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View Full Version : can anyone help me with a problem my friend has with her cat

12-Jun-14, 10:51
Hi my friends cat keep scratching her wooden doors is there anything she could use or buy to help stop the cat from scratching as its ruining her doors....???

she has tried sprays, orange peel, scrathing posts over the doors but no luck ...

12-Jun-14, 11:24
Have you tried using cayenne pepper. It certainly works on carpets.

12-Jun-14, 12:04
spray some catnip onto the scratching posts

12-Jun-14, 12:53
Double sided tape as a deterrent over the areas the cat is using on the doors.
Should quickly stop him scratching and could be removed after the cat learns not to scratch them.

12-Jun-14, 14:20
get a water gun lol when he doing it give him a squirt, he will soon stop it and its completely harmless

12-Jun-14, 21:38
The water pistol didn't work on my cat.
He loves water and will quite often take a dip in the bath...plays with water running from the tap...thinks a squirt from a water pistol is a game!
Odd cat :)

24-Jun-14, 21:02
You could try taping a sheet of tin foil across the places it's scratching.

30-Jun-14, 21:26
Has she tried Feliway spray or plug in diffusers?