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07-Mar-07, 10:13
Has anyone else's dog had this tummy bug that's going around? All five of my dogs had it last week, they're all fine now and wern't too bad with it, just the runs and two of them were sick and 4 of them off their food. A friend of mine's dog ended up on a drip in the vets with it as it was pooing blood, poor thing.

Don't know where mine picked it up as I don't walk them where any other dogs go, I was on the beach at JOG with 2 of them 4 days before the first one was ill so maybe that was where they picked it up.

According to the vet loads of dogs have had it, some worse than others.

At least mine are all fine now.

07-Mar-07, 14:12
Thanks for the warning and glad your dogs are okay now. Is your friend's dog okay now?

I hope Benjy doesn't get it as he has quite a delicate tum anyway.:( Doesn't help that he's a scrounger!!!!

I always have some Canikur in just in case and a really good homeopathic remedy.

07-Mar-07, 15:24
I'm glad I saw your message, my dog was poorly last week but is fine now. I wondered if there was something going around. It lasted about four days and she always pooed in the night - which was not like her at all so I knew it must have been a tummy upset of some kind. I never took her to the vets but just gave her dry food and lots of water, and she was fine. If it had continued I would have taken her though, and I hope your friends dog is ok now. I don't know where my dog picked it up from, but glad its passed! Lou

07-Mar-07, 19:46
My friends dog is ok now thanks. Canacur seemed to help bought from the vets and then they were all on chicken and white fish and rice for a few days.

07-Mar-07, 20:18
my dogs nose was dripping, and spewed twice as i thought he picked up the kids cold lmao, he is fine now

08-Mar-07, 14:00
Ours had the bug for 5 days.Was a bit worried about her being dehydrated but Ok now.

08-Mar-07, 15:00
My friends dog is ok now thanks. Canacur seemed to help bought from the vets and then they were all on chicken and white fish and rice for a few days.

Glad they are all okay.
I get my Canikur online as it is much cheaper. Especially if you buy in bulk.:D

08-Mar-07, 15:40
Glad they are all okay.
I get my Canikur online as it is much cheaper. Especially if you buy in bulk.:D
Excuse my ignorance but whats Canikur?.Anytime my dogs been ill in the past she's been given a charcoal base tablet.

08-Mar-07, 16:04
Excuse my ignorance but whats Canikur?.Anytime my dogs been ill in the past she's been given a charcoal base tablet.

Canikur is a liver flavoured tablet (big!) which contains electrolytes and kaolin and is used by Vets to treat diarrohea in dogs although I find it handy for bottom burps as well!
Benjy thinks it is a treat!

It is really good and only usually needs a couple of days treatment. Best given with a bland diet of chicken, or white fish, and rice as neepnipper said.

08-Mar-07, 16:37
Thank you.
Connie(our dog)doesn't tend to have the runs now but when she was younger it was terrible.Now that she's an elderly dog,I guess her system has got use to pretty much everything:lol:

23-Jul-07, 15:11
Just wanted to bring this back to the top. Seems this bug may be doing its rounds again.
Dont know what causes it but its really getting my goat all the dog poo on the pavements just now, it must be a breeding ground for all these bugs. I have never caught anyone in the act but I will have no hesitation in reporting them. Ok rant over :mad: But I have been up since 2.30 am nursing my poor dog who was spewing and then started passing blood out her rear. At 4am we took her to the vets because we were so worried as even water wouldn't stay down. She got an injection and canikur tablets to take. So far today she has eaten a little chicken and paws crossed its stayed down, but she is so not herself. Did manage a token bark at the postie though so thats always a good sign :)

23-Jul-07, 15:19
So sorry that Cara is not well and really hope she makes a quick recovery.

It is awful when they are ill!:(

Probiotics are really good to give after a tummy upset , and indeed to prevent them.
A good one is Probiozyme which you can get from Higher Nature.
They also have a really good vitamin supplement which boosts the immune system.
Benjy eats them like sweeties!:lol:

Get Well Cara!!!!

Mother Bear
23-Jul-07, 23:02
Speedy recovery Cara!

23-Jul-07, 23:55
One of my three dogs was ill last week, she was sick everywhere but she alright now and the other two were fine(fingers crossed) !

24-Jul-07, 12:47
Thanks Liz and Motherbear for your good wishes. Cara is much better today, the poor postie got his usual "welcome" and her eyes are bright and her tail is wagging again :cool: She's keeping her food down and taking her tablets no problem too.
She's such a wee star and I dont know what I'd do without her. I was so scared on Sunday night and everything seems so much worse in the middle of the night compared to through the day.
Now any carpet cleaning tips ......??;)

24-Jul-07, 12:51
So glad that Cara is much better today and barking at the Postie!:lol:

It is awful when they are ill and, as you said, seems even worse during the night for some reason.

Good luck with cleaning the carpet!!!:lol:

24-Jul-07, 18:21
Hey there

been busy packing, so havent been on here, sorry to hear about all the doggies being poorly, i have meant to say before on here, that our late doggie, we were very strict with in the food department but he was a quick as anything to eat what ever he got his paws on, we knew that grapes and chocolate were particularly bad for dogs, but something that we only discovered recently was...that raisans are very toxic for dogs, we gave our toddler raisans daily not knowing Jake was snaffling half of them, which resulted in him being quite poorly for a while (throwing up all the time) i know this is nothing to do with the tummy bug, just thought id mention it.

24-Jul-07, 21:14
Probiotics are really good to give after a tummy upset , and indeed to prevent them.
A good one is Probiozyme which you can get from Higher Nature.
They also have a really good vitamin supplement which boosts the immune system.
Funny you mentioned probiotics Liz,our new addition just loves liking the tops off the strawberry probiotic youghurts.Wont touch the other ones so one day out of idel couriosity I put a whole one down to her and she finished it.

Her tummy's (tummy@s) fine,must be all this youghurt she likes.:eek:

25-Jul-07, 14:13
Sebs has been off his food (he usually inhales it rather than chewing) and has poo'd a couple of times in the house, (totally unlike him) we just thought it was cos he was such an old man, but think we will try him on rice and chicken for a few days see if it clears up.