately he still had his passport and access to your particular email address to see him through! (as he could not inform everyone)

02-Jul-14, 22:14
It's called "Spam"..... don't even waste time reading it.

02-Jul-14, 22:53
Have you not heard of spam filters in Wick? Or are they as elusive as Google?